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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Great advice. My friend back in Buffalo lost his wife a few weeks ago, 45 years old and a mother of three. She went to bed and never woke up. Unimaginable.
  2. I hear you brother. I just turned 42 earlier this month and I'm definitely feeling the effects. This weekend I'm doing a climb at the Wells Fargo Center in Raleigh for Cystic Fibrosis and I know that I'm going to be hurting badly afterwards.
  3. Being the proud owner of a brand new Big Green Egg is awesome, but when said BGE is given to you by your brother in law as a surprise, well that's even more awesome still. My backyard / man cave is going to be a fargin smokehouse this fall.
  4. I'm surprised that the IPA rated so high. I've only had it a couple of times, both from a bottle, and I thought it suffered from some hop astringency. Maybe I'll try seek it out on draft sometime. I was able to find some Three Floyds beer down in Wrigleyville last weekend. The bar was packed and loud so I wasn't able to get the name from the bartender, but it tasted like a pils. Good stuff.
  5. One of my favorite Wilco tunes.. Come on, children You're acting like children Every generation thinks It's the end of the world : All you fat followers Get fit fast Every generation thinks it's the last Thinks it's the end of the world Yes, dream down a well There's a lone heavy hell I don't care anymore I don't care anymore It's a feeling we transcend That we're here at the end I don't care anymore I don't care anymore You never know
  6. Actually 420 is their APA, and the best beer in their lineup by far in my opinion. I forget what their IPA is called, but it's not one of my favorites.
  7. Thanks for reminding me. I've heard great things about Three Floyd's over the years. Heading to Wrigley today, I'll seek some out.
  8. I'm in Chicago for a wedding, tried some Daisy Cutter APA from Half Acre Brewing. Pretty good beer, a little unbalanced towards the hops but that's how I like it.
  9. My wife hasn't watched any BB.. Until the other night. I had her watch the pilot on Netflix and now she's hooked. I hope that she doesn't put me on lockdown from the final episodes until she catches up.
  10. That last scene is a microcosm of the whole series. Walt gets out of his car as the jovial Mr. White we knew in season one as he jokes around with the DEA guys as they are leaving, and by the end of the scene he is full blown Heisenberg. Great stuff.
  11. The owner of The Bruery gave a seminar at NHC in San Diego a few years back. I really enjoyed those beers.
  12. Nice. Somewhere in my parents attic I probably still have an old Bills hat signed by Byron Franklin and Booker Moore when they came to my elementary school.
  13. I don't remember anyone here diminishing the Canes talent or disrespecting what they accomplished. Pointing out a historic and unprecedented rash of injuries and how it might have had an impact isn't crying about injuries. But again, I have no doubt if the situation were reversed you'd be among the first here to point out the asterisk next to the Sabres accomplishment.
  14. The extra ice time isn't only about fatigue, it's also about being forced to play guys in situations where they normally wouldn't play. In Campbell's case this means he had to play against other teams top lines, which in 2006 or now he isn't ideally suited for. But of course you already knew this. Again, Campbell was forced into situations that he normally would not have been playing. Fitzpatrick also wouldn't have been on the ice on the top penalty kill line in game 7 with a healthy roster, or even half of a healthy one. Still, my point wasn't to call out specific situations and how they could have played out differently. A healthy Sabres blueline changes the dynamic of each and every shift, period, game and ultimately the series. The four lost d-men, you know the ones who had a combined +24 in the Philly and Ottawa series, the ones who had just contributed to the ousting of the regular seasons best team in five games, just MIGHT have made a difference over the four replacements who were a combined -6 in the ECF.
  15. Yeah we didn't go that far. I knew better than to include any of the extracts in our contest. It had to be an actual sauce, and the Ghost Pepper one was the hottest. There were only three of us left standing by the time we reached that level. The contest was done very scientifically, I borrowed a micropipette and disposable tips from work. 250 microliters of each sauce was dispensed onto a wheat thin cracker and everyone ate them simultaneously. We started with Franks and went progressively hotter by scoville units. If you drank any liquid or tapped out you were out of the contest. We had to go three rounds with the Ghost Pepper sauce before we had a "winner". I tapped out after one round of ghost pepper sauce. I can definitely see how people can die or be hospitalized from going overboard with these sauces or extracts, besides the painful heat, my vision was blurry, my heart rate was up, I was sweating profusely and I was just generally woozy. So letting a 10 year old have some when he clearly doesn't know what he's getting into is just crazy.
  16. You're not kidding shrader about the potential for those sauces to put a damper on future plans. The morning after that hot sauce challenge I was talking about my friends and I had scheduled a golf outing. Everyone got to the course in apparent fine shape, then one by one guys started leaving the practice range for clubhouse crapper. Luckily we were able to move our tee times back a bit, but everyone had some GI issues that day.
  17. Absolutely, there is no need for that. Ghost peppers and/or sauces are not to be taken lightly. I have a Dave's Insanity Ghost pepper sauce at home. I tried it once when I was conducting a hot sauce challenge contest. I will never consume it again in any form, but I keep it around just in case someone is stupid enough to ask for some.
  18. That's especially hilarious when you consider that if they had a healthy blueline, Soupy would have been seated squarely on the bench for most of the 3rd period with the Sabres protecting a one goal lead in game 7 on the road.
  19. With the Bills, I wouldn't put much stock into what happens in the first 5-6 weeks of the regular season either.
  20. They showed him taking his chemo in the one scene. Plus if you watched Talking Bad last night they had Vince Gilligan on and he talked about Walt's cancer returning.
  21. So the fact that Campbell took two penalties in game 7, especially the crucial one that led to the game winning goal in the the third, could in no way be related to the fact that he was forced to play 26+ minutes in games 5-7 when he normally was logging around 17? If the Sabres won a playoff series with the other team suffering a decimated blueline, you'd be the first one on here telling everyone to take the victory with a huge grain of salt. Don't try so hard to be a contrarian.
  22. People tend to focus on losing McKee for game 7, but IMO losing Tallinder in game three is way overlooked. The guy was having a Lidstrom-esque playoffs up to that point and was eating up 25 minutes a game. As we all know he was never the same after that injury. I think I went back and looked at one point and Fitzpatrick/Janik/Jillson/Paetsch were something like a combined -6 for the series. Anyone who says having to play those guys didn't matter is either a Canes fan or in denial.
  23. Beat me to it. Sabres were 3-5 against the Sens that year. Notably going 0-3 in their first three against them, being outscored 21-5 in the process. Yes they did, highlighting their good fortune is in no way meant to take away from the fact that they had a great team that year as well. I think the Sabres and Canes were pretty evenly matched that year, with the historic injury bug that hit the Sabres swinging the series in their favor.
  24. I'm with you that if we hadn't suffered the historic level of bad luck on our blueline that the 2006 ECF ends differently. But I wouldn't agree necessarily that the cup would have been ours against the Oilers. Remember, the Canes path to the Cup was once again made much easier when Roloson went down in game one. It's true that every team needs some good fortune in the quest to raise the Cup, but I will never be convinced otherwise that the Canes didn't have the most help in that regard.
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