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Jävə Keith

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Everything posted by Jävə Keith

  1. This 3rd Period will definitely show the spine of this year's team. Potential on Sobotka's 2P ending goal to have a locker room rally along with HCRK's positive wisdom and adjustments and a 3P played with passion and execution, taking ownership of this game playing "Sabres Hockey." Also possible we fold and say "It just wasn't our night" Looking forward to the final period. Time to refill my bourbon.
  2. Maybe I spoke too soon. How crazy would it be if Sobotka was the goal that was the hinge that turned the game in the waning seconds of the 2nd period?
  3. Not seeing the passion. Imposing our will on them. Too many no look and back hand passes.
  4. Wow! Just Wow! What a great home opener, Once again... Who are these guys?????!!!! I was emotionally prepared that with all the pressure and the pomp and circumstance of all the pre-game ceremony of the 50th anniversary and Captain's Night. What a team win. Keep the focus boys. Its a looong season. Keep it up. Buffalove!!! NEW COACH, NEW SEASON, LET'S GO BUFF-A-LO!!! Clap!Clap!...Clap!Clap!Clap!!!!!!!
  5. All I have to say.... Who are these guys?!!!
  6. This is fantastic! Thank you GA. I am grateful for your taking the initiative to curate this rich playlist of artful memories in song!
  7. Is it possible to curate this list on some platform and share with #TeamSabreSpace?
  8. I think he's hilarious. Lighten up people.
  9. I like the move by JBotts. Not a retread, but with some NHL experience. Strength is LEADERSHIP - I think this is what is most needed to guide these young bucks out of the losing doldrums they have been in their entire Sabres career. Also an innovative thinker with an eye on applying analytics. Intriguing times ahead for sure. I especially like what Friedman said about Krueger on The Instigators today: Friedman on Krueger's coaching style: "He is a relentlessly positive guy, and he creates an environment where people believe in their ability to accomplish things. One of the things that is really changing... [back in the day], it was 'do this, do that and don't dare challenge.' This generation is all about 'why?' 'Why do I have to do this? Why are we doing that?' I think you're coach now, more than anything else, has to create an environment for this generation of players. 'Why are we going to buy into your vision? Why are we going to do this?' He's the kind of guy who can build that." "He creates belief, he creates a feeling of team and why we're going to accomplish things together. Now he's not a bad X's and O's guy at all, but he hasn't done it in a while. You're going to need people around him that can help him fix that problem. I know that in Edmonton, one of the things the organization felt was that his system did some things that you can do in international hockey, but you can't do that in the NHL, in terms of the way you position things. As far as I'm concerned, that can all be fixed. I have a feeling that one of the reasons that the Sabres are going after him is because of the way he builds teams to believe in themselves. Look, it's been a hard few years in Buffalo. I can see why his ability to do that would appeal to the Sabres organization."
  10. LOL! "Skinner is hotter than Farrah Faucet in the 70's!" -Rob Ray
  11. May this open the floodgates. If he does have a great shot, I like Samson as his set up man. Let's see if some chemistry develops there.
  12. Love Risto standing tall with Kessel. Not phased, toe to toe push and smack talk in front of net
  13. I thought same! Having grown up in Springville, we said "crick" a lot. ? That's what I like about Rayzor, he is real in his own skin. Not worried about being mr. fancy pants analytics (while I do appreciate that perspective of mathematical metrics) or big ego famous guy full of himself. He's just a WNY/Southern ONT regular guy.
  14. This has to be a misprint. I can't remember seeing our team even sniffing the top of the league. Twilight Zone?
  15. Now for Mittsy's 1st homecoming game tomorrow. Can't wait!
  16. Wowszy Wow Wow.... We got 2 points in this one!
  17. Looooove the second stick swat by Hutton on Perrault
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