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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I do. I'm looking forward to impromptu Eleven Sabres musings as you wander about.
  2. Let's get it straight on the tank.. McEichel is/are the holy grail. Yes odds are the Sabres get neither, but our chances of landing one or the other are way higher than our chances of making the playoffs this year. These guys are generational talents, so its only natural that media and talk radio focus on them. Again, discussing these players in blue and gold is far closer to reality than discussing a potential 2015 Sabres playoff run. I think most fans recognize the lottery odds. A top five pick in this draft still improves this team and our long term cup prospects dramatically. And a Sabres bottom five finish is a pretty damn solid bet.
  3. Or you and a few others need to accept that the Sabres along with a handful of other teams will have the best shot at landing him, and move on.
  4. Nobody ever claimed that tanking is the only way to build a contender, but it is undeniably an approach that this franchise has never tried. "All we are saying is give tanking a chance."
  5. Long, long, long overdue. I hate losing as much as the next fan, but this approach provides me with hope. Doing what we had always done, with a new GM or not, would have been duping fans more than an honest effort at tanking ever could.
  6. Right. Its not McDavid/Eichel or bust. A top five pick in this draft still improves the organization dramatically.
  7. Because what's even worse than tanking? Missing the playoffs anyway while finishing 17th to 20th. As Sabres fans especially we should all be keenly aware of this.
  8. To me the only thing worse than a cup-less lifetime as I enter my 70's would be if every other team had at least one to their credit while the Sabres were still cup-less. Who is Sal Cappacio?
  9. This is why every Buffalo fan should follow the misery loves company doctrine of rooting for other teams. Never, ever root for a team to win their first championship before Buffalo does.
  10. It's based on current logo. The rankings are derived from the opinions of seven staffers at THN. Once they announce a team they open up for fan submissions of redesigned logos for that team. When the countdown is done they will release their favorite fan redesigns for each team.
  11. Congrats. Put away the Genny and crack open the good stuff!
  12. Number 27: Vancouver Canucks Carolina Colorado Capitals Canucks It's gotta be Calgary, Columbus or Chicago next I guess.
  13. I worked with an Indian woman years ago, she was a very nice lady and competent scientist. But there was a cultural/religious custom that she engaged in where she fasted for a week. No food and maybe a few sips of water for an entire week! She didn't shower either and maybe changed her clothes twice. By day 3 or 4 she was completely useless at work, not to mention quite ripe. Her desk was next to mine and she would sit there with her head down nearly comatose for 3/4 of the day. Her boss / HR never said anything about the lack of productivity though, I guess they were afraid of religious intolerance claims. The most ridiculous part of this fasting tradition? Only the women were called to do it, men were exempt.
  14. What area are you looking for apartments in? I know some people who work in apartment management locally. And I wouldn't worry too much about neighbors in apartments around here. I rented for a year when I first moved down here and you couldn't a response to a "good morning" much less have people pry into your business.
  15. Nice. My wife and I were there last month. I didn't try the pizza but they looked awesome.
  16. It's a miracle we were up 2-1 at the end of the second in game 7 with that blue line. Yet to this day nearly every canes fan and a select few posters here will argue those injuries mattered not in the outcome.
  17. I've always thought the Sens logo was pretty brutal.
  18. A perfect thread for the summer doldrums. The Hockey News has started a countdown from worst to first NHL logos. The Canes organization liked to rib the Sabres during the slug days, and that was all fine and good because who doesn't agree that the slug was one of the all time worst sports logos? At the time I used to remind my Canes fan friends about people living in glass houses, pot kettle black etc.. To a man they always insisted that their logo was among the best in the NHL. Well THN doesn't agree my Caniac friends.... Woooo Woo woo!! Number 30: Carolina Hurricanes Of course we all know the original six teams will populate the top 10, but I'd be surprised if the Sabres aren't in the mix as well. edit: Number 29 released today, Colorado
  19. When the Isles 1st next year turns into one half of McEichel, then I'm prepared to erect the DR statue downtown. At this point I'm prepared to give DR credit for a few deep playoff runs and many, many years of running on the treadmill of mediocrity.
  20. One of my good friends is Australian. Kangaroos can be a nuisance down under, and they do cause a lot of traffic accidents. I think they have government shooting programs aimed at thinning the population like they do here with deer. edit: and weave, watch out for cassowary at that exotic animal farm. Legend has it that they can eviscerate a human with one kick from its massive claw.
  21. Jeter's post season clutch hitting acumen is a huge part of his legacy.
  22. Neighborhood picnic / party today. Everyone pulls out their grills into our cul de sac. I'm making beef on weck and using my rotisserie to cook a few roasts. I'm also showing my neighbor how to turn his weber kettle grill into a smoker to cook some pork shoulders. Google "snake smoke method". Pretty cool.
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