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Everything posted by K012010

  1. Literally anyone of service without one. It’s not gonna be a cup contender. It’ll be a patchwork group of gritty vets and a couple key younger guys who can grab the 7 or 8. It’ll take good coaching to maximize them to achieve this. This is obviously a very unusual situation with this franchise, and unorthodox ideas need to be considered. Kevyn has a vision of building a dynasty through young guys and having them grow together. It’s not gonna happen here. There is an exorcism that needs to take place, and it’s gonna take a group of experienced men who have the grit to get it done. And a creative coach who can help them do it. I’m not even trying to be funny or anything. I truly believe this is what needs to happen. We can absolutely put together a team capable of making the playoffs that is mostly veterans with the young talent that we have. It’ll be a brutal lopsided trade pretty much every time but these guys need to get shipped out. What’s required in the situation is going to be significant mental toughness and experience.
  2. I’m actually of the belief that this is almost entirely mental with this team. They’re incredibly fragile, and expecting young hockey players to turn this around is a bad game plan imo. There is also a collective negativity we’re all aware of that is absolutely in play here. imo we have to ship all the young talent out (except Benson). Use them to build a veteran team that can sneak into the 7/8 spot. Get that monkey off the back. Then start rebuilding (more efficiently and methodically) with young talent. It’s a grim diagnosis obviously, but I think it’s the only way to ever turn this around.
  3. There’s a permanent negative mentality in this organization. Young hockey players mostly used to winning are nowhere near mentally tough enough to overcome this.
  4. Our young players don’t have the tools to overcome this. Most of them come from winning programs and are used to at least some form of success. So they’re generally not hyper focused on mental toughness to such a degree that they would be prepared to come to a franchise that is stuck in a groundhogs day negative energy loop. I said it earlier, the guys on this team are more comfortable when they’re losing. Comfortable doesn’t mean you’re happy with it, but they feel more comfortable in this state. I’m actually starting to think that the only way to turn this around to ever become a playoff team would be to have a team mostly full of veterans. You can bring the most talented Young players you want, but the energy is so bad here that you would need to be experienced and very mentally tough to handle this environment on a consistent basis. And I haven’t heard anyone in the organization mention putting a priority focus on sports psychology to any degree.
  5. They’re not psychologically comfortable being winners. They aren’t comfortable until they’re back to losing. They absolutely just don’t believe in themselves. I really think there needs to be some serious sports psychologist action going with this roster. They’re really struggling to break out of the overall energy of the franchise. Things are going well we make a stupid penalty. It’s why we all of a sudden look like we’ve never played hockey as soon as things start to go wrong. I played Division I college golf and professionally and it’s frightening how fast you can forget how to do what you’ve done 1 million times perfectly the second your mind begins to convince you that you’re not as good as you think you are. I see this on our guys’ these faces every single time this happens. and I’m also saying this as a certified choker myself.
  6. It’s a guaranteed loss. I’m really not trying to be negative, but we’re losing this by at least two.
  7. I genuinely don’t see any way we win this
  8. Our guys freak out when the momentum tilts their way in the third.
  9. It’s an interesting subject. I’m a huge fan. I’m curious where people stand on him going forward here.
  10. I’m clearly trying to cope 😂 just let me live my lie The Sabres always make my fun go soft
  11. The minute their opponent bows up, they get collective amnesia about the way they played to be up by several goals. It’s actually fascinating. Like…you’ve been borderline dominating, now you’re acting like you just got called up from the AHL.
  12. Getting Zucker to buy in and sign longterm at a fair contract is critical imo to start turning the tide. You need to be aggressive when you find such a perfect fit both on the ice and in the locker room. Can’t lose him.
  13. Byram returns to +one goal for the night
  14. Byram back to zero goals for the night
  15. Didn’t catch that at first! Haha We should have a running comparison to the Blues’ pace that miracle year they went from basement to cup winners. Still can’t believe that.
  16. He’s done a lot of things right with the Bills, but I do feel like his Sabres ineptitude is potential proof that he got more lucky than anything w McBeane. I think I lean toward that personally. He got the right guys right away. Maybe it gave him a false sense of his ability to sniff out winners in the sports world. I think he’s honestly embarrassed and deals with it by disappearing into other things that bring him more happiness. Like Josh Allen. That guy brings happiness to the world! (Except ravens fans)
  17. He must believe in duality or something.
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