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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Ok. I'm with you on that, the NFL certainly has turned NBA-esque with all the look at me crap.
  2. I'm as sick of the Grigs saga as anyone else, but IMO the one sure fire way to ensure that he reaches his projected ceiling is to trade him now.
  3. The Godfather of excessive NFL celebrations is Billy 'White Shoes' Johnson.
  4. That's what I had, a vitrectomy due to eye trauma. When they took out the vitreous, in my case they replaced it with silicone oil, and it's still there seven years later. Trust me, don't ever let them touch your eyes unless you're at risk of losing substantial vision.
  5. I haven't listened to any of the interviews as they've completely locked down internet streaming at my site recently, to the point where I can't even access some corporate intranet material I often need....but I digress. Maybe Murray himself isn't an analytics guy, but I'd bet a hefty sum that someone in the Sabres front office who is part of the CP/PLF/TM brain trust is running analytics and it's involved in the evaluation of players.
  6. I once made a guy puke right at our lunch table with a story that I don't think is nearly as bad as bio's or weave's for the squeamish.... During one of my 100's of eye doc visits when we were still trying to save my vision, my retinal surgeon noticed a bubble had formed in the silicone they had put in my eye to help keep my retina attached. So right there in the office she pulled out a needle and syringe, stuck it into my eye and removed the bubble. Apparently a story involving needle sticks and eyeballs was the perfect storm for this guy and he puked all over the lunch table. :lol:
  7. I couldn't disagree more. Everyone doesn't use analytics in the same way, just as one GM's hockey sense is likely tuned differently from another.
  8. Gotta be able to do both. To shun hockey sense for analytics or vice versa puts any front office in today's NHL at a competitive disadvantage.
  9. Here are some good instructions for handling dry yeast from Palmers book. http://www.howtobrew...chapter6-5.html
  10. Might it also be in our interest to offer to overpay Miller some to help us to the cap floor?
  11. A phrase that sticks in my craw is "have a catch" it's called playing catch. The first time I ever heard the phrase was my first week of freshman year, I began talking to a kid in my dorm about baseball and sharing stories from each of our illustrious high school careers, so at the end of the conversation he says "Hey, we should have a catch sometime". I had no idea what he was talking about. He was from Long Island so I guess that's what they say in those parts. It still annoys me when I hear it, especially when Kevin Costner says it in Field Of Dreams.
  12. Just sprinkling it on top of cooled wort is fine, but reconstituting in sterile water usually gives you a healthier yeast culture to pitch.
  13. With the dry yeast did you just pitch it dry into the cooled wort or did you reconstitute it first and then pitch?
  14. Agreed. See if you can borrow that hydrometer and get a gravity.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if DR used words essentially to the same effect over the past year, but who would've actually believed him? With Murray I do believe that there is not a single player in this organization who is off limits.
  16. I just might need to fire up Miracle in the man cave soon....
  17. I hope they turn out to be, but if we learned anything from the DR regime it's that no team has a true "core" until they have sustained success together. Marrying himself to a middling core was one of DR's biggest drawbacks.
  18. Exactly. I'm not trying to put a damper on anything, just saying that if it happens we all should remember what he said from day one. Trading those types of assets is going to be the likely price to improve this team when the time is right.
  19. It looks like we have a GM who in his own words is fairly aggressive and isn't afraid to make mistakes..... Remember this if someday a prospect like Zadorov, Risto or Gus is sent packing....
  20. I don't have much expertise on the virology of chicken pox / shingles, flu and RSV are more my game... I did however contract chicken pox as an adult. I was 19 and got chicken pox right when I got back home from school for the summer...and I had them bad. I was literally covered from scalp to.....waist with them. It was odd, but I never had one pock below the 'ole mendoza line. It definitely sucked big time.
  21. Yep a guy who has overseen Cups and Tanks. We are in good shape! :thumbsup:
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