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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. The first goal was a two on one and it was a perfect saucer pass to Gerbe with the open net. I think it was the third goal where all the Sabres were standing still while Lindholm buried it. I missed the second goal, and the 4th goal was on him. Zadorov didn't do himself any favors, but was likely heading back to junior regardless. Grigs > Reinhart tonight IMO. The flying elbow that drove Gorges' head to the glass by LaRose was brutal and should result in a suspension. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vk2DXPGazc
  2. The Panther has released yet another great video for the best track off their new album. The Metallica inspired acoustic opening followed by the face melting metal riff combines for an awesome piece of music. Unfortunately this is a timeless topic and to this very day I still have a few friends who are afflicted by this sickness. The malady you suffer has a name... Pussywhipped! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUUc4Cq5NJc
  3. You're probably right, when you go past five you start getting into no man's land and the picks are noisy. I still think GMTM will self destruct any team with illusions of a playoff run, but a nice Rolston like start to build a strong foundation for the tank to roll on straight into April 2015 will be perfect. Almost 40 years of watching this team fail to win the ultimate goal has turned me into a curmudgeon. I'm not McEichel or bust, but I am most definitely Stanley Cup or bust. Therefore the Sabres making the playoffs with a team that has zero chance of winning the Cup is not only completely useless to me as a fan at this point, but harmful to our chances of winning one in the future IMO.
  4. He's nine and was born and raised here and all his friends like the Canes, I'm not getting in the way of that. That would be akin to my dad trying to force a young Claude into being a Leafs or Bruins fan.
  5. McEichel I'm ecstatic Top five I'm thrilled and it's still a successful tank 6-8 and it's not a total failure, but will feel like a missed opportunity much like the 2013 draft. 9-playoffs is a huge failure If the Isles give us a second pick in the top 8 then that soothes the sting some if we don't land McEichel.
  6. Just got word that I'll be in the Champions Club tonight. My multi-year streak of not paying to go to a Canes game will continue in style! The last time I had tickets there I was literally the only Sabres fan in the entire club. I caught a lot of flak that game.
  7. I figure the Sabres should be ready to make a run in three years, so a 37 year old Ryan Miller of course.
  8. That's awesome and I'd absolutely do the same if I still lived in WNY, but since my son was born and raised here I'd be a hypocrite if I pressured him to root for the Sabres. He's just conflicted a little right now, but I told him it's fine if he roots for the Canes. My daughter is only 6 and she is still Buffalo all the way....for now.
  9. i'll keep a lookout. I'll be there with my neighbor and his kids and we should be easy to spot..he and his two girls in Canes gear and myself and my son and daughter in mostly Buffalo gear. My son told me this morning that he wasn't sure yet if he was going to wear Sabres colors or canes or both tonight.
  10. The final pre-season game before the tank gets rolling. I'm looking forward to checking out Samson in person tonight, but I'm out for the traditional Carolina game debauchery as I'll be bringing my kids with me to the game tonight. Let's Go Buffalo Ahh Liger beat me to it..
  11. If all that were to happen you're likely looking at a playoff bubble team. Nightmare season.
  12. I trust in GMTM to manipulate the roster to keep us in the running if this team starts performing above expectations.
  13. I still see 26CB doing his link compiling thing over on the Bills board.
  14. Government looking to boost Zmapp production It doesn't mention it in this article, but I've heard that one of the manufacturers that they have approached is the Novartis vaccine facility here in NC, just down the street from my house. They have the cell culture technology already in place to take up the production of the monoclonals that make up the therapy, and it is a therapy for Ebola, not a vaccine as I've often heard people characterize it as.
  15. When I moved to NC over a decade ago you could not find any beer over 6% abv. It was illegal to sell in NC. I remember taking a few weekend road trips up to Virginia to stock up on some IPA's and Belgians, or I'd just brew my own high gravity beers Thankfully a group called "Pop The Cap" was able to lobby the legislature to increase the limit to 15% ( so still no 120 minute IPA or Utopia on the shelves here in NC). During the lobbying effort, you had religious groups who opposed to change saying that all these high alcohol beers would encourage "binge drinking". Yeah, college kids with barely two nickels to scrape together are going to seek out that $6 bottle of Chimay over the $4 six pack of Busch light. When the law passed, one of the few microbreweries that existed in the area at the time, Carolina Brewing Company, brewed a 10% barleywine called "Old 392" after house bill #392 that increased the abv limit to 15%.
  16. Whoa whoa whoa...stop the clock everyone.. <<<<<------------------ Eyes on the prize
  17. Wear Sabres shirt...bang Vanessa Williams.
  18. I'm not convinced that the Bills will ever be good again in my lifetime, let alone have them surpass the Patriots while that team is still an upper crust NFL franchise. Remember all those games with the Pats up by three or four TD's in the 4th quarter with Brady still in the game launching bombs all over the field? I do. Sure it would be nice if the Bills could be the team returning the favor, but I'm just as happy watching other teams step on their throats. Fukc the Patriots. Fukc them right where they breathe.
  19. This game has that classic Bills "win one they shouldn't on the march to 6-10" feel to it.
  20. It's not too late to just do this....
  21. I never watch ESPN or any of the other 24/7/365 overexposed sports "coverage". Therefore during the past few weeks I've heard ten times more whining and bitching from people about having to hear about about Derek Jeter than I've heard Derek Jeter adulation.
  22. I've talked about that with a few of my friends who are Canes fans, and of course they have no concept of it. All had no idea who McDavid or Eichel are. I've said it before, but in places around the league like Carolina tanking isn't even an option.
  23. I think we've been over this before, but this pumpkin beer craze is just out of control. I went to my local craft beer shop yesterday and there were more pumpkin beers than I've ever seen. I can't believe that there is such a great demand for this style. I can appreciate a well done pumpkin beer, but 6 oz. and I'm done, there's no way I'm drinking a few pints or a six pack of the stuff.
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