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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Absolutely. It's an embarrassment now with the Bills being irrelevant every year, but imagine if they ever played a game of real importance up there? You know like with the Bills actually leading the division or holding onto a wild card spot and they have to play in that atmosphere and lose. I know, I know, time to lay off the crack pipe.
  2. My avatar might indicate otherwise, but I'm actually not a big boob guy. It's probably 3rd on my list of female attributes prized by the superficial male. However, if it's naked boobs you want once again Steel Panther delivers with their brand new video. Definitely not their best effort song wise but the video is awesome (and therefore NSFW) with the previously mentioned naked boobs and multitude of B celebrity cameos. Make sure you stay tuned for Walt Jr's appearance and recreation of a popular Breaking Bad scene. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roRcksH2_HQ
  3. Another lost season in the books. Analyzing the team and what is needed going forward is just wasted mental energy. Wake me up when/if it's fixed.
  4. Forget for a minute the inappropriateness of bringing your 11 year old to a Steel Panther show. This kid is awesome...Van Halen Eruption/You Really Got Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D79kxAaMf3I
  5. That's it. I was waiting to turn left out of our cul de sac the other day and my neighbor turned left in front of me onto our street without indicating the turn with his turn signal / directional / blinker. So I jokingly laid on the horn at him and he stopped next to me and rolled down his window... Him: What was that for?? Me: You didn't turn on your directional!! Him (as both he and his wife are laughing): I didn't turn on what? Me: Your directional. Him: WTF is a directional?? Me: Your turn signal. Him (still laughing): Must be another Buffalo thing...
  6. I've heard both of those, and turn signal was the one he claimed is the only correct one. I used another term though.
  7. I scored Buffalo, Rochester and Grand Rapids as well. The only answer I had that was unique to my new home in the south... a drive through beer/liquor store is a "brew-thru" to me. What do you call that blinking light on your automobile that you use to indicate your intent to turn? I had a neighbor laugh at me the other day when I used my normal term and he claimed he never heard such usage in his life.
  8. At Wicked Weed Brewing in Ashevile, NC. Awesome beers and food! An impressive variety on tap from pales to double IPA's, belgians, wood aged and sour beers. Highly recommended if you find yourself in the area.
  9. Truer words have never been spoken. And I'm not one to ever root for injuries, but if the Bills find themselves down three TDs next week in the second half with Brady still in the game slinging the ball all over the field, I might find it hard to care if Kyle Williams ends his season with a Wilfork-esque blow.
  10. Yes, the woman definitely needs an intervention, but damn passing a stopped school bus dropping off kids is pretty much the lowest of the low when it comes to brain dead driving maneuvers.
  11. Great road rage stories... So about a month ago on my commute home from work, I was on the highway in the passing lane going 77-ish in a 70 and passing a line of cars. When out of the blue this woman in a Camry speeds right up to my bumper, she had to be going at least 90 before she slammed on her brakes behind me. So I see her in my rear view ranting and raving and throwing her arms up in the air. I had my truck on cruise control so I continued passing the line of cars, neither speeding up or slowing down as I continue passing all the cars I move to the right. Well this woman was going to show me a thing or two!! She sped up to pass me and gave me the finger as she did, then darted into my lane and hit her brakes. So clearly I'm dealing with a lunatic and I just back off. She sped away going 85 to 90 and I watch her disappear weaving in and out of the traffic ahead. I continue on my commute, get off at my exit and travel the few miles down the road before the light that turns into my subdivision.... and guess who is waiting at the light in front of me? Hurry up and wait indeed. She even drove like a lunatic in the subdivision, completely ignoring stop signs and going at least 45-50 on the residential street. At this point I just made a mental note of her license plate in case I ever were to come across her again. Fast forward to yesterday, my wife shows me a post on our community facebook page about some woman driving a camry that had passed a stopped school bus in our subdivision that afternoon. Most of the comments under this post were other people describing similar actions by the same driver...and worse. I had saved the license plate on my phone after my encounter with this woman, so I took a walk last night past the house that the folks on FB claimed that she lived and surprise, surprise it's the very same car/woman. I'd pay money to see her read the stream of comments from that FB post, some people had the pitchforks out last night and were really almost crossing the line in letting her have it.
  12. Yes, indeed. Until the Bills manage to get consistent above average to excellent QB play then we can take it to the bank that next year will mark year 15 and counting of NFL irrelevance for this franchise.
  13. From what I understand, the Islanders have the option to defer the pick to next year only if they end up with a top 10 pick this season. If it's beyond the 10th pick in the 2014 draft, it belongs to Buffalo no matter what.
  14. Giants, Redskins, Cowboys and Patriots* all lose....that's about as good as a December NFL Sunday gets for a Bills fan.
  15. With no Lindy or Darcy, it was only a matter of time...
  16. Brand new offering from a brewery just a stones throw from my house. They are saying its an ESB, but way too hop forward if that's the case. Still, its good to have another brewery within stumbling distance of my front door. Edit: Bombshell beer company is the name.
  17. I was surprised to recently find out that sriracha isn't synonymous with the 'rooster sauce', but rather there are many different brands of sriracha available. The Best Sriracha
  18. I hear ya, before I began homebrewing beer terminology was all a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me. If you brew a few batches it all begins to come together pretty quickly....after all there are only four ingredients in beer.
  19. I still don't understand why people have this notion that tanking = trying to lose on purpose just to get a top draft pick. Instead think of tanking as choosing NOT to put lipstick on a pig. Maybe PL helps with the recruiting problem that we have, because if he doesn't I'm all ears on any ideas people may have on how to maximize the chances of obtaining elite talent other than through the draft.
  20. That's because it's a real German pils by style, not the bastardized American adjunct lager brewed with cheaper ingredients like corn and rice. I'm not a total beer snob either, there is a time and place for an PBR, Blue or Canadian but I'll never stock my beer fridge with the stuff.
  21. There are certainly many poor IPA examples out there. A lot of the "east coast" IPA's tend to go heavy on the crystal malt...personally I hate that combination with the standard "C" hops you find in most american IPA's.
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