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Everything posted by evil_otto

  1. The weather can suck it. I couldn't wait for Spring and went for my first ride of the year last Saturday (before the rain). It was an ok day to get out and this weekend is looking even better.
  2. Saturday Morning Cartoons are mostly crap these days, but thank God for Boomerang!
  3. Try using some shallots!
  4. I actually use my debit card more often than cash. It's quicker than cash most of the time, unless there is a problem swiping it or something.
  5. I would like to complain about people who can't pronounce the word "nuclear". :wallbash:
  6. Ok tipping guru's... what about take-out at restaurants, like curbside take-away? Are you expected to tip for that? If yes, then how much?
  7. Same thing happens when I read it too. :blush: ...and no, I don't enjoy washing balls.
  8. You all suck, now I want pizza ;) My complaint is about my luck with tires lately... There's nothing like seeing one of my car tires completely flat from a nail first thing in the morning. :censored: Then right after I fix that, my bike tire gets a flat for the third time this season! :censored::censored:
  9. Two footed drivers. Arrrrrggghhh!!!
  10. :lol: I think Inkman is on his way.
  11. Lol. Oh, to sleep in until the glorious hour of 7am.
  12. Can't speak for the sidewalk, but this happens way too often on bike paths.... and what part of calling out "coming up on your left" causes people's brains to cease functioning? Wtf, even the damn geese get it most of the time. Oh yeah, and people listening to iPods or talking/texting on cell phones who wander aimlessly out onto the path without a care in the world. Grrrr.
  13. Start riding a bike... seriously. Great exercise... and if you follow the rules of the road, it's non-impact! ;)
  14. I think it's a rights issue... when I replied to this post, I didn't see the attachments section anymore. However, when I go into the Harbor Club 300 forum, I do see that section available to me on a reply.
  15. mmm... ice girls :)
  16. Holy Sabres fans... that place is packed with them.
  17. Alright Danny! wtf, did the announcer call him Danielle?
  18. Especially when he's able to pretty much continue his dialogue when he's going behind the net to play the puck.
  19. I like this pic better :)
  20. Don't know about everyone else, but I am not sold on the rail cam yet. I like the positioning it gets, but it's wayyyy too jerky.
  21. Yeah, that pregame show rivals Superbowl halftime shows on the crappiness scale. And from the highlights, you wouldn't think there were any Sabres playing in the game.
  22. Good thing he's not using that helmet. That thing looks huge on him.
  23. That's just great. I'm glad that the Dallas fans still think it's cute to yell out "Stars" when singing the national anthem.
  24. That comment gave me some flashbacks of watching many a Sabres game with a sleeping baby on my shoulder/lap :) . Yes indeed, Gripe Water was a great friend to my wife and I when our kids were newborns.
  25. This was a good part too:
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