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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. The counterpart to Rush on the other side of the spectrum is now a sitting US Senator, Al Franken. The difference being like you said, lack of audience for Franken. Both of them are equally moronic, but I'm not sure if Rush's legions of lemmings or that Franken actually got elected is scarier. It does however confirm that there are plenty of idiots to go around in this country on the extremes on both sides.
  2. I really don't see it as a big deal. Is it really that hard to be aware of your surroundings and not throw out F-bombs every other word? You can still enthusiastically support your team without being a drunken potty mouth. IMO if you are that type of fan, you're still being a dick even with no kids around.
  3. Yeah..that stuff goes on and like I said is just goofy and all in good fun, I'm sure it's done all over the league. But the Canes for years would openly disparage the city of Buffalo and Sabres fans constantly on the scoreboard during the games, while at the same time handing out rules of fan behavior cards and having Luke DeCock write about how fans have to fear for their well being if going to a Buffalo game at PNC. Seemed a bit hypocritical to me. The stuff last night was more towards the goofy side and they seem to have toned down the outright antagonizing stuff lately. One thing remains certain though the Sabres are still a top two or three hated team in these parts.
  4. The other part of that video sees the Spacek jersey wearing Sabres fan getting chased by the Canes mascot into the bowels of PNC, presumably gets roughed up some more, only to re-emerge as a Canes fan wearing a Canes sweater. This is a message that they need to be sending to the kids..that it's perfectly ok to be a team swapping ######. :) The video scoreboard stuff in general is just kind of goofy, but still after all these years they only go to these lengths to call out Sabres fans. I've never seen similar stuff done with other teams..maybe they do though, I don't go to as many games as I used to. I guess it's nice to know that we still get under their skin...even in the CHL.
  5. Yes. I had to undergo weeks of training just to be able to enter a BSL-3 lab. Ebola is a BSL-4 pathogen, and it's not surprising that the proper procedures and safeguards were not put in place in such a short time frame. It might not be a bad idea to have some of the trained scientists who work with ebola in the lab consulting the health care workers who are treating ebola patients.
  6. The Canes did a lame video board thing yesterday with a Sabres "fan" wearing a Spacek slug jersey.
  7. I saw many toddlers (3 and under) at the game yesterday, it's pretty common so I guess I've just become accustomed to it. I ended up sitting in section 125 (section 100 doesn't exist) which is at the end where the Canes shot twice so I never made it over to your end of the arena. I'm not sure how the refs missed that third Canes goal, it was clear as day to me that it went in the net in real time.
  8. OK maybe a little pillaging tonight. Blasting some "Weenie Ride" by Steel Panther in the VIP lot. Women and children cowering.
  9. Nah...not unless I use all five of mine of Foothills Seeing Double IPA or something. I'll keep my drinks more sessionable and I'll just be numb to the bad hockey but not belligerent or anything. However, just in case things get out of hand I've ordered a car service to take us to and from the game, so no tailgating for me. I haven't looked if it's stopped raining, but if it has I'll bet there will be Sabres fans tailgating in that spot I told you about within the hour.
  10. Well there are different levels of lacking talent..you've got the treadmill of mediocrity which we had been on for quite some time with the players you mentioned, then you've got a just plain bad hockey team that overachieves at the worst time to cost themselves a better draft position like we saw at the end of the 2013 season, and then you've got the complete ###### show we've seen for the past 85 games and counting. In respect to the game day thread I won't mention what I prefer and why again.
  11. I'm 90% sure I'll be in section 100. My neighbor got two sets of tickets for this game, one set in section 100 and the other set in the Champions club. We've discussed the best strategy for dividing up the tickets and we thought it would be best to let our wives sit in the champions club so that they can cackle the game away up there. He also received a $250 canes bucks card with his tickets so that's good for 25 beers among the five of us on the house.... that should make the game easier to watch. It will be myself and four other Canes fans and I'll be wearing my home no name Sabres jersey.
  12. Yes. Having worked in a BSL-3 lab previously, there are very strict guidelines in place in terms of PPE. If those guidelines aren't followed to the letter you risk being infected with a nasty bug.
  13. The ###### show arrives in Raleigh tonight. Allow it to wash over you and purge your hockey soul of the darkness that lurks there. Lay down your arms. It must be done. Canes 3 Sabres 1. Buzzards are already circling over PNC. A feast awaits tonight!
  14. This is shaping up to be an epic early season tank battle. Eric Staal, Patrick Dwyer ruled out.
  15. Yes, that is all parking on both sides of that line of trees. I typically park in that first row right under the trees. In Raleigh it is, and it's not just Sabres fans when Buffalo comes to town, Canes fans have been tailgating before games since they moved the team here. Obviously it's more of a thing for weekend games, but there will most definitely be a lot of tailgaters in the lots before the game tomorrow. Unlike most NHL arenas PNC isn't in an urban area so if you get there early tailgating is pretty much the only thing to do. This set up contributed heavily to the pillaging reputation we got labeled with in 2006. Game 1 of the ECF was on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and most fans were tailgating for 2-3 hours before going into the arena. Therefore you had a crowd that was way more liquored up than you typically see.
  16. As long as it's not raining there will be plenty of tailgating. There is a line of trees on the east side of Carter Finley stadium, at the end of that line of trees closest to PNC arena there is typically a pretty good sized Sabres fan tailgate going on. This is where I ran into Drunkard a few years ago. I'm not sure if I'll be getting there early enough to tailgate myself, but if I do this is where I'll park. You want to come in on the Trinity road entrance to access this parking area, https://www.google.c...m/data=!3m1!1e3
  17. Do what you know is best. This is the time to lay down our arms and rest for a brighter future, a future where we can pillage, rape and eat the flesh of babies with the type of savagery never before seen in these lands.
  18. I don't know if or where I'll be tailgating/pillaging, but I'm sitting in section 100. If you get there early enough, I can take you on a tour of the 2006 battlefields. Maybe we can discover some old shards of smashed pint glasses.
  19. Key controversial calls on crucial down/distance plays went the pats way....again. The bills offense shot themselves in the foot plenty, but the refs provided additional favors. Brady usually doesn't need the extra opportunities, but he got them anyway.
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