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Everything posted by K012010

  1. “Growing pains” hey Kevin, this isn’t a f****** developmental league.
  2. Kid needs to sit if he won’t man up. We don’t need his offensive skill set as much as we need a man on defense. Defense first, then offense. Basic puck clears shouldn’t be an issue at $8 million a year also
  3. Well said. Kevin mentioned the 5v5 numbers being solid. The power play is really sinking this team still. Should have a full new staff running that.
  4. Kevin and Lindy have to put only the guys on the ice who play the right way. Whether it’s a complete rook, a vet on his last legs, or the Zamboni driver / janitor who is caught secretly skating and shooting in the middle of the night. You have to play the right way. Kozak already shows that. Gilbert does. Keep doing that and we’ll win more often than not. Hahaha “game worn” and Terry hikes up the price? How else are we going to add to our scout and pro personnel teams? The fracking money needs to go to securing a Lombardi.
  5. Guys like Gilbert are always part of winning teams. More Gilberts, less entitled kids please.
  6. Was Rob Ray serious about having to turn back in that royal blue zip up? Imagine if Terry did give the order that they’re not allowed to keep them after yesterday’s question about does Terry give enough resources haha
  7. This is worse than determining what a catch is in the NFL. I think this one was not interference, but the one we lost against the Jets was. And the one the Jets won was also not interference.
  8. He’s referring to his time on the Hurricanes as a player I’m guessing. Odd how the makeup of the Sabres teams he’s created don’t really reflect that cup champion roster that Canes team had.
  9. This is the specific reason why they’re also fairly unlikable as a whole. Because there’s no reason these guys shouldn’t be playing with their hair on fire every damn night. That in itself is a turn off for a fanbase. I still believe it’s an issue with emotional/personality profiling of prospects. That’s why it’s carrying over regimes. We keep picking bridesmaids not the bride at the top of every draft. We need to find the star, who wants to be a star in star moments. Our guys like to be star adjacent, you know, have a good time with the boys but not want to shoulder the pressure of delivering glory when it’s required.
  10. I mean, I think we can all say we played pretty damn well tonight against what is probably the best team in the league or at least top three for sure. It is what it is. It’s the same recurring things that usually do us in in critical moments. Our top guys just do not finish games when they have the chances. So we’ll sit here and look at it and say we’re not as good as the Jets but we had multiple chances to close the game with our top guys in perfect position. I think we can definitely say we have a true number one large goaltender for the future, which is great. Really happy with UPL. I think the biggest issue is that our again supposed top weapons are not clutch. That’s not gonna fly in the NHL.
  11. It’s not 5 in a row is it?
  12. Appreciated Byram’s hustle. Tuch needs to cash that. We had our chance, didn’t close it. Our top guys have to finish those and they rarely do. It’s a major issue.
  13. Our guy was shoved and still didn’t even make contact as bad as the NFL can be with the referee and how it makes people think stuff is scripted the NHL is the worst with how they favor the better teams. Whether it’s penalty calls or BS like this, the disparity between the lower teams, and the top teams is ridiculous in this league.
  14. Didn’t Briere’s son push an empty wheelchair down a flight of stairs?
  15. No. Apparently not. Just the lowly Sabres If we don’t give up a goal on this, I’ll tattoo UPL on my forehead
  16. It’s a 100% chance of at least one goal haha Let’s limit it to one and it’s a W in my book
  17. A very fair point. Wouldn’t be worth the risk.
  18. Absolutely agree. I would be obsessed with figuring it out.
  19. I know that the bills try to be pretty supportive of the Sabres and hang out with them a bit, but I honestly think the Sabres roster needs a field trip to go see how a professional team operates. Sitting in on meetings, talk to the veterans and how they prepare, etc.
  20. In the normal business world or corporate professional world, Benson would be labeled a self starter. as dumb of an analogy as this is perhaps, he’s the only one like that on this team of the young guys. Everyone else that they brought in that’s young is the type that gets into a group project and allows one person to do all the work and just coasts. Definitely some good points here, I’m just trying to isolate the variable that has destroyed this franchise. Because other teams were in similar situations and managed to rebuild fairly quickly. I guess my question is how are we not finding enough guys that have that desire?
  21. If you wanted to go super young with building your hockey dynasty you need to pick the right guys. They need to be like Benson, instead we continue to stack talented but soft and passive guys who actually need older vets as a presence to guide them. And we didn’t do that right All I’m seeing is just a bunch of young kids who don’t have the right mentality for this level of hockey and don’t really have enough guys to guide them that would help that much anyway at this point.
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