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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Yes, we need Stafford to go on one of his little hot streaks so we can actually get some value in return. Now more than ever Stafford must go.
  2. So if the Sabres had a top three pick last year you really believe they still take Risto?
  3. I don't think anyone in the organization is striving to tank the season or lose on purpose. But rather they consider it the likely outcome when you have a roster with one legit top line guy, a handful of underachievers and a load of not quite ready for the NHL teenagers trying to learn on the job.
  4. Which is why the inevitable run to nowhere last year still hurts so much. By most accounts there were three, maybe four generational talent type players available for the taking so getting the lottery to work in your favor didn't matter so much.
  5. Yes, this was the #blueprint begun last season at the trade deadline with MacKinnon or Jones in their sights. As we all know the plan didn't start out so well but it seems to be going swimmingly now.
  6. The Big Green Egg. They are definitely pricey, but if you are a serious backyard cook getting one of these is the holy grail of barbeque. It's a fairly steep learning curve getting the vent settings dialed in to hit your target temps, but once you get that down you can create some of the best grilled, smoked and baked foods you've ever had in your life. I made some apple wood smoked chicken wings with hot garlic sauce this weekend that were incredible.
  7. Loved the craft beer product placement in the scene with the zombies falling through the roof. A lot of cases of Sweetwater and Terrapin beers getting smashed by falling zombies. The Walking Dead Craft Beer Mega Gallery
  8. Going to the NC State- Syracuse football game tomorrow with a huge NY contingent. I don't really root for either team, but the tailgating should be fun.
  9. Sounds familiar. My boss went to bat for me to try and get me a superior review and in the end had everything changed by his boss so they could give me an average review. All of this I expected from previous years, but this time they literally made stuff stuff up in order to justify downgrading me. Spineless, gutless a-holes. I can't even pretend to like these people anymore, and they've got a whole bunch of unfiltered comments from me this week to let them know that's the case. All of us lumped in the average pool will get our standard 3%. The select few who get superior reviews will be eligible for extra bonus and stock options, and those in the lower tiers will likely be put on a development plan and have to fight to keep their jobs. The entire process as it is puts everyone on the defensive to just try to keep yourself out of the lower tier. It has nothing whatsoever to do with actually fostering development in your career. I've threatened to do this for a few years, but if I'm still here next year it's cut and paste for me at review time.
  10. It's performance review time again in my little corner of corporate America. Spineless doesn't even begin to describe the "leadership" in my group.
  11. I have yet to watch a game outside at my man cave this year. Tonight I will and the Sabres will win. $400 on Buffalo.
  12. This probably explains why the new brewery two blocks from my house just announced a delay in opening earlier this week.
  13. Ventura-Stern 2016! The Baba Booey Voting Bloc
  14. For full disclosure I hate the ACA, but I also disagree with how the Republicans are handling things now. However "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what's in it" might explain a little bit of why they are acting the way they are.
  15. Turns out I was wise to sit out last night as I had no clue. I'm still at $1500 and I have a gut feeling for the good guys today. Small gut feeling though. $200 on Buffalo.
  16. All that enters into my thinking, and thus why I have rarely bet on my teams with real money in the past. With fake money it's of course easier to be an emotionally detached gambler. Frankly, I'm shocked that Rayzer32 and myself were the only one's that had the game last night as a take it to the bank loss. I would have bet $500 of real money on it.
  17. Yep, no peeking and then altering your prognostications allowed. Liger's on the books for 89pts. Still, only a select few of us had the balls to lay it out there before the real bullets started flying. :nana:
  18. Go out on your own terms Mike. Let's hear them all this year...hotter than a dog's breath, mixed up like a hounds breakfast, tougher than chinese arithmetic, seen more meat on a butcher's apron, even knock 'em into queersville!
  19. I saw last night as a lock, now tomorrow night I'm not touching.
  20. Oh but they will vote for incumbents in droves, let there be no doubt. This will only serve to encourage partisans to dig in their heels further.
  21. Easiest fake $500 I've ever made. Closer than I thought, but I attribute that to a Bills-like effect of the Sabres bringing the other team down to their level of play a little bit.
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