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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Thanks for the suggestions. Yesterday I only went to McGillins, had their 1860 IPA that was nice and I don't remember the bar where I had Flower Power as I was pretty far gone after the BNA8 party. I'm sure that I'll end up hitting some of the places on your list before Saturday. Will report back.
  2. Ithaca Flower Power IPA at some bar in Philly. It's very good, not great.
  3. The full list of breweries participating in the National Homebrewers Conference this week in Philadelphia. Of course in addition to all these fantastic craft beers there is also the wide variety of incredible homebrews that are constantly available all four days of the conference. All the fun begins tomorrow. http://www.ahaconference.org/events/pro-brewers-night/participating-breweries/
  4. Hell Or Richmond The Killer Angels was discussed previously, if you enjoyed that book then you absolutely need to read the works of Ralph Peters. Cain at Gettysburg and Hell or Richmond are both instant classics.
  5. I watched that game with my future brother in law (huge Sens fan and now PGA golfer with a Sens sponsorship). I didn't know him well enough at the time to really go overboard with the celebration.... but I would now!
  6. Not sure why people get bent out of shape about this Kane stuff. IIRC the thread started a few weeks ago (that got locked) about acquiring him was titled something like "indulge my fantasy for a moment". I don't recall anyone ever suggesting a trade for Kane now is even remotely within the realm of possibility. In two years if he hits UFA, well you never know....... a lot can change in two years.
  7. Boston losing the Cup in a way that puts the Sabres to shame is so sweet...
  8. There has been a diner in that building for years, correct? I lived right around the corner from there when I was at UB.
  9. I'm watching too. That was the team and that was the year...
  10. I hated the Bruins when they sucked and will continue to hate them when they suck again.
  11. The passions fueled by decades old sports rivalries aren't true feelings of disdain, they're jealousy. Got it. <_<
  12. Yes. There are way too many other superior choices.
  13. A couple beer can chickens on the new Weber performer grill that I treated myself to for fathers day. Some ranger IPA in my glass while listening to some Cross Canadian Ragweed on the man cave outdoor speakers. Life is good.
  14. The team approach to decision making. To me there are two extremes as to what that could mean in reality: 1.) Terry Pegula is a meddling owner who only keeps DR employed as a puppet GM so that he can glorify his own ego by playing fantasy hockey with a real NHL team. 2.) Terry Pegula is involved in decision making by sitting in on meetings, mainly listening, never making any declarative statements and when he does speak, ends each statement with "but as always the decision is solely yours Darcy." Some here have chosen to view all information to fit scenario number one. Scenario two is equally ridiculous. As with most things reality likely falls somewhere in the middle, but none of us really know.......
  15. Superstreets. One of the prices to be paid for living in a high growth area I suppose.
  16. You're right, it's not. So then why would you expect the guy at the very top to be uninvolved?
  17. I wouldn't either and I can see the potential upside of having him back for a year or two of the rebuild. But I can't come up with a reason why Briere would want to come back here under the current circumstances, unless it's for a silly contract.
  18. This is basically why you can't get Pliny outside of a few states on the West Coast. Have you ever had any of the brettanomyces beers from Russian River like Supplication or Consecration? At the NHC a few years ago Vinny Cilurzo gave a talk on brett and barrel aged beers and during the talk they were passing out samples. I was hammered by the end, but those are some fantastic beers too.
  19. That's one worthy of the list for sure. If you notice the list is dominated by midwest and west coast beers. I think this is largely a function of where most of the AHA members come from. Also, as a general rule west coast homebrewers are more active and involved in the hobby and the AHA in general.
  20. It seems like a lot of folks don't or haven't worked in an interdisciplinary work environment and/or haven't been married for a long time. Most weeks I talk to my boss or colleagues twice as much as I do with my wife.
  21. I dislike every other team in the league, just to varying degrees. When someone says that they have a 2nd favorite team I can't understand that. I really, really hate Boston, so Go Hawks it is.
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