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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Was 1450, now 1850.
  2. @1450. 4 units on the Caps.
  3. My explanation beyond simply selling is there too.
  4. Yeah, no glass carboys. I've heard some real horror stories and horrific injuries from glass carboys. I gave all mine away years ago.
  5. Yeah that's why I'd hesitate to even call it tanking since options would be limited as compared to a full season, well planned out tank. But I wouldn't have an issue with letting injured guys sit out longer in favor of keeping AHLers up and the like. I'm hoping that it doesn't come to this of course.
  6. If the Sabres are still struggling with injuries come March and are mired towards the bottom of the standings I'll have no issue whatsoever with a mini tank. Right now it's too early.
  7. I really don't know what the Bills should do. 17 years of irrelevance I believe severely limits their options even should they decide to clean house. The established names, even though Pegula would offer big $$, I think will be hesitant. Someday they'll make it to the playoffs again I guess.
  8. Yes, you can't. Tanking in sports implies intent.
  9. Let the lukewarm waters of mediocrity wash over you. Accept it and let go...
  10. Now that's the most concise statement on the last 16 years of Bills football that I've heard.
  11. Back in the 80's the elderly collecting SS were eligible for free government cheese. I remember it fondly. Those grilled cheese sandwiches my grandma made with that cheese rocked!
  12. Yes. In this particular case however, the fury from Nashville will dwarf Buffalo.
  13. Rush Donate Award to Gord's Brain Cancer Fund Doug Gilmour chipping in as well.
  14. Perhaps a compromise on the politics thread is to create a subforum so that it's not on the main board?
  15. That was the most fun I've had watching the Sabres in a looooong time. Feels good.
  16. Oh I'm not saying you specifically have done that in this thread, but in general the two sides/teams across the nation are going to reverse their roles of the past eight years and be massive hypocrites in the process.
  17. So you're saying that Democrats are going to do the exact same thing that Republicans have done for the past eight years? If so, you're absolutely right.
  18. Vesey S% = 20.5. Unsustainable. Although I have little doubt that it will likely continue tonight.
  19. Up to 1450. One of these games I'm going to match my fantasy bet with a real bet. I thought about doing it last night but was gun shy from nursing my wounds from a bad football weekend.
  20. At 1030. 3 units on Buffalo +140.
  21. Classic PA!
  22. You don't get to clarify, your point early on was clear. But you can of course backtrack.
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