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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. YouTube verboten at work. What's the song?
  2. The last time the Bills played a playoff game...uttering Brett Hull's name didn't automatically elicit a "No Goal" response around WNY. So yeah I don't see any problem with the Bills going balls to the wall.
  3. Coffee snobs do the outlandish flavor and aroma descriptions too.
  4. I'm still of the mindset that these uncharacteristic moves by the Bills are welcomed, only because their characteristic moves over the past 15 years have got them exactly squat. I'm still numb to the Bills, but I see a ray of hope that my apathy can be thawed.
  5. There are 3 trampolines on my cul-de-sac. I don't have one in my yard, but my kids are usually on one of them at any given time, and yes they can get pretty rowdy and loud. Our subdivision is conservatively 75-80% families with young children though so I think most folks understand and tolerate the rowdiness unless it's happening after dark. Yet, there is this one house beyond the woods behind my man cave that yells from their back porch for the kids jumping on the trampoline to quiet down. They even left an anonymous "concerned neighbor" note on my neighbors front door about kids making too much noise on the trampoline at 3 pm on a Saturday afternoon. Recently I found out that this is a retired couple of approximately my parents age. WTF were they thinking and did they expect by moving into a neighborhood loaded with young children?
  6. "If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right." What I'm finding most enjoyable about this pick is this woman I work with who is a huge Clemson fan who complains to me all the time about CJ being stuck in Buffalo. This morning when I walked in she just glared at me and said "Not again"
  7. But how many 8 to 12 range first round picks (and earlier) have they had the past 15 years? Where has it led them? If nothing else it's a bold and different approach to get the #1 overall player on their board, for that reason alone I like it no matter what the cost, even though I agree they are 7-9 this year once again.
  8. So my daughter had a birthday yesterday, she turned 6, and being in kindergarten she hasn't yet fully grasped the concept of time and the calendar. Since Easter she has been asking nearly every day "is tomorrow my birthday?" So on Wednesday night we put her to bed and made a big deal about that when she wakes up, it will finally be her birthday. At 3 am I wake up to find her standing right next to our bed, and I hear her say: "Daddy, I feel a little bit sick" I immediately jump up out of bed and feel her forehead and ask what's hurting her. "Noooo daddy I said I feel a little bit sick!!" Now my daughter is a bit delayed with her speech such that when she says "sick" and "six" they sound the same. By this time my wife has woken up and she is a little quicker to catch on "she means that she feels a little bit SIX" So after a few minutes of calming her down and coaxing her to go back to bed, I couldn't help but laugh at how awesome being a parent is sometimes.
  9. i have to agree. I had some moose tenderloin at a Bills tailgate several years ago. It was fantastic.
  10. I just heard last week of a former high school classmate passing away from the effects of alcoholism. At 42 years of age. Very sad.
  11. Right on. So we miss the playoffs once AGAIN if this doesn't work out? To steal a line from Madame Hillary...
  12. i'm trying to take out the possum that keeps nosing around my man cave at night. I've heard they can be good eating if prepared properly.
  13. I'll keep an eye out for them. I'd like to try that czech pils, that's a style that you don't often see from many craft breweries. Victory Prima Pils in the best and most widely available example that I can think of.
  14. I'm thinking of trying Jim Koch's (Sam Adams CEO) method of all night drinking without brownouts. I'm skeptical that this would work as I imagine stomach acids would denature and/or inhibit the alcohol dehydrogenase present in the dry yeast. It's worth a try and a good excuse to tie one on. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/eats/proof-yeast-block-tipsiness-article-1.1773243
  15. I've forgotten most of calculus, but I do remember dribs and drabs of organic chemistry since I'm still exposed to it now and then.
  16. I've seen the Saranac 12 packs of cans down here. New Belgium, Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams, Terrapin, plus a few of the local breweries near me in NC are in on the cans now. I'll submit Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in a can as a fine summer brew, but I also have been known to down an ice cold PBR after mowing the lawn when it's 90 degrees.
  17. Oh absolutely, my wife and I use each others phones as needed, but this woman routinely scours his phone and then he will be in the doghouse if she reads about him planning to do something with the guys. He's in one of those marriages where he's not allowed to have fun without his wife or he is instantly the bad guy. It just makes me love and appreciate my awesome wife even more.
  18. My friends wife is constantly going through his phone, she even responds to my texts as him sometimes. He's not up to any shenanigans that I know of, but that would drive me nuts if my wife did that.
  19. A lot of craft beers offered in cans now. Cans aren't just for the cheap swill anymore.
  20. It will be fun to watch the draft tonight and learn about some of these prospects in real time. Outside of the big names like Clowney, Manziel and Mack I know zero about any of these guys. The hype, over analysis and redundancy of the coverage during the months leading up to the NFL draft is, in the immortal words of John Wayne, getting to be ri-goddamn-diculous.
  21. Your posting history regarding our owner says otherwise. If not, please direct me to all your posts where you don't outright accuse or insinuate that Pegula isn't what he seems.
  22. It's not simple when nearly everything the man says or does needs to fit a preconceived notion that he is a charlatan.
  23. I attended high school with this woman. What is awesome is that she is actually hotter today, at 45 years young, than she was in high school. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/clippers-fan-grabs-breasts-sents-twitter-tizzy-article-1.1780270
  24. Yes, indeed. Neil Peart heard the morse code for YYZ when flying into Toronto International and a classic Rush instrumental was born.
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