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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Same here. We are poised to select our highest ceiling prospect if not since Vanek, then Turgeon. Don't F it up.
  2. I distinctly remember sitting in my seats as a Sabres season ticket holder in the late 90's and seeing all the comb overs in front of me. I vowed then to my friend that if faced with it I'd never fight that type of losing battle, and when the hair started to thin about a decade later I kept my word. My dome is always trimmed short.
  3. Anyone else see the HBO Real Sports piece on match fixing in soccer? It's pretty rampant in Europe. Big money coming from Asia to bribe players and refs.
  4. They may not finish last, but I'd give them a 90% chance of being bottom five in the league and getting an elite talent to add to the one they're about to pick in a few days. I'll take that all day long over the the 5% chance they have of being a bubble team and getting an exponentially worse prospect.
  5. I opted for "misplacing" it. It's still in his house, but he might not find it for awhile. Here is the glass, filled with Bell's Two Hearted Ale, that somehow survived my evil clutches on that day so long ago...
  6. Yes, and just because the team might ask you to watch and support them during this tank/rebuild, you are more than free not to. I think the Sabres have been as clear as they can without outright saying it, that this season will another tank. And for the millionth time, while the #1 pick would of course be ideal next year... IT'S NOT THE BE ALL, END ALL OF THE TANKING PHILOSOPHY. You're going to see trades in an effort to acquire more NHL ready young talent, possibly as soon as next week. When the time comes I think they will once again pursue marquee FA's. But now is still the time for tanking. We have a refreshingly blunt GM now who has told the fans time and again that this is the plan.
  7. IMO I don't see any way how you can spin what's in store for this season as entertaining on the whole. Losing is never fun or entertaining to me, but it can be acceptable with an eye towards a brighter future. One more ###### sandwich to force down.
  8. A little WTF wave from the Portugal goaltender.
  9. So I'm staying at my friends beach house this weekend, and I was looking for a pint glass today to pour my Bells two hearted into...and the first one I grab is a Carolina Hurricanes 2006 Stanley cup playoffs glass. The very same glass that this hooligan didn't smash in the parking lot after game two of the 2006 ECF, but instead saved and gave to his canes fan friend. Awesome.
  10. Oak island, NC. Shrimp and scallops on the grill. Local craft APA in my glass. F'n fantastic!
  11. Same, but if I lived in Buffalo I'd surely only split seasons with someone. I had season tickets in my mid 20s with no responsibilities and even then it was too many games.
  12. He can be if you want to surf the shady dark alleyways of the internet, or so I understand.
  13. :w00t: How dare you bring up that principle here! Multiplied unnecessary assumptions abound in this thread.
  14. I'l give you this, you guys have some vivid imaginations.
  15. That would have been awesome, but no just a demo on how to properly cut up a whole chicken into its component parts. Those were seriously one of the better items that I had, but five of the eight dads in our group refused to even try them.
  16. It was great. They had multiple stations at their beautiful outdoor lakeside pavilion that you rotated through. Grinding your own filet for burgers, butchering a chicken, brining brats and sausages, grilling steaks to perfection, cooking on grill with cast iron, smoking whole hogs and more. Of course you could sample what they were cooking at every station and waiters were circulating constantly with food from other stations. They even had some offal like chicken heart kabobs and marinated pork tongue tacos that were very good. After about two hours of stuffing myself and drinking local craft beer a few of us retired to a luxury cigar lounge bus (John McCain's old campaign tour bus is what we were told) for a nice stick. Awesome father's day.
  17. The gaffes and blunders of ownership is something I think every fan will readily acknowledge at least on some level, but this wishing and hoping that Pegula would just sit in Florida and stroke checks when told while totally divorcing himself from the day to day operations of the team is silly. It's beyond ludicrous.
  18. Leino will be bought out. Can we save yet another made up reason to attack the owner until after the 1% chance that he isn't bought out happens?
  19. Using the dictionary according to Pearl Jam: rearviewmirror.
  20. Durham has actually experienced quite a resurgence in the last decade, and IMO their restaurant scene has surpassed Chapel Hill. Downtown Raleigh also has a fantastic mix of bars and restaurants. Chapel Hill in Orange county and Raleigh in Wake county have better schools than Durham county...or so I've heard.
  21. The wife and kids got me a ticket to Iron Chef Walter Royal's fathers day grilling school at the Angus Barn in Raleigh. At 12:30 the limo arrives to pick up myself and 8 other dads. Awesome.
  22. I don't believe I've watched one second of NBA action since the Jordan era.
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