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Idemo Buffalo

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Everything posted by Idemo Buffalo

  1. Shocker. If we win this game 5-1 you will be complaining because we didn't shut them out.
  2. If you don't see the Sabres are a good team, you are trying hard to not to see one.
  3. When we knock the Bruins out of the playoffs it is going to be a tough day for you.
  4. The debate is over. The Sabres have enough talent to make a deep run in the playoffs. Doesn't mean they will, but they have the talent to do it.
  5. We want the Cup. We want the Cup.
  6. My prediction, if we score first we win. Let's go Buffalo.
  7. They need to play at the level they played on Tuesday and let the chips fall where they may. Are they better than the Rangers? Probably not, but they are fully capable of winning this game. Maybe we will look back in April and this will be the game that changed the franchise.
  8. Now only 2 of us left posting here. No politics anymore. Sorry. Our Croatian Idemo Buffalo fan club will be up and running sometime in 2025.
  9. Sabres played playoff caliber hockey tonight. Now they just need to keep it going.
  10. Need 3 full periods. Go Sabres.
  11. We have one computer that doesn't block sites like this. All the others don't allow this site to show up. We don't even know what the password is at this point.🤣In order to reset it we have to use the "big guys" personal email and that isn't happening. I threw in the "Big Guys" for you, considering election day and all. 🤣
  12. 5 points out with 138 points still available and the season is over. 🤣 New coach and new system and players getting more experienced means they are capable of going on a run at any time in the season. The 2018/2019 team went on a ten game winning streak and then lost 18 of 26 games. The Sabres are going to have some big winning streak under Lindy at some point. Whether they can hold it together after that is something we don't know.
  13. We have multiple people that post here. One of the mean posters ran the one off that posted like "a robot" but 3 of us still post here. We just have to use this one computer and this one account. Don't really care what you guys think anyway. We are going to our first Bills game against the Niners on Dec 1 and a bunch of Sabres games over the next 5 or 6 weeks so it will be fun.
  14. Will it be Donald Trump or Kamala Harris welcoming the Buffalo Sabres to the White House to celebrate a Stanley Cup win? Huge game tonight. The road to the White House begins today for the Buffalo Sabres.
  15. It was 80 degrees on November 3, 1961 in Buffalo and 12 degrees in Buffalo on November 5, 1951. Yes, Buffalo November weather is awesome.
  16. Alex Tuch would have been the PR move, not Dahlin. He is the local guy. The Sabres have the right captain. Dahlin is a Sabre. Always has been. He is very good in the community as well. He also is locked up for 7 more years. It was a no-brainer.
  17. There was an open competition for Captain. Dahlin has been being vetted/groomed for years. He is the face of the Sabres and by all accounts the Sabres best player. Unless traded, which is not likely, he will be in Buffalo through 2032. He leads by example. The Sabres don't need a "loud" captain. They have a coach that does that. If you are questioning the leadership of a person after 12 games, you probably don't understand leadership.
  18. Why not just trade Dahlin away instead? This way we will all know who is going to win the Stanley Cup well before it happens. Leadership isn't the problem with the Sabres. They have a Captain and 4 assistants, plus Lindy. Plenty of leaders. Sabres problem is consistency. Lack of consistency often comes with a new coach and new system. SEVENTY games left.
  19. Not trying to hawk anything. We are considering starting a Croatian hockey/football fan group for the the Bills and Sabres, called Idemo Buffalo. Similar to the Czech/Slovkia and Italian Buffalo fan clubs. Idemo means "Let's Go" in Croatian. Just like Jedeme means Let's Go in Czech and Forza means Let's Go in Italian. Fans Clubs usually don't spend all day bashing teams. The Sabres did a great job with Victor Maudr's Czech/Slovakia fan group if you haven't seen the Sabres Embedded on their fan club. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNoCb9qFEJE
  20. Haven't told anyone what they think and know. Have been telling people they are too negative. Never seen a fan base so negative 12 games into a season. It is almost like this board exists to bash the Sabres. I get it, but they won 3 in a row and the same people just continued to bash them. Not sure these people are fans or just like to complain. The Bills could win two Super Bowls and you would complain but the Chiefs won three Super Bowls. They could win 5 Super Bowls and you would complain that the Pats won six Super Bowls. Negative Nancies.
  21. I struck a nerve. Clearly the overlap of Tyler Bass bashers and Sabres bashers is quite large. Tyler Bash silenced you. The Sabres will silence you as well.
  22. They have a new coach and have played 12 games. There are SEVENTY games left. Give it a rest. Go be negative in some other thread. There are plenty of them.
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