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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. If you enjoy Kevin Spacey's work then you will love House Of Cards. He is brilliant in this show... dare I say Bryan Cranston-esque.
  2. With House of Cards you wont have to wait. With Netflix shows they release the whole season at once.
  3. I went to the Canes-Lightning game on Sunday and the Canes looked pretty bad giving up 4 goals on the first 14 shots. Gerbe got benched for a large portion of the 1st/2nd periods after going -2 early. Had a discussion with a Canes fan friend at the game on the proper pronunciation of 'Sekera'. To me the PA guy and voice of the Canes on the radio were not pronouncing it the same as I heard in Buffalo with RJ etc. The Canes guys were saying "Sec-er-uh". As opposed to the Buffalo/RJ pronunciation.. So I found this on the canes website. Reggie says his name, then a Canes rep does his best representation of what the player said, then Reggie says it again. To me it sounds like the Buffalo pronunciation is closer. http://downloads.hurricanes.nhl.com/pronunciation/sekera.mp3
  4. Pettine leaves: 7-9. Pettine stays: 7-9.
  5. Once upon a time Derek Roy was a 70-80 pt guy for a few seasons. If CH can bring that production consistently then I'm happy.
  6. I know about a half dozen people from high school and college who live out in Seattle now and I've observed their post frequency on facebook ramp up in recent weeks about their undying love for all things Seahawks. I know for a fact at least three of them wouldn't have even known Seattle had an NFL team before they moved there. In my book a front running bandwagon fan is the worst kind of sports fan. (see also: Hurricanes, Carolina circa 2006). Down with Seattle!
  7. That would be vintage Buffalo......Miller doesn't go at the deadline and ends up single-handedly ruining the tank, only to eventually leave in free agency anyway.
  8. That is true, especially with many of our opponents in playoff mode in March/April. I believe the wild card is Miller, if he stays then I see a small chance of the tank unraveling before our eyes.
  9. In the past five full NHL seasons the 5th from last place team averaged 78.2 points. In order for the Sabres to reach that point total in their final 35 games they will need to gather 45.2 points, or a pace of 1.29 pts/game. To this point in the season they have been earning points at a 0.7 pts/game rate. Can anyone imagine this team going 20-10-5 or something similar in their final 35 games? I can't. Granted, in past seasons with Vanek, Pominville, Roy etc. it was a foregone conclusion that the team would ramp up their pt/game pace on a run to nowhere late in the season. I just can't see it happening though with the almost certain trade deadline selling of veterans, especially Miller, and the roster of kids who will be left to finish the year. If they do manage to ruin the tank under these circumstances then we are truly cursed.
  10. That's precisely why you must not root for them! We need company as a cursed city and don't want to end up being the only one left. Although Seattle isn't truly cursed as the Super Sonics won an NBA Championship back in the day.
  11. Denver! The Seahawks have not previously won a Super Bowl and therefore will not be getting my support.
  12. I tuned into the Humana Challenge Pro-Am on Saturday and the first image that I saw was of this brunette woman Holly Sonders, and my jaw did indeed drop. Tough work being her caddy, huh? It was hilarious listening to the announcers doing super slo-mo breakdowns of her swing. They had a hard time keeping it together. http://www.golfdiges...-challenge.html
  13. I don't think they have it in them to undo the progress they've made thus far towards the tank. Even if they are able to keep this .500 pace "surge" they have going in recent weeks (and I don't think they will) that still only puts them in the 70 point range for the season, plenty good enough for bottom 3 in the league,
  14. I took my son to the Canes-Bolts game tonight. Two rows in front of me was a guy wearing a skin tight, autographed Daren Puppa Lightning jersey. Awesome.
  15. I appreciate the other side of the tanking argument, I really do. But something tells me when DR spoke of suffering or PLF emphasizes patience, they weren't talking about just one season.
  16. Wait..you mean to tell me that guys who play on the worst fecking team in the league aren't typically in the hunt for post season hardware?
  17. I do! :P As dudacek points out what's the best you can honestly hope for next season? Somehow squeaking into the playoffs and needing the miracle of all miracles to ride that to a cup? I've got no use for middling seasons any longer. Give me an honest shot at the cup or give me suckitude!
  18. Keep fighting the good fight gentlemen.
  19. Agreed. In the past these types of speculation/rumors ended up popping up in multiple threads, so I agree with the stance that they should be kept to one thread, which I assume is why you began the thread in the first place. But even when confined to one thread it still causes gnashing of teeth for some posters it seems.
  20. Agreed on all counts. The market on Miller will most definitely heat up close to the deadline, there is no way he goes for anything less than a first/prospect.
  21. This is the thread for Eklund, hockeyyyyyyyinsiderrrrrr et al. Elsewhere they are verboten as people might actually believe them.
  22. We go through this every year, but if you've been on this board or followed NHL hockey in general on the internet for more than two minutes, then you already know how to separate the rumors from the speculation from the trusted sources.
  23. I've worked with people like this a lot in the past, very frustrating. There is one person in particular that if I'm ever put on a project with again it will be ultimatum time. I absolutely will quit before working with this person again on a daily basis. And not surprisingly, this same person who is virtually useless at what she was hired to do, has managed to thrive in a corporate bureaucracy that typically rewards lab/office political savvy over everything else. The flip side is the one who is indecisive but won't ask for help. I had a temp start for us a few years ago, I got him set up in the lab with a protocol he was very familiar with, showed him where everything was and went to a meeting. I come back an hour later and he is still sitting at the lab bench staring at the wall, he hadn't even started. One of the stock reagents I gave him wasn't at the same molarity that was called out in the protocol. So instead of looking for the correct solution, asking others for help or actually performing a simple calculation and adjusting the molarity himself, he just sat there paralyzed by his indecision. Needless to say he didn't last very long.
  24. I went to an Arctic Monkeys show in Raleigh a few years back. It was the first concert I've been to where I felt really old, I was in my late 30's and everyone else seemed to be about 10-15 years younger. I like the AM's, good brewing music.
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