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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Thanks 26CB. I know others have said it, so I'll just agree with them - I like his no-nonsense demeanor. While his path to righting the ship likely won't be one we'll all agree with, I am confident the ship will eventually be righted with him at the helm.
  2. Hi Chris, welcome to the board. I don't disagree with what you're saying, and given Nolan's comments about the players' strength and conditioning, I guess we'll find out soon enough whether Ted places that on the players or on the regimen.
  3. Well, that didn't take long. Corsi, Teppo, Sacco, and Forton all off the list on Sabres.com. I wonder who will be here next year? TN has been down on the players' conditioning, so I gotta think McKenney & Allaire will go. Rip stays because he's the only one who knows where the turdburger yellow thread is. I've read where players have said they got a lot out of working with Braid, the skating coach, but I'm not sure I noticed anything different on the ice. Maybe she's a goner? And a "Mental Skills" coach. That joke practically writes itself. COACHING STAFF Head Coach Ted Nolan Player Development Coach Dennis Miller Strength & Conditioning Coach Doug McKenney Asst. Strength & Conditioning Coach J.T. Allaire Administrative Assistant Coach Corey Smith Hockey Data Analyst Jason Nightingale Video Assistant Neil McKenney Athletic Trainer Tim Macre Asst. Athletic Trainer Bob Mowry Equipment Manager Dave Williams Equipment Manager Rip Simonick Assistant Equipment Manager George Babcock Massage Therapist Chuck Garlow Skating Consultant Dawn Braid Mental Skills Coach Barbara Meyer http://sabres.nhl.co...ge.htm?id=36588
  4. I don't think you cut it as much as you just sand it down.
  5. Agreed, but he asked what the new roles would be, not why they were reassigned. Maybe they're on their way to Elmira :devil:
  6. I'd be much more impressed with your crystal ball if you had posted the winning lottery numbers for this Friday and Saturday's drawings.
  7. Not sure what's more impressive: that you posted that article back in January '11 or that you found the post!
  8. Thanks LGR.
  9. I wouldn't call tanking a fan fabrication at all. It's setting your team up to fail with the goal of landing a draft pick. Tanking may have been DR's plan, and it would look like GMTM continued it, but I don't think he did. I think GMTM looked at what was going on and sold off as many assets as he could with the intention of tearing it down to rebuild it. In late June, I expect he'll trade some of those picks for quality guys that can improve the team in '14-'15. As he said, he's not doing some long rebuild.
  10. Couldn't listen. Did he say anything of note?
  11. Thanks for doing that 11. It's one-third educated guess, one-third gut feeling, and one-third wishful thinking, but mine is ready to go! 1st round: Avs - 6 StL - 5 Ana - 4 LAK - 7 Bos - 5 Habs - 6 Pens - 4 Phila - 6
  12. I imagine he'd want to be #1, but don't think for a minute that with a 3 in 4 chance of not getting the first pick, he was surprised.
  13. The biggest question of the night I'd like answered is "When the fuq did Brian Burke go full-on Sonic the Hedgehog?
  14. I follow what you're saying. I think he can be a serviceable Dman in this league, but to expect him to be the shutdown defensive dman - as was the case this year - is only asking for trouble. And he had some really, really miserable games. Of that there is no doubt. And while it clearly wasn't enough, he did do his best. He tried. He put forth the effort and gave it everything he had. While he had some brutal nights, he cared and he showed it. I respect that in a player and that's why I don't mind what he said.
  15. Weber is 6/7 IMO. If that means "scrub" to you, that's cool. But I don't think anybody's protecting him, we just don't think his comments crossed the line you did. PS: I like CoHo so far and think his game will really start to come together when he has better players around him.
  16. I think he said at the time he was hired - or shortly thereafter - that he preferred players with size..
  17. Thanks 11. That's good news for the anti-tankers among us!
  18. For those of us at work and cannot listen, can anyone expand upon TM's comments on tanking? Did he give any indication they bottomed out and would start rebuilding the roster to make the team competitive next year? Thanks.
  19. That's true, but it's not on him - he was asked to play too big a role on this team.
  20. The only flaw is I watch the games to be entertained, not see them win the Cup. Sure, I'd love it if they were to win it all, and I know that's the ultimate goal of every player in the NHL. But it's not my goal. Not at the cost of watching a season like this one.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason he told them to not fight has to do with this joke of a season, the desire to be seen as an x's and o's type of coach and not just the coach of a goon team, and his kid's career being ended early due to concussions, and respect for the game (the anti-Reggie from Slapshot). Not necessarily always in that order and most likely with emphasis on different things at different times, but I don't think there's just one reason for him telling his guys to pull back.
  22. If it's true that Hank is revved up, watch out!
  23. I've found that alcohol helps.
  24. My girlfriend drives an Aztek. It's about 11 years old and she won't get rid of it - she loves it. And yes, I do question her judgment.
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