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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. They're equally likely to go 12-4 as 4-12. 6-7 wins. It's what they do.
  2. Ehrhoff was definitely not feeling the tank tonight. When Gerbe potted the ENG right in front of me, the Hoff screamed out three straight F bombs and slammed his stick against the boards.
  3. Have discussed concept of tank with a few canes fans sitting near me. They do not understand. It does not compute.
  4. Yep. Byrd stays: 6-10 Byrd leaves: 6-10.
  5. We are lucky as Sabres fans to even have the tank option, for the soft hockey markets an outright tank is completely out of the question. Can you imagine if the Canes decided to be brutal on purpose? They have enough problems getting 10k people into their barn as a middling team.
  6. Sounds promising, good luck. I need to start kicking the tires around here for when my project ends sometime next year. My current manager is one of the few competent ones left at my work place and I'm 99% sure he will retire when this project comes to fruition. I'll go insane if I have to go back to being micro managed by idiots when he's gone.
  7. I know, but the last Canes game I went to which seemed to me to be after the issue was resolved had the PA guy still using the butchered version.
  8. It will be interesting to hear if the Canes PA announcer has changed his Sekera pronunciation to the Reggie approved version. He was really butchering it the last time I was at a game. These are the interesting side stories in a tank season. This looks like a pro-tank move. I'm not sure how Neuvirth has performed against Carolina, but it seems like Enroth has been a Cane killer historically.
  9. The Sabres always seem to play here around ACC tournament time. I forgot that NC State is playing at 7 tonight in Greensboro. Combine this stinker of a game with State playing tonight and this will be a VERY light crowd.
  10. interesting, and depending on just how great the changes are to the lottery it could change my support for the tank next year to an extent. But if the last place team under the new system can still pick no later than second it will not change my support one bit. McDavid is the grand slam, but there are still a few three run homers available next year.
  11. I hear you Drunkard. It will be tough supporting the tank with all the Canes jackholes jaw jacking at you, but I'm bringing my son tonight and he is more of a Canes fan so I'll be supporting him if it turns out to be a pro-tank game. No jersey for me tonight, I'll wear a Sabres hat and leave it at that.
  12. Looks like DeLuca will be closest with predicting a 29th place finish and losing out to Calgary in the race for last.
  13. In my mind I'm going to Carolina Can't you see the sunshine Can't you just feel the moonshine? This is a raping, pillaging and baby eating free affair. Drunkard...please be on your best behavior. Let us lay down our arms to fight another day...... this is the tank...
  14. Sitting on the screen porch here in Carolina sipping a homebrew...its about 65. Looking forward to the traveling tank show here tomorrow night.
  15. A tank can be undone in many different ways, but if you adhere to the KISS principle it all becomes clear. Indestructible tank = assembling a roster where Stafford becomes your best player.
  16. Was wondering the same thing. The weather has been making these Canes/Sabres tilts difficult this season.
  17. Can't we just cut the posts from the 2013 thread, paste them here. change player names and opponents as appropriate and call it a season on the 2014 Bills?
  18. You bastage!! You got me. I've only ever seen that on the Bills board
  19. I've been very unlucky this week with work bathroom trips. Three times I've walked into the men's room and been confronted with vile stenches unlike anything I've encountered in my life. If the same person was responsible for all three episodes I'd head to the doctor immediately if I were him.
  20. A nice article on former channel 7 sports anchor Rick Azar. 84 years young! I figured this was the best thread to post the link even though I have never had an encounter with him, my in laws who recently moved to the Pinehurst, NC area have run into him a few times. 25 years after leaving Channel 7, Rick Azar is as outspoken as ever
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