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Everything posted by K012010

  1. If we were just as good as Rob Ray says we are, we would be in business
  2. What are the odds that Rob Ray says we played a good game tonight
  3. It’s sad af that when your team scores early and you still know you’re losing the game almost guaranteed.
  4. We will score w 25 seconds left like the other night when it’s too late
  5. As soon as the Sabres scored in the first I was going to predict 4-1 caps
  6. Where is the Peterka shooting we were getting used to
  7. This is something they do very frequently it’s wild
  8. Thank you. Honestly it is ego and I do need these victory laps here and there. I’ll limit though for sure.
  9. Hahaha. Some of you are wound SO TIGHT. Yeah it’s a forum, relax have a beer.
  10. It was actually a comparison that was brought up routinely. And you’re right—I’m sorry Mrs Adams. Give Kevin a kiss goodnight for me later after his boys grab the W
  11. Remember when Tage was the next Mario Lemuix and Kevin Adams didn’t remind me of a giant, overgrown baby every time I see his face? We don’t often appreciate the good times when we’re in them…
  12. Yeah I thought he got hooked but no, just fanned on it
  13. Benson isn’t allowed to generate a penalty against our opponent until his mustache fills in. So in 2027 hopefully
  14. Greta points yeah. God I miss those guys
  15. Nice yeah I definitely remember that we were basically on the forefront of the new NHL post lockout and took advantage of the new rules. But then kind of got bogged down in the playoffs. At least I think 06-07 run when they allowed more clutching and grabbing again. Unless I’m misremembering.
  16. They must all play call of duty or something
  17. Can anyone with a better memory detail a bit for me what the difference between the team we’ve been trying to build over the last five years or so versus the team that was built going into the lockout year and then after in 2005 - 2006? Why was that team different? What were the differences in approach? I have a few ideas, but I’m curious if anybody has really thought it through. I just absolutely loved the blend of youth, veteran leadership, grit, speed goaltending, and balance that those teams had. I can literally remember every single guy on an individual basis. I have the panoramic picture plaques of the whole team standing together for both of those years. Why did the rebuild from the Hasek teams work then versus what has failed so miserably now?
  18. I genuinely wonder if they will ever get past taking at least 3 to 4 dumb totally unnecessary penalties every game
  19. Seeing as how Dylan just finished puberty and Benson just started, I’m targeting 2034. 2033 if we add a little juice to their water bottles.
  20. Not even getting a clear shot on a two on one that open is just classic Sabres mediocrity.
  21. Damn. Early first goal is a guaranteed L for us. They forget that they aren’t supposed to then take the rest of the game off. Have a good night everyone.
  22. Yeah I really enjoy the Bills players segments win or loss. But I’ve gotten to where I’ll watch Lindy here and there maybe a short interview w UPL or someone but basically never listen to any of the players talk to media. To me it’s just like what are you gonna say? I honestly don’t care what they have to say, which makes me sad.
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