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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Maybe that it came to prominence through constant rotation at Cleveland rock station WMMS or that Neil Peart lives in California now? I saw that commercial the other day and immediately though of the same incongruency.
  2. Your hate meter needs to be recalibrated.
  3. first 73 game show Miller and Enroth approx. equal and at best average I assume we would all agree. Since his first 73 Miller has been above average. Therefore for Enroth to meet the Miller bar he would have to play at an above average level for a long period of time. Meeting the odds would be to continue to play at an NHL average. Beating the odds would be playing above average, i.e the Miller standard. What I don't really get is that during the Miller era the Sabres have had many issues. Goaltending has never been even close to being among the top 3. Be careful what you wish for. Nope I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do with a full time load.
  4. That would include everyone who doesn't have an irrational loathing of Ryan Miller apparently.
  5. I'm not beating this dead horse anymore with you guys. If you can't accept that Miller has been an above average goalie for a long period of time then the discussion is going to continue to go in circles. We will all begin to find out soon where the Sabres are left in goal.
  6. SP agrees....."cause you're beautiful when you don't talk...." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXn6n22qp74
  7. Nope, because historical stats say as much despite what YOU might think. Again, I'm not saying he can't, I'm saying the Miller bar has been set pretty high.
  8. I'Ve never used the tablets, but I always preferred DME to corn sugar when I used to bottle.
  9. Kane has been floating a bit today, but man was that pass sweet.
  10. Nice. Bonehead penalty by Radulov and made them pay.
  11. Interesting indeed. We all know what Miller became despite a quite pedestrian start to his NHL career. Will Enroth be able to do the same? The odds aren't with him.
  12. Miller's time with Buffalo is coming to an end.....and it most definitely is time to part ways. However, for those who have been eager to see him go for some time now, the fact is that the Sabres will be very fortunate to get the same production from his long term replacement whoever that may be. Is Enroth capable of giving Miller like production? Certainly, he wouldn't be in the NHL if he wasn't capable. Is he likely to give that production long term? Not so much.
  13. All of Raleigh is shut down again today, and Monday is a holiday, so happy 6 day weekend to me. What is really awesome though is that season two of House of Cards, all 13 episodes, is out today on Netflix. A perfect cure for cabin fever.
  14. Duke-UNC basketball game canceled tonight. That tells you all you need to know about the conditions here.
  15. Glad I stayed home today. Snowmageddon materializing here in Raleigh with major thoroughfares turning to parking lots. Approaching 5" on the ground where I'm at, which is equivalent to multiple feet in WNY.
  16. From the 2013 Hockey Prospectus .....skipping all the analysis and Bayesian statistics that most will scoff at without even attempting to appreciate anyway.. Prob (Ryan Miller > Jhonas Enroth) = 63%
  17. Absolutely. I was fortunate that for my very first foray into homebrewing I was taught step by step by Tim Herzog of Flying Bison. If you have a local homebrew club to join where you could brew alongside one of the experienced guys or sometimes local homebrew supply shops offer in store demos. I can 100% promise that there would be homebrew shared at either one of these types of gatherings. A basement in WNY at this time of year or garage come early spring will be perfect for lagering. Good luck.
  18. 24 here outside of Raleigh...but a winter apocalypse is on the way. Expecting 1-3" today followed by potential damaging ice storm later today into tonight. I'm working from home already today because they closed my kids school in anticipation of the storm and if we get anything close to what they are predicting everything will be shut down tomorrow too.
  19. I read that quote and get an owner responding to criticism from his not so deep pocketed peers about how he chooses to spend money. Nothing more or less. Be that as it may and like it or not, every owner in every sport or business is a manager and all with different styles. You assume that Pegula's management style bleeds into hockey decisions with nothing but flimsy circumstantial evidence to support it.
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