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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Wings have definitely gone through the roof. I remember those 10 cent wing nights from 25 years ago fondly.
  2. The ankle will be troublesome all year for him. Would rather not see him take part in exhibitions.
  3. Winner at 2250.
  4. I think there's one poster over there who has been grandfathered the right to use the "you're an idiot" shtick in PPP posts. When I've lurked over there the bolded has been my takeaway as well, along with there being maybe two DeLucas at any given time compared to a dozen plus voices from the right. That's why I say an all at once invasion of a large number of quality left leaning posters from here would stand a chance to bring about a true no holds barred, often ugly, yet ideologically balanced political discussion thread. It might be worth a shot anyway as I think the mods have made it clear that it's a no go here for the foreseeable future. Or.... Just go over there, start a "Presidential politics from Sabre Space" thread and have everyone proceed to put all of the PPP regulars on ignore. Then you'll end up with the same thread from here over on PPP. Problem solved. :P Ok now I'll stop....
  5. I suspect that if you asked the regulars from over there, most would share a similar sentiment as they are nice and comfortable in their own echo chamber with like minded folks...... But I'll end my comments there as I don't wish to see this thread closed too.
  6. at 1850. 4 units on Buffalo.
  7. I actually like chz's suggestion. PPP leans heavily right and the politics threads here lean heavily left. I say mix it up like a hounds breakfast! You'd need like 7+ left leaning posters to go over there en masse for it to work though. The true no holds barred steel cage match blood bath politics thread.
  8. I visited Gabriel's Gate for wings when I was in town this weekend. I hadn't been there I'd say for close to a decade, but the wings were awesome just like I remembered them. For a traditional straight ahead no nonsense hot wing, GG remains very tough to beat.
  9. Can't remember in which tank season it occurred, but I distinctly remember a December winning streak that had some here thinking that a team built to tank could actually go on a playoff run. The season is a marathon. The 2016-2017 Sabres always were at best a playoff bubble team, so yes they have some work to do but there's still a lot of hockey left. If they finish north of 81 points the rebuild is still on track in my view.
  10. My brother has been tailgating in a lot on Big Tree for years and this kind of stuff simply is not tolerated there. I think the majority of this nonsense happens in private lots and that's on the owner of the property for allowing it. We do pee in the creek, have a few beers, maybe a stogie or two and play loud hard rock music, but that's about it. We also vote for a tailgate/game MVP as well and this week we had co MVP's: It went to the two guys who took part fully in all the tailgate festivities, then quietly hung back when it was time to walk in to the game and instead went home. In other words, the only two guys with a lick of sense.
  11. No Evander sightings this time, in fact I left just after halftime so I bailed even earlier than he did last time.
  12. Got to enjoy the nice fluffy white stuff fall from the sky in OP yesterday while the Bills outdid themselves yet again. I enjoyed it and have had my fill until next year. Back to Raleigh I go.
  13. It's our turn to call the President a bozo dammit!
  14. I've never been in an Uber car more than say 4-5 years old. Friendly drivers, cars are always clean and often have complimentary drinks (water, soda). The amount of research out there with hand washing is interesting. One instance where it might be wise not to use soap and only hot water is when in a restroom with bulk refillable soap dispensers....bad news. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3126420/
  15. Buffalo still with no Uber/Lyft. WTF? My wife wants to go out and about on Saturday in Buffalo, so I guess I'll have to be DD. When we go out in Raleigh or Durham for date nights now it's always Uber and for $40 we get round trip door to door service and don't have to worry about having a few drinks.
  16. Hand washing study among med students.
  17. I had my free club tickets to the Sabres Canes game here on 12/17 all secured....until I ran it by my wife this morning and she reminded me that it's the same night we are taking my in laws out for our annual Christmas dinner at the Angus barn. So instead of an evening of hockey, food and beer (and pillaging)...all gratis, I'll instead be dropping 400 on overpriced steaks that I could cook better at home. Fukc!! Call me grinch.
  18. 50 and cloudy here in Morrisville, NC. But...I'm heading up to Buffalo this weekend for the game so I need to pull out all the cold weather gear from the attic.
  19. I read that as best goal scorer of his generation = Ovechkin.
  20. The dude with the headband playing guitar is pretty awesome.
  21. They beat the Pats*
  22. Absolutely not, they likely would have snuck in once or twice over the past 17 seasons in another division, and then been summarily dismissed from the the playoffs in short order as pretenders due to the other things outlined in FuhrFury's post.
  23. Fixed #1 for emphasis. If the Bills were in any other division than the AFC East then the drought never reaches 17 seasons.
  24. Came across this the other day, I suppose this would be a good place to put it..
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