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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. This made last season's ###### show a little more interesting, no? You up for starting another one Ghost?
  2. He wants someone to do something stupid. Until then, he waits.
  3. Yep. Throw 'em all out! The american electorate should have the worst approval rating for keeping all these crooks in office.
  4. As an elte CHL team you have to be wary of the non-CHL teams costing you points by taking a night off.
  5. A CHL juggernaut is on the rise in Buffalo. http://www.washingto...-than-expected/
  6. We are witnessing a CHL powerhouse in Buffalo, let's enjoy!
  7. Shocking. http://pewrsr.ch/11glzhl
  8. Yep, Matrix meet your counterpart from way across the aisle.
  9. Agree with previous posters, after the curtain falls on this season and the draft picks fall where they may, there is no more trying to be bad on purpose on any level within the Sabres organization.
  10. Ahh..I should have known that, but being on phone with no avatars visible, I just responded to the post and didn't see who it was.
  11. Sorry, there is no fan handbook. I can only tell you how I feel. You be a fan your way and I'll be one my way. Ive got a lifetime of Boston beat downs that have ultimately amounted to exactly squat that I can look back on. Another one tonight moves my fan satisfaction needle nowhere. I do want the Sabres to win a cup just as much or more than anyone here.
  12. I want them to do that in the playoffs or in a season with real playoff possibilities. Tonight? Meh.
  13. I never had to go to any places like that thankfully. My wife is in pediatrics and she refused to go, and I certainly wasn't going to force the issue. Those kind of places are one giant petri dish for kids to swap germs.
  14. Yes. They have qualified for the playoffs in two of the last nine seasons. I agree things are looking up for them, but it's a long season and they are still the Islanders.
  15. A lot of CHL teams in action tonight.. Oil, Calgary, Winnipeg, but only one head to head tilt. The Putrescine game of the week... vs.
  16. Exactly, there is no rush with these things when you're a CHL powerhouse. Sit back, wait, allow Myers to continue to look impressive on a ###### show of a team, then sell high....... or decide that you don't want to trade him and tell everyone to F off.
  17. Too early, they still have high CHL potential. Keep up the watch!
  18. Here's the thing, it's pretty safe to assume that 99.9% of parents would prefer to not even to have to deal with that issue at all. Even you with your seven year old one day, I promise. Of course you can't shelter your kids from everything and I'm sure each and every one of us has let some bad language slip in front of kids at a game. It happens. But to know there are kids around and still continue with the potty mouth under the justification that it's "adult entertainment" and it's their problem for bringing their kids, means you are being an ass. It just does. Of course you are completely free to act like an ass if you so choose, I usually opt for some simple common courtesy.
  19. Riiiight...when your seven your old becomes obsessed with a game that they market to kids, and he begs you to take him to the game...you're going to say "sorry son, adults only.". Good luck with that! Adult entertainment is the Canadian ballet, not hockey.
  20. Well we can easily tell what posters don't have kids from this discussion. :lol:
  21. Yes. Simple common courtesy should not be too much to ask. Everyone has an internal "am i being a dick?" barometer that they should look to periodically. This particular scenario should provide an easy answer to that question.
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