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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Absolutely. Context, background, balance, nuance...Kind of like voting for Trump and you're a racist.
  2. Nice. Good on ya.
  3. 3 units on the Sabres. @1375.
  4. The Butcher has passed away. I'm showing my age, but I remember those games in the 80's at the Rockpile fondly. edit: From the comments on my Facebook page he was running the skate sharpening operation at a local (Lancaster/Depew) rink.
  5. Yes to all of this. Post of the year.
  6. I'm mulling two options for the 2nd bird I'm cooking tomorrow. Spatchcock? or Rotisserie? The good thing is that either choice will cook a lot faster than traditional methods.
  7. Good guys win. At 1375.
  8. The only thing that keeps me watching is being outside doing other things like grilling and BSing with others while the game is going on. The NFL has created an unwatchable product for the couch potato.
  9. 3 units on Sabres
  10. I'm going to remember that! Are you talking weber charcoal or gas grills? For charcoal the 22" is the standard kettle size and that's what I have, you could cook up to a 18-20 lb bird easily on that. The 18" is the smaller kettle and I'd guess up to 12-14 lbs would work on that one. I'm somewhat less familiar with the various gas models, but it would probably be a similar situation where you could cook a turkey on any of them but you'd be limited on how big of a bird you'd want to cook depending on the model you have.
  11. I'm not sure how he does it on his Weber, but that recipe I linked would work on a Weber (gas or charcoal) as long as you cook it indirect.
  12. I've been told that that recipe works in the oven just as well as on an egg. Icing the breasts is a great trick so that you don't dry them out waiting for the right temp in the thighs. And that gravy truly is the best I've ever had.
  13. I began smoking the Thanksgiving bird a few years ago and now our typical guests will not allow me to do it any other way. I usually do it on my Big Green Egg, but this year I have to feed more so I'll do one on the Egg and one on the Weber rotisserie. Mad Max Turkey
  14. Enjoy! Reminds me of what I heard from another dad at our Y guides meeting last night. His wife and kids are going to South Africa to visit her parents for the month of December. He recently looked at his pay stub and realized that he has 20 vacation days accrued and only 10 will carry over into the new year. So he'll be wife and kid free with no work obligations for 10 days in December. I'll admit that my mind wandered a bit imagining the possibilities...
  15. Swapping left and right Facebook Feeds.
  16. You're right. Foggy this morning, at 1045.
  17. 745 + 300 = 1045.
  18. Shocking! It's very bad and only getting worse. http://pcl.stanford.edu/research/2014/iyengar-ajps-group-polarization.pdf
  19. Ahh ok, well not sure how that can be shown, but the environment is certainly there.
  20. I haven't been following the conversation that closely today, but is anyone here contending that colleges aren't predominantly staffed with liberal professors?
  21. At 745. 3 units Blues.
  22. You could have pushed this Brent guy towards a much worse fate given your certainty with Trump. The bet they had was a bit ridiculous. They both thought that Hillary would win, but Brent bet that she would win 40 states or more...and thus wax on, wax off.
  23. No problem. Very recently I've changed the way I get news in the morning: I purchased a Google Home device. Now while I'm having breakfast before work I say "OK Google, give me the news" It always begins by playing the latest NPR update, followed by the latest Fox News update, followed by CNN. I haven't yet listened for long enough to find out what comes after CNN, but I wonder if the algorithm is purposely alternating news source slanting. By the way Google Home is awesome. If the news is getting you down, you're only a "Hey Google play some metal" away from becoming comfortably numb. On another note, I'll bet TrueBlue is glad he didn't have to settle up with Eleven on their election bet in this fashion...
  24. I've probably read more Civil War era history books than on any other topic, and this is one of my favorites.. I've recently started with Presidential biographies in chronological order and have a long way to go as I need to read some fiction in between. I'm through Chernow's Washington and McCullough's Adams and I'm in the middle of Meacham's Jefferson now.
  25. How Americans get their news. http://www.journalism.org/2016/07/07/pathways-to-news/
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