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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Now that we are rebuilding I can get on board with that, I just don't think getting another Ryan Miller right away is as easy as some do. Why dont you help a fellow fan out? I haven't had my coffee yet.
  2. So no one wants to answer the question as to what happens when it comes time to pay this easy to find replacement?
  3. 1. Jettison Miller 2. Find any goalie who is cheaper and produces Miller like (maybe) or better (highly unlikely) stats. 3. The Sabres strike gold and said goalie produces like Miller for a season or two 4. Goalie then justifiably demands a Ryan Miller like contract. 5. Then what?
  4. Phil Myre And Google confirms it, but honest to goodness Myre was my first guess. Probably because he was so irreplaceable. :P
  5. Don't buy this at all. Anyone claiming to know what the dynamic is inside the locker room is simply making ###### up to support their argument. If not, please provide links to quotes from current or former Sabres who said that Miller's attitude is/was a problem.
  6. Another question for the hard line anti Miller crowd. With Miller still on the roster, where do you prioritize replacing Miller as part of the rebuild? Of all the gaping holes on this team do you honestly believe goalie is even close to the top 3 problems with the roster?
  7. I have watched other games a lot in the past, but never near the amount for any one team as I do Sabres games. I suspect that is the case for almost everyone here, including you. The grass is always greener my friend... Either way it looks like there's a good chance we will all soon find out just how easy or hard it will be to replace Miller.
  8. With the rebuild about to begin in full this off season I don't care if Miller stays or goes. If he does go, there are a lot of fans who will soon find out that goalies as good as or better than Ryan Miller don't simply grow on trees.
  9. Interesting numbers and discussion. My theory for his worse than putrid play is that he wants out just as much as most here want him gone. I'm sure Drew is a good guy off the ice, but I despise him as a member of my favorite hockey team. I want him gone and once he is I wouldn't be sad to see SDS hand out two week bans for even mentioning his name here.
  10. You're right. 2.3 miles. Someone with a good set of calves could hoof it in 30 minutes. http://goo.gl/maps/EJGfc
  11. You're on the right continent with Bo Mikael. Very short Sabres career, less than 1/2 a season I'd guess. Not Puppa or Varada. Hannu Virta is a fellow compatriot...
  12. Always be prepared. Have the baby wipes and astroglide on hand just in case
  13. haha! That one I missed. I must have been busy raping and/or consuming infant flesh at the time.
  14. If you find yourself in Raleigh for any event, I can take you on a tour of the RBC/PNC battlefied of 2006. I can show you the spot where at least five (or was it five hundred?) commemorative pint glasses were smashed in a gross display of Sabre fan thuggery. I can take you beyond the copse of trees east of Carter Finley Stadium, where the great horde of Sabres fans amassed armed with let's go Buffalo chants and the unmitigated gall to support their favorite team in enemy territory. I can take you inside the arena and show you the wide swaths of seats that sat empty earlier that same spring, only to eventually be filled by the unruly hordes when the day of battle finally arrived. History was made here in 2006, and I can show it to you.
  15. I'll bet you Drane will know who it is, he seemed to have a knack if memory serves.
  16. Last night Foo Fighters honored their heroes by playing 2112 Overture in vintage 1976 kimonos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-xEr489gHY
  17. Sometimes I get messages on my fax machine and wonder, did little demons get inside and type it? I don't know. My primitive mind can't grasp these concepts... Unfrozen caveman lawyer is my all time favorite Hartman SNL character.
  18. Absolutely. It's Hecht's turn to play the hero in the gripping drive for 9th.
  19. The beauty of modern technology, hiding the porn is only a mouse click or two away. But back in my day...
  20. This thread reminded me of the name that former sabre thread we had going a few years ago, where we would post a present day picture of a former Sabre and try to guess his identity. I searched for the thread but couldn't find it, so......
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