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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Interesting that Sahlen's weren't included in this one. I'm not sure that I've ever had Wegman's brand dogs, although I assume Zweigle's et al.probably make them. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/artsandliving/daily/graphics/hot_dogs_052406.html
  2. My neighbor from Syracuse swears by Hoffman dogs. I picked up a pack for him at the Wegman's in Binghamton last weekend, but I still prefer Sahlen's.
  3. A Sahlen's with Weber's mustard and dill relish is the perfect dog.
  4. Ahh yes...high up there in my porch sittin, craft beer sippin, cigar smoking playlist.. coulda been the Willie Nelson coulda been the wine... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6QDjDPRF5c
  5. IMO Deadwood is the best show ever produced by HBO. I was pissed how it was never given a proper ending.
  6. Exactly my thoughts. Until the Bills get QB play that can realistically be involved in Pro Bowl discussions they will not be going to the playoffs.
  7. Sheesh. When I read stuff like this it makes me realize the grass isn't always greener. I'm stuck in a corporate BS, micro-managed, impossible to get a promotion position, but I am able to come and go pretty much as I please and never get any push back.
  8. Amen. I've always hated crowds, but that hatred rose exponentially since I've had to deal with a blind left side. If I ever get caught in a situation where I have no choice but to enter crowded area, my wife instinctively gets on my left and doesn't leave my side.
  9. Monk's is great because they will sometimes have Russian River beers (Pliny The Elder) on tap. I went with the wife to Eulogy last year during NHC, the steamed mussels with some Rodenbach was awesome.
  10. It's worth a day or two to spend at Monk's Cafe alone. Philly beer week looks like it kicks off tomorrow too, that also is a great reason to visit.
  11. Looks like a '2' to me on his left shoulder? If that is the case then.... http://www.hockey-re...s/BUF/1985.html It must be one of the following players.. 25 Andreychuk..nope. 29 Mal Davis 24 Bill Hajt...nope 26 Dave Maloney 23 Gates Orlando 26 Steve Patrick 20 Brent Peterson.... remembering a 'stache so no. 27 Larry Playfair....nope 21 Claude Verret my guess is Dave Maloney
  12. PNC arena here in Raleigh is very conducive to tailgating given its proximity to Carter Finley (NC State) stadium. In fact I can't remember the last hockey game I went to here whenI didn't tailgate at least a little bit before going in. All raping and pillaging jokes aside, I highly recommend a trip down here to tailgate and take in a Canes/Sabres game sometime. Next year these games are shaping up to be epic tank battles.
  13. I had a wedding to attend in Binghamton, NY this past weekend so the wife and I decided to make a short vacation without the kids out of it. We stopped in DC on Thursday night, then drove to Gettysburg on Friday morning to spend half a day touring the battlefield. On the recommendation of a friend I called ahead earlier in the week and reserved a licensed battlefield guide to take my wife and I on the tour. I had been to Gettysburg before and have read a few books on the battle, but nothing compares to going on a guided tour. At the end of the tour as we stood at the center of the Union line looking across the field towards the advance of Pickett's charge, our guide had my wife in tears as he described the scene that day. If your travels take you anywhere near Gettysburg I highly recommend taking the time to tour the battlefield with a licensed guide. We were also very fortunate to be paired with a guide who delivers a unique perspective on the battle through the words of his ancestor who fought there. He and his great, great-grandfather were featured on a CBS news story last year for the 150th anniversary of the battle. http://www.cbsnews.c...tysburg-battle/
  14. I largely agree weave. I'd never bring my son to a game until he's 18+. I've never tailgated in a stadium lot and never will. We go to a satellite lot where we've been parking for years and that type of nonsense isn't tolerated by the homeowner or the long time folks who park there.
  15. If the bills were relevant I'd probably go to a game or two here and there still, but since they aren't and haven't been in forever, its more about the social aspect for me. Tailgating isnt about getting drunk to me, its about seeing and socializing with people I don't get to see often anymore. I know its the same for my brother as we've discussed his seasons many times. He likes to get there early with coffee and a newspaper and relax, fire up the grill and hang out with long time friends and family. For those of us in the 40+ demographic I suspect this is largely the case for most.
  16. No tailgating? Unacceptable. I go to one game every year, the home opener. If there was no tailgating I'd go to zero games a year. Im pretty sure I can speak for my brother, who has held season tickets throughout this irrelevant 15 year run, that no tailgating would end his season tickets too.
  17. How confident would you be in that statement if it was the Sabres in Isles position? Exactly. Its the friggin Islanders.
  18. My wife is a pediatric NP. She's got a pretty cushy job...3 days a week dealing with whiny soccer moms who want a magic pill to make their kids' sniffles and headaches go away NOW.
  19. Sounds like he was too big of a ###### to break up with you on his own. What guy doesn't know the auto answer when commenting on a woman's weight? Either that..or yes he's just really, really stupid.
  20. Yep. This is the friggin Islanders we're talking about. Two lottery picks in 2015 baby...let's get ready to build the DR statue when that isles pick turns into McDavid.
  21. At city tap house in DC enjoying a Lost Rhino Brett IPA. Absolutely fantastic balance of citrus hops and brettanomyces funk.
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