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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Hell of a finish going on at the Masters Edit: Going to playoff
  2. At least the Sabres I know and can predict so well remain. That's comforting in its own weird way even if it means saying sayonara to a 2013-14 season draft day difference maker.
  3. I canceled my CI after the 6-1 loss to Montreal in early February. I won't be renewing if they make it, and I'm not sure what I can take credit/blame for.
  4. I'd bring him back if there is a chance that he makes this team remotely watchable during the rebuild. edit: and if bringing him back in no way hampers our ability to rebuild as quickly as possible.
  5. Yes. I'm a big fan of the Victory or buscuit malt as opposed to the high lovibond crystal malts for pale ale's and ipa's
  6. True! But WR was a big need for them that year since they picked Chris Burkett in the 2nd round. Damn, woulda, coulda....
  7. That's it. I made a hop spider. edit: The hop spider in action. This is on my dodgy 5 gallon brew set up, I haven't tried the spider yet on my converted keg boil kettle for 10 gallon batches
  8. I still have about a half a keg of this IPA left, and I have to say it's one of my favorites that I've ever brewed. The hop aroma and flavor is just fantastic, I'm a big fan of the Citra/Chinook combo. I'd like to attribute the greatness of this beer to the new hop bag gadget that I built for brewing this batch, but I probably just got lucky.
  9. Whenever I see the name Derrick Burroughs I think of how the Bills picked him at 14 in round 1, two spots ahead of Jerry Rice. The Bills then picked Andre Reed in the 4th round. Of course they also picked Bruce #1 overall that year too. Can you imagine what might have been getting Smith, Rice and Reed in the same draft?
  10. No laughing matter. Breaking my leg was the most painful experience of my life, by far.
  11. don't quit on the quitters! I still believe.
  12. Because of our average goaltender
  13. I am with you on this. I too have gay friends and family members, and I fully support them and have no major issues with who they are. Except one, and I've had discussions with many of them about this. You don't hear this as much as you used to but a rallying cry around the gay community was/is "don't define me by my sexuality". I heard my gay friends and family say this a lot, while at the same time being involved in organizations that did exactly that, define them by their sexuality. The gay men's hockey team video above was a great satire piece, but I've known my gay friends to belong to gay organizations or clubs, organizations that overtly define themselves by the sexual orientation of their membership. You can't have it both ways. Oh, and I've never found another man to be attractive. I think that we are all disgusting. Frankly, I consider it a miracle that women can be attracted to us even a little bit. :nana:
  14. Yes, and they've probably quit too late to get in on one of the big three.
  15. I'm not so sure, as LTS was saying this seems like a cheap marketing stunt given that it's now "safer" for the NHL to come out and support an initiative like this. The heavy lifting has already largely been done on this issue of the past 15-20 years. I'm talking about true bigotry, not people that really don't care one way or the other.
  16. So I received this Bluray disc for Christmas and just got a chance to sit down in my man cave and view it in all it's glory. Led Zeppelin in full DTS-HD 5.1 surround from their 2007 one time reunion concert. I was blown away, simply an amazing show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa0gfrmLPHM
  17. Agreed. Bigots aren't going to cease being bigots because Sidney Crosby tells them not to be.
  18. :lol: I think the NHL needs to hire Dan Woog, Gay Sports Expert.
  19. This. Back in the aud, not only could fans shoot hilarious zingers down from the oranges, they also usually had an impeccable sense of timing to throw it out when it could be heard by everyone in the place. Those times do not exist anymore in modern NHL barns other than just before the anthems, and if you do it then you're just being a tool.
  20. Everyone below us except the Avs, have a game in hand on us, If all are able to pick up 2 pts with the game in hand that would drop us to to 26th and only 2 pts back of the Canes and 4 back on the Flames. The math still says it's possible but I don't think we can catch the Avs.
  21. This is a tiebreaker for draft order as well I assume? If so, it will help in our pursuit of teams below us.
  22. Here is a guy who consulted a sports psychologist before his day on the big stage, and it didn't turn out so well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfLIyT8HExY
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