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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Bump...for a tank that we can ALL get behind. Let's Go Canes!!! Let's Go Canes!!!
  2. lol. yeah it's going to be tough. Over to the tank thread!
  3. See the tank is 1/2 over thread. i have pledged and called on others to keep the tank debate out of the game day threads and confine it to that thread only for the season. At the end of the day we are all Sabres fans even if we disagree on the best long term plan for winning a Cup. I don't want to ruin other fans' enjoyment by always being a downer in the game thread.
  4. Nearly 40 years of being a fan with no Cups and zero chance at one this year has made it about next year already for this fan. I don't know what those words you typed even mean. With that said I pledge to keep all tank talk this year confined to this thread, please call me on it if I screw up. I also call on all other tank proponents to not post pro-tank related comments in the game threads.
  5. If true, I'd lay a hefty bet that the all important US mortality rate is going to drop to 50%.
  6. http://www.theguardi...orrying-disease
  7. ....and there's even a vaccine for it that more than 50% of people don't bother getting, yet if there was an Ebola vaccine ready tomorrow you'd have lines miles long with people waiting to get theirs. The media is doing what they do best with this one.
  8. I only owned manual transmission cars until I got T-boned 8 years ago and that car was totaled. I bought a automatic truck after that and my wife drives a minivan. I've thought about getting a Wrangler for weekend and around town driving and if I did I'd only go with manual.
  9. At the Canes-Sabres game last week during a break in the action they were showing people, mostly kids, dancing to the music blaring over the sound system. They cut to four or five different shots of people dancing their ###### off and having a great time, then they cut to a group of six twenty somethings in a row, all of them staring at their iphones and typing away. Good stuff.
  10. Nobody said it guarantees anything. All those "ifs" are still in play under any other strategy of rebuilding. Strawmen. I don't blame anyone for not agreeing with it or liking it, but in a year where this team isn't sniffing the playoffs let alone a Cup, to piss away your chance at these guys, however small that chance may be would be totally irresponsible IMO.
  11. Plus both goalies. I hope Enroth/Neuvirth tears it up early thus inflating their value so that GMTM can ship out the better one in December. There are many options to torpedo this team in December or January should they start exceeding expectations. Could they pull a Cleveland Indians ala Major Leage and "succeed" with a run to 9th place despite managements best efforts to hinder them? Sure, anything is possible, but I wouldn't bet on it. The tank is only 1/2 over. We've come this far, now let's allow GMTM to provide us with the tools to finish the job.
  12. As an out of towner I'm doing this log. The sausage and cheese wrapped in more sausage and then wrapped in bacon "fatty".
  13. 1 Enroth shutouts . 3.5 over/under 2. Matt Moulson goals - 24.5 over/under 3. Sabres Total Points - 68.5 over/under 4. Sabres total goals scored 195.5 over/under 5. Stewart Fighting Majors 4.5 over/under 6. Team Face-off Percentage 47.5 % over/under 7. Josh Gorges - Penalty Minutes - 34.5 min. over/under 8. Cody Hodgson total points - 51.5 over/under
  14. All the tank contenders will be in full fire sale mode at the deadline. I think the key with GMTM, as IKP pointed out, is he can and will start dismantling the team well before the deadline if necessary. We already have a plethora of picks and prospects so it's OK if he doesn't maximize return by selling early. Teams in weak hockey markets would get crucified and suffer even more at the gate if they start selling off key assets well before the deadline. In Buffalo GMTM will care not, I trust in him fully that his eyes will always remain on the prize in 2014-15.
  15. Great choices to shepard these youngsters through a DFL season.
  16. An experimental antiviral, developed by a company just down the road from me in Durham, has been given to the Dallas Ebola patient. http://wraltechwire.com/chimerix-drug-given-to-ebola-patient-in-dallas/14051934/
  17. Let's Go Canes. Wooo Woooo Wooooo! I still say the Sabres ace in the hole is GMTM torpedoing the roster if necessary. IMO doing something like that is 100% out of the question here in Carolina and other places around the league. The other side of the McEichel coin is if we don't land one of them then who does? Outside of one them landing in our division, the nightmare scenario for me is McEichel here in Carolina. Ugggghhhh that would be unbearably brutal.
  18. You can't cheat on the Bills..
  19. I'm no Bills apologist, but if you haven't seen the crucial ref calls/non calls that have killed the bills today then I don't know what you're watching.
  20. The no PI call on Watkins doesn't even begin to describe to awful officiating this game. WWF like.
  21. Officiating. Again.
  22. Beautiful. :thumbsup: A fair article that captures both sides of the tank argument nicely, hopefully everyone who has or will post stuff about players being in on the tank will read it. I'm in 100% agreement Mr. Cannon.
  23. No, my neighbor got the tickets, and as of Thursday we thought we might actually have to scalp tickets until these ones came through. It wasn't in the Lenovo box, the Champions club is just sponsored by Lenovo. My wife loved me for letting my kids get all jacked up on junk food in there. They gorged themselves on pizza, popcorn, cookies, brownies, cupcakes and bottomless sodas for free and still they were begging us to go buy them some cotton candy. Oh and when I got home from work my son was ready to go in his Sabres jersey, he chose not to wear Canes colors tonight. :thumbsup:
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