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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Can't stream at work.... does this guy seem to be on board with the tank?
  2. That Northern Brewer kit is probably the better deal as it includes a choice of ingredient kits for only $10 more. Which one did you get? My very first beer was an American brown ale like the one offered at Northern Brewer. Northern Brewer and MoreBeer are probably the two biggest and best online homebrew stores.
  3. Another awesome and free resource is the first edition of John Palmer's How To Brew that he put online. http://www.howtobrew.com/
  4. You don't need a lot of space. I started brewing in my apartment on Harlem road. In addition to the starter kit I linked to you'll need a 5 gallon pot of some sort to boil your wort on your stove, some non twist off bottles that you can easily collect, and a beer ingredient kit and you're good to go. I have always felt there are two camps in the homebrewing world.....those who just want to make good beer..and those who like good beer as much as the fancy and expensive gadgets that you can buy to make good beer. My homebrewing friend is one of the cheapest guys I know in terms of not needing all the fancy equipment, and he also won a silver medal at the national homebrew competition a few years ago. So no you don't need to buy anything fancy right away to make great beer.
  5. Small in terms of beer volume or equipment to brew a batch? Here is a great starter kit. The citra and mosaic pale ale kits that I mentioned up thread I bought from these guys too. http://morebeer.com/products/personal-home-brewery-kit-1-standard.html
  6. I don't think we're getting any Polian-esque "If you don't like it then get outta town!!" stuff from Murray. From what I've read and heard from those who know him we are getting more of a quiet, serious, pensive guy who is a bit brusque at times.
  7. Don't worry about contamination. Open up the fermenter and check for krausen....the foamy, yeasty gunk that will form on top of the beer. This is a tell tale sign of ferementation, if you see that do as weave suggests and take a gravity reading. If you don't see any krausen then it's likely you have a stuck fermentation, and if you have more yeast you can pitch that into the fermenter. I always make sure to rouse my fermenter by shaking it a little for the first few days, it's also important when you transfer your cooled wort into the fermenter and before pitching your yeast to splash it in there to get the wort somewhat oxygenated...this is crucial for optimal yeast health. and finally in the immortal and sage words of Charlie Papazian.... Relax....don't worry....have a homebrew!
  8. I can't imagine any hire being as conservative as DR in regard to organizational assets.
  9. One of the interesting things that I kept reading on the Sens HF thread was that he'd be going from a job with more scrutiny to one with less in Buffalo. I'm not so sure that will be the case.
  10. I think he's more of a quiet, serious guy than a bombastic one like Polian. Now if he ends up calling TPegs daughter the C word.....
  11. Well apparently this thing has gone viral. Diane Sawyer just played this clip on ABC World News tonight. Steel Panther on the nightly news..maybe next time they'll interview the drummer Stix Zadinia. :lol:
  12. in fairness to DeLuca, he didn't bump it.
  13. Yes. An honest and true embrace of the tank should elicit feelings of hope and wonder. Steel that resolve and do not let your fortitude waver.
  14. I like the thought of the Canes, local NC media and what few traveling fans they might bring getting stuck in Buffalo for a blizzard. :thumbsup: Also, I used today to once again remind all of my Canes friends down here about how I told them that they would love Sekera when the trade was made. Now they are calling him the team MVP to this point.
  15. i use Jamil's Dry Stout recipe from this book. I will look it up when I get home and send it to you.
  16. " All of that is the same for me in regard to WNY roads. In these parts it's different, interstate 40 is never "the 40", but I-40. US Route 1 is simply "US1". I-440, the loop around Raleigh is called "the beltline". I once got a call from a colleague who was trying to visit Niagara Falls, he was on the 290 and he called me asking for directions: "Hey Claude, I'm on the beltline near Buffalo, how do I get to Niagara Falls?"
  17. Very nice. I've brewed 10 gallons of APA over the last week as well in two separate 5 gallon batches. Both were 'single hop' recipes, the first focused on Citra and the second on Mosaic hops. My next brew sometime next month will also.be an Irish stout for the annual St Patty's day bash that we host.
  18. I'm prepared for the extra cost to an extent, my neighbor is a builder and he looked at my setup and thought that with the way my current tank is vented, gas hook up and electric outlet already there should help. Plus he called his plumber that he uses in the homes he builds so I should be getting his rock bottom price. Sorry to hear about your father in law, but as you stated the kids just shouldn't be there. There is really no disciplining a 1 year old, and even a well behaved 3 year old runs around, gets into things and just makes noise in general.
  19. Nice. My hot water tank failing and going tankless = this thread, The Sabres going on a run to nowhere (tankless season) = Nolan / new GM thread. Tankless version of my avatar = Friday and/or awesome thread
  20. Hot water tank in garage is leaking/failing. Happy New Year to me. I have a plumber coming out this afternoon to get quotes on replacement options and I'm thinking of going tankless. Does anyone have a tankless water heater? Worth the extra cost?
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