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Everything posted by MBD

  1. Why would he be in Rochester? The guy is either the Sabres' franchise goalie or he isn't, so play him there and see where he takes you.
  2. Maybe Buffalo area taxi drivers are getting a little too uppity?
  3. LOL! What?
  4. The 2, 7 and border being sliced in half and pulled apart.
  5. I assume the goalie for the first group was Levi?
  6. Yeah, they're the same thing...
  7. The Bills. But because of the Bills, Terry can keep them both in Buffalo. If the Bills were to leave, the Sabres would soon follow.
  8. Buffalo can support 2 pro teams. The only question is: if Terry sells, will the new owner want to keep it in Buffalo? For those with a beef with Terry and want to see him gone, I'd be careful what you wish for. And of the 2 teams, the Bills are infinitely more important. Especially with keeping the Sabres in Buffalo under Terry.
  9. Baked Alaska.
  10. It's paper money. Until he sells it's not actual money.
  11. Those are recent developments and you could be right. But it doesn't matter now since the team won't be leaving Buffalo anytime soon.
  12. You would think Buffalo wouldn't matter. And yes Jacobs is arguably the most powerful/influential owner in the NHL. I have no doubt that he being born in Buffalo changes how the NHL would otherwise view a small market like them.
  13. Even though Terry may have loved hockey more than football, after 11 years of losing games and money, fans griping about him/the team, and no one showing up to see them, you can start to lose the love. Meanwhile the other team he bought is a perennial Superbowl contender, making gobs of money and drawing praise from the fans, and he may love that team more now. I don't know but I can see it happening. Let's just hope we don't find out.
  14. No chance. The Bills pull in huge money and are good and popular. If anything, I can see the drag of the Sabres the past 11 years weighing on Terry.
  15. Or maybe it was Kim's idea and he wanted to make her happy, but it was better to break them up like he's doing now? I don't know. Way above my pay grade.
  16. True. But the team would also start making money. The better question is, would any owner want to own and keep them in Buffalo long-term, after what Terry went through?
  17. General sales of what? TV/streaming revenue dwarfs anything else the Bills make. And how many Sabres fans are also Bills ST holders? I'd bet not many. And how many Sabres fans have wanted Terry gone? As they say "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."
  18. That could be it. It wouldn't affect the Bills appreciably.
  19. Seems like a prelude to selling the Sabres. No reason to dissolved PSE unless that's the goal. And of the two teams, there's no chance in hell he's selling the Bills, which are uber-profitable, unlike the Sabres. Although the timing seems odd since the Sabres should finally make their return to the post-season this year.
  20. Personally I think improving the defense like they have and Levi replacing Anderson and getting the majority of the starts is enough for the playoffs this year.
  21. Helle for 1 year would be fine while Levi gets his feet frozen. The question is compensation.
  22. For the past 4 seasons? And the Sabres weren't great defensively either. Not worth the risk to find out he peaked 5 seasons ago.
  23. He's been hovering around .900 and 3 GAA since 2019-2020. That and his salary make him a hard pass.
  24. You can come back in-season after being put on IR in the NFL now.
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