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Everything posted by MBD

  1. Coronato scored both goals in regulation against him. I like how after he saves the shootout attempt by Coronato, he throws it down the ice in disgust.
  2. MBD


    Yes we don't know much yet...because they're keeping that information under wraps. If you want to play semantics and say that's not keeping anything secret, so be it. And why is saying they're our own balloons a conspiracy theory? This was a thread started to talk about the balloons.
  3. MBD


    Information about every other balloon than the first/Chinese one has been kept secret. And if it's drugs, no reason at all to not come out and say it.
  4. So is still believed that if you start a goalie too soon you can ruin him? That sounds like what they used to say about QBs in the NFL. Now practically every highly-touted rookie QB starts. If he's got the goods, he'll succeed no matter when they start him.
  5. MBD


    Probably our own balloons. Why the secrecy otherwise?
  6. Yeah to ensure he signs, they'll have him on the Sabres roster. And if they play themselves out of the playoffs, I'm betting he gets a start.
  7. The site I'm using says "FINAL/SO 2-2." :rolleyes:
  8. The worst part is many can't live within their means.
  9. Good points. But he's still a Nancy boy.
  10. Yeah, Portillo's never signing.
  11. That's above my pay grade.
  12. Will anyone want to take on the player/contract is the question.
  13. Portillo no. Johnson maybe.
  14. I was making a joke. A bad one at that.
  15. He wanted to get surgery...
  16. Will that contract piss off TNT?
  17. Probably. But I still would have liked to do without it.
  18. And that means she died and they are covering it up?
  19. That damn 8 game losing streak...
  20. I've been saying that he knows that the organization likes Levi better and he was never going to sign, after he decided to return to school. Let him walk.
  21. No one probably is now. But last year right after he chose to return to school and I said he wasn't going to sign, I got a lot of blow back.
  22. He probably has been trying but the price is too high.
  23. The majority goes to TNT.
  24. It seemed like a throwaway in the trade. Someone said that Botterill wanted 2 other players from STL before him.
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