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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I was out in Colorado a few weeks ago and went on the New Belgium Tour. Their ALS beer was a saison, it was pretty damn good. My favorite on that tour was from the Lips of Faith series, a sour brown ale. It was awesome. it's pretty high on ratebeer.com http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/new-belgium-la-folie/10513/
  2. I had a Shiner Bock a few weeks ago at The Full Throttle Saloon with Fajita Mike.
  3. Awesome. Just don't ruin it by only serving ###### beer. edit: Seriously, hopefully TPegs is on board with the concept of supporting your local brewery. It would be nice to see taps from Flying Bison, Pearl Street, Community Beer Works, that new brewery in Hamburg etc..
  4. :lol: Bruce lived not too far from me in Hamburg so I'd see him around town a lot. One time I saw him in the Tops on McKinley and Southwestern carrying out nothing but three cases of Genny. Didn't he fall asleep at the corner of McKinley and Bayview Rd?
  5. I think it's more this than anything else. Also the point many try to make regarding Enroth and what could happen as he gets more regular duty.
  6. Not sure how I overlooked this one. Awesome.
  7. Just grilled some chiavetta's chicken over apple wood while drinking a New Belgium Rampant imperial IPA.
  8. It's quite a surreal experience when it happens. Leaves you doubting a lot of things in life.
  9. Apparently I'm going to the BNL concert in Raleigh tomorrow night. My wife claims that she told me weeks ago, but I don't remember and frankly I'm not all that enthused about it. I loved the Ladies in the early Gordon / Maybe You Should Drive days, but they jumped the shark with the commercial success of the Stunt album IMO and it's been downhill from there. Oh well our first date was a BNL concert at Shea's...so as they say happy wife, happy life... This little stretch is going to be like my concert going days of my 20's. SCOTS, BNL, Ben Folds, The Hip, The Low and Flogging Molly within 8 days.
  10. The no wipe is not accurate either, at least with me. The wiping occurs, there is just no evidence that it was necessary.
  11. Doing some YouTubing and found this. Lowest of The Low doing the HNIC intro for a Sabres/Leafs game a few years ago. Good stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRAsDjQBAZ8
  12. That happened to me a few weeks ago. I've heard it called the ghost ######. Appropriate because it actually is kind of spooky.
  13. Me too. I threw it out there just in case. :thumbsup:
  14. You really only need to familiarize yourself with Shakespeare My Butt as 90% of the songs they play will likely be from that incredible and nearly perfect album. They are only widely known from Toronto to Buffalo, and you couldn't find a WNY bar in the mid to late 90's that didn't have this CD in their jukebox. an added bonus is that women in general absolutely LOVE this band. I personally benefited from this fact a few times back in the day.
  15. They closed the show with this one tonight. I've probably seen these guys in concert 25-30 times, but it's been probably five years since I saw them last. A better live straight rock band you will not find. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAm0YQMEcEs
  16. Don't forget The Lowest Of The Low. I was coming to town to see the Low, now I get to see the Hip as well. Should be awesome.
  17. I remember the Fixx played at UB springfest circa the early 90's when I was there. They put on a good show.
  18. Tonight it's Southern Culture On The Skids in downtown Raleigh. They are sure to play at least some of the following 'hits'.... so how could it be anything but a big party? Put Your Teeth Up On The Windowsill My House Has Wheels Liquored Up and Lacquered Down Cheap Motels Chicken ###### Farmer Dirt Track Date and my personal favorite... The Fly That Rode From Buffalo
  19. Today I'm sitting at my desk at work. Last week I was here. That's my complaint.
  20. I was in high school in the late 80's and I knew more than a few people who were taking steroids back then, I even had a few friends try to talk me into taking them.
  21. A pint of Firestone Walker Wookey Jack in Estes Park, CO. It's a black/rye IPA. Easily a new entry into my top five favorite beers.
  22. You are correct superdave. 100% correct.
  23. In Denver. I walk into Great Divide tap room only to hear them announce special "power hour" of $1 Yeti imperial stout on cask. Great stuff.
  24. Durham Bulls game tonight with son and Y Guides tribe. We're supposed to camp overnight in the outfield...we'll see if the rain holds off. Tomorrow the family flies out to Denver for a week in the Rocky Mountains and South Dakota.
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