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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I'll go one step further and say I'm for tanking in every season where the cup isn't a realistic possibility, especially this year when the playoffs aren't even a realistic possibility. I've been a Sabres fan for almost 40 years, at this point I have zero use for anything but a legit cup contending team. Frankly I'm surprised that anyone would advocate for yet another run to nowhere and another Stafford/Zagrapan/Persson/Kassian-like pick in a draft year that has BOTH the next potential Crosby and Kane. Now that would be a wasted season.
  2. Yep, and its also important to remember the old adage that no matter how hot she may be, there is a guy out there who has grown tired of throwing the wood to her.
  3. If the two Jills that were interviewed as part of the HBO real sports piece are any indication of overall squad appearance, then I don't think they'll be missed all that much.
  4. Happy Independence Day. Today is also the 75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig's farewell speech.
  5. There is a Matt Hackett game worn Sabres jersey currently on display at the Hockey HOF. For a guy who may never play an NHL game again, that's pretty awesome.
  6. I feel bad for Kiko, but let's be honest, the Bills were going to win 6-7 games with or without him. It's what they do.
  7. As fortune has it, I'm in Toronto for an overnight family trip. After the kids are in bed, I'll put my pillaging skills to use on Yonge street to avenge the name of our fair city.
  8. Enjoying FA frenzy day with an Ithaca Flower power and a plate of wings at an Amherst tavern. Buffalo vacations are awesome. Congrats and welcome to NC. When you get settled I'll hand over your pillaging weaponry and buy you a beer.
  9. But how many meetings did TM have with the owner before doing the buyout? As we all know, that's the true meddling litmus test.
  10. Its actually pretty good. Adds some toffe and caramel notes. The loganberry wit on the other hand I'm not a fan of.
  11. At Resurgence Brewing on Niagara street. Session IPA pretty good. The wife enjoys the loganberry wit and sponge candy stout.
  12. I'm at canalside with the family right now. I'm going to walk over and knock on GMTMs door for an explanation.
  13. Since the Friday thread is locked... I'm packing up the family truckster and heading up to Buffalo for a week after work today. If all goes as planned I should hear our #2 selection somewhere in the mountains of West Virginia. It will indeed be awesome to escape this brutal NC heat and humidity for a week.
  14. Who needed a reminder about this? Certainly none of the ardent tanking proponents on here.
  15. Yep, sometimes teams aren't purposely tanking. They just plain suck.
  16. A co-worker of mine went to college with her. All shtick.
  17. So I'm working on a pretty high profile government contract project. It's been almost three months since my boss, and the project PI, retired from the company with the project under budget and ahead of our milestones. Well in three short months the new PI has micromanaged this project to a screeching halt. I gotta get the hell out of here.
  18. The beef on weck in the Jim Kelly club is pretty darn good.
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