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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. If you've arrived at this point in your hopelessness, perhaps it's time for Jim Jones to mix up a batch for your Sabres fandom. And for the record, I've been a fan of bottoming out and jumping off the treadmill of mediocrity long before "suffering" and "patience" became buzzwords down at FNC.
  2. When I hear the powers that be talk of suffering and patience, I'm not holding out much hope for being entertained. Let go, embrace the tank, and believe in the hope of better days to come.
  3. we met in Montreal far from the crime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn7LT5Zv5BY
  4. And for those of you who are still concerned about watching brutal Sabres hockey...if I may quote Hillary Clinton.."what difference, at this point, does it make?"
  5. The goal is a Cup....the non tank has brought us...zero cups. Tank on my friends.
  6. It's up to you New York, New York The protest works....Isles victory.....tank on...
  7. Jay McKee ‏@JayMcKee74 2h ....just need a good steak now..
  8. WGRZ ‏@WGRZ 38m BREAKING: #Buffalo #Bills HOF QB Jim Kelly being treated for a cancer recurrence. He leaves Monday for treatment in NYC. #PrayersForJim
  9. That's right. See LABillz annual "Dinner's on me smartass" contest over at TBD, everyone is typically eliminated by week 8.
  10. If only Bishop Head were still with us, surely he'd grant special dispensation to enjoy our steak today.
  11. I almost forgot it's steak & bj day!!! Unfortunately, it's also a Friday during lent. :(
  12. I do the potatoes, cabbage and carrots too. I've got 15 briskets in my garage fridge, even if I wanted to cook more I don't have the cooking capacity to pull it off. Next year I'm going to be in charge of the eVite.
  13. Indeed we did, because we had a player like Turgeon to give in return. Anything can happen, but the Sabres don't have the assets to even get into the conversation in the rare event that a player such as Tavares becomes available.
  14. And here we've been gnashing our teeth over tanking whole seasons for elite talent, when all along we can simply just trade for our young, elite top line center.
  15. Tomorrow is our annual St. Patrick's day party. It's always fun, but it might be a little extra stressful this year. My wife sent out an evite and literally nobody said no. Usually you can count on up to 25% of invitees having other plans, so either our party is so good that it can't be refused or we have some friends with empty social calendars. Either way, I have to cook enough corned beef for 60 adults and about 30 kids. Chalk this one up to half complaint Thursday, half fantastic Friday. :doh:
  16. It was worth watching for Neuvirth standing on his head and still getting the tank positive result.
  17. It went right over your head man....
  18. I think the Sabres should trade for him. What do you think it will take?
  19. Thanks for the link. I coached my son in little league and my daughter for soccer. You learn early on that it's all about the snacks. I know a few guys who have boys that are really into sports (mine has since decided that he's not, and that's perfectly ok), but I see the early signs of their dad's making it more about themselves than their kid just playing a game for fun. Words every sports parent should live by:
  20. I'll agree on Vanek if you only knew he would be gone so early, but not if you also knew the return.
  21. Not surprisingly it seems like most people had the Sabres as yet again, a bubble playoff team. What one piece of information, if you had it at the start of the season, would have made you correctly prognosticate the epic tank that were are witnessing? For me it would be knowing that John Scott would be getting a regular shift on defense in a bunch of games.
  22. For the rest of the inept NFL franchises maybe, but this is the Bills we're talking about. The laws of probability do not apply. (if you can't tell, I've removed my analytical scientist cap for this discussion and am just joking around a bit...)
  23. Well since the chances of either occurring is zero, we'll never really know. :nana:
  24. Isn't it fantastic that we're still logging Thursday complaints on Friday, shrad?
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