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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. At $555 and snake-bit. Can this team win two in a row? I'm staying the hell away.
  2. In hindsight they would have had Peyton back, but at the time it was just as likely that his career may have been done.
  3. All of the above could likely result from this approach.. To me it looks like DR had two ways to go here. The youth movement / not likely to fare so well route or the sign a few veteran mid to low tier FA's let the kids play in juniors or AHL approach. The first approach is where the suffering comment came from, the second maybe buys you more of the same like we've seen in the recent past with a 10th place finish. For better or worse they seem to have chosen the first option and it looks like it's going much worse than they even anticipated. Still, no matter what the #blueprint calls for, it will not survive another month if the team continues losing at this rate IMO.
  4. If I may speak again for the pro "tank" faction of the board. I don't believe any of us think the team at any level is asking their coach and players to go out and lose games on purpose for the sake of a high draft pick, although so far it certainly may appear that way. Rather, instead of putting the team in the best situation to succeed they have chosen to put them in a very likely to not fare so well situation.
  5. But those wins built character for the young guys!
  6. Did you need Darcy to tell you that this season would involve suffering, or are you really not that sharp? See how that works? The difference being I was talking about when these guys speak about things regarding the team and its day to day operations and using that information to somehow know what is going on in reality behind the scenes. Usually they are talking to local media types looking for a gotcha moment, so naturally they are going to be guarded and spewing cliches most of the time.
  7. I'm still at $900. $200 on Zadorov......err I mean Buffalo.
  8. Well our open enrollment is set to begin next week and the cost schedule was just released. I will pay 15% more in premiums next year for the same plan, and if some reports I've read are accurate I may be getting off easy. Good times.
  9. It still amazes me how people can take anything athletes, coaches, owners, GM's etc say and draw even a little insight as to what is actually happening on a daily basis with the team. But to then even take it further and spin these snippets you hear now and then in an attempt to discern what actually makes these guys tick is nuts.
  10. If I was in Buffalo, I'd be at the Tralf tonight. Its not like there's a hockey game worth going to.
  11. The above presumption is impossible to arrive at if you can't / won't remove your 'Pegula Bad' lenses.
  12. You're right in the sense that tank is probably a bad word which implies the organization is trying to lose on purpose. I don't think that is what is going on at all. However, if DR is going to oversee the rebuild and you have no faith in him to do it right, which I happen to agree with, then you should be in favor of the Sabres getting the highest possible draft pick (tanking) because that will give him less latitude to screw things up.
  13. Who said it's guaranteed to work? All most of us are saying is that it's better to tank and thereby increase the odds of getting a truly elite impact player than to be stuck on the treadmill of mediocrity, still not make the playoffs, and lower your odds substantially of getting the types of players this team so desperately needs. And it's also worth noting that you can still make trades and FA acquisitions while you rebuild, it's not all about the draft.
  14. Which is why the unsuccessful tank last season hurts. That looked like a great opportunity to begin a Pens or Hawks type rebuild.
  15. It would be if it weren't so predictable. But really who can blame them? We are the idiots who keep electing them and expecting things to change.
  16. I stopped by the craft beer store and picked up a bottle of this to try.... http://rogue.com/store/products/The-Beard-Beer.html
  17. http://online.wsj.co...137593411360948
  18. Don't think that the Dem's haven't enjoyed every single minute of the shutdown. They made tons of political capital in the last few weeks, which of course in the end is all that each and every one of these crooks really care about.
  19. That is shocking. I like the Walking Dead but it's not even close to being in the same league as Breaking Bad.
  20. We began work in April so we were still in the early stages of the two year project. Interestingly on 9/30 I gathered some very interesting data that was set to move us into the next phase of work, but of course we were shut down the next day. All indications are that we will be allowed to resume work immediately once the shut down ends, but it will take us weeks to ramp everything back up to where we were at before. I can't say specifically what we hope to accomplish other than that we are working on improving an existing infectious disease diagnostic test.
  21. I have. We were awarded a government contract to develop a new product earlier this year and on October 1 we received a letter from the government agency ordering us to cease work immediately. We had to furlough all of our contractors and I've been stuck working on a ###### project for the past two plus weeks. So it really hasn't had a major impact as I'm at least still collecting a paycheck unlike a lot of other folks, but I'll be pissed if we end up losing these contractors because they found other jobs during the time we had to furlough them.
  22. My position exactly. The Dems taking responsibility begins with Obama and his inability to show any shred of leadership is as big a part of where we are today as the hard line tea party faction.
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