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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I wouldn't buy one - it's just too yellow for my taste - but I don't see what everyone's so worked up about - it's not that bad.
  2. It's not difficult to sort out guys, the team has mailed it in. The players are not dumb, they know this is the season of the tank. Why lay it on the line when the fanbase and management have a "lose at all cost" attitude? I think it will be different next year as things start to get turned around with the young guys getting another year under their belt, AHL guys coming up, and talent being added via trade at the draft. Next year, when the Sabres have a chance and the games truly matter, I think we'll see a different Ted behind the bench.
  3. I love the Sabres, I really do. But watching these last few games from start to finish is going to be a challenge. Thank goodness for Game Center; I can start watching late and skip the commercials and intermissionsand cut it down to a 70-minute investment of my time...
  4. Shoulder to shoulder. That's a devastating, but legal, check.
  5. In that incident, there wasn't much they could do. To Rinaldo, anyway. I was surprised Scott didn't ragdoll somebody, but we've discussed elsewhere how timid his game has become since the suspension...
  6. If I'm Ted, I let Scott know he has free reign or the rest of the season...
  7. I disagree. I think there is a culture of cronyism and manipulation at the league level. Starting with Bettman isn't a bad idea, but I'm not so sure cutting off the head alone would kill this snake. It's amazing hockey is as popular as it is with everything the NHL does to undermine the sport. Fixed :thumbsup:
  8. Based on what I've seen over the past couple of weeks, it seems to me the players have clearly embraced a losing mindset. If you are one of the pro-tank people, you are now getting exactly what you asked for - they've given up on the season, on Ted, on we fans, and maybe worst of all, on each other.
  9. Stay classy, New York City. http://ftw.usatoday....clearing-brawl/ EDIT: Looks like the video was removed at the above link but you can still check it out on Deadspin if you haven't seen it yet. http://deadspin.com/fdny-nypd-charity-hockey-game-features-bench-clearing-b-1559517529
  10. It's pretty good considering English is not his native language, don'tcha think?
  11. I think we're all hopeful Glove nailed it, but the way Staff's career has been - a few peaks surrounded by some pretty deep valleys - I'm not so sure he can sustain it. And I'd be okay with it if Staff proved me wrong.
  12. Thanks, I hadn't seen that before. I love the caption: "hanging out by the Barbie dolls..."
  13. I hadn't heard he was a Sabres fan as a kid. Was it because of Mogilny? I'd love to see him in Bflo, but I imagine the asking price would be too steep. And since he won't become an UFA until 2021, I'm not going to hold my breath. But he is an exciting player to watch.
  14. I'm relieved Miller won't be in goal tonight. As many times as I've watched him play since the trade, I'm somehow not ready to see him play against Bflo. Anybody else feel that way?
  15. Or: "Hey, we know it's been bad and we really appreciate you coming out to the games so here's a little something extra to say thanks."
  16. Here's a reminder that a sober goaltender is a better goaltender:
  17. I paid $10 per ticket to see a performance of The Wizard of Oz tonight at a local high school. I think I'll get a better return on my investment than the people at FNC. This team has devolved into something barely watchable. I really hope they blow up the roster this offseason and make the team somewhat competitive.
  18. The needs of the parent club outweigh those of the farm club. The Sabres don't have a lot of talent, and watching them play can be maddening, but you dress the best guys in the organization.
  19. I hope Ralph was very specific on how he wanted it handled. And I hope they involve something more than a lease agreement to bind the Bills to Buffalo! I guess we'll all find out soon enough...
  20. Apology accepted. :P Evidently some owners - most notably Kraft of the Pats - have said they will do all they can to ensure the Bills remain in Bufalo. Hopefully it's not just lip service...
  21. No link because it was generally accepted public knowledge as you posted.
  22. Pegula Sports Enterprises issued a statement on Ralph's passing; I'm thinking that'll probably be as close as we'll get for a while. Simply put, there isn't one. Ralph's wish was to have his estate sell the team to the highest bidder. It's been the subject of much talk for a decade.
  23. RIP Ralph - my condolences to his friends and family. This marks the start of what will be a tumultous time for those of us who are Bills fans.
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