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Jävə Keith

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Everything posted by Jävə Keith

  1. Who brews it? Definitely want to find some.
  2. Hammy had same observation. Suggested pairing him with Pysik would be a better compliment.
  3. Mangled Wingnuts
  4. Listening to Zemgus Girgensons pregame press interview. Reflecting on the milestone of his 500th NHL game. Absolutely loved hearing him say how much it meant to him being with the same organization his entire career, it's an honor to be with the Sabres, and "I don't want to be anywhere else." He sounds mature and I can see why Granato clearly points to him (and Okposo of course) as a genuine leader on this team. Here's to seeing the Latvian Locomotive score tonight against the Red Wings! (The same team he played his 1st NHL game against in which he also scored his 1st NHL goal)
  5. Just not seeing any urgency or energy by the Sabres tonight. It's like they are tourists. While Seattle may not be good, but they have been showing they want it all night. The score should be even worse if not for Tokarski. When they get home I hope our boys can return to their fast paced hard working game they apparently left behind in Buffalo.
  6. The bigger question we all are wondering now.... Where does the finally locked Jack Eichel Trade Rumor Thread finish in SS History????
  7. Just like Hydra!
  8. It's a great day in the 716! I came outside to light up a victory cigar after the Bills win and watch the Sabres & sunset over Chautauqua Lake. My fave current Sabre adds the perfect spice. Happy Halloween & Buffalo Double Play Day Sabresspace brothers!
  9. I am analyzing Jack by observing Jack himself. 1st person words & behavior. Not opinions from reporters or bloggers.
  10. I have posted about this in detail before. Too exhausted to try to convince those not open to it. My career has been all about leadership development and developing servant leaders. Jack is clearly not currently a leader, especially not a servant leader (serving, being a resource, and building-up those he is in charge of leading). To Jack's credit, it's not necessarily his fault. He has not been mentored on how to lead men, and has never had to lead before being wrongly made Captain of the Buffalo Sabres. He has always just been the most talented player on every team he has been on. Elite talent does not equal leadership. Perhaps Jack could still be a Sabre If he could return to the team with humility, not wearing the C (originally I said he needs to surrender the letter, but Donny & GMKA took care of that already), and merely be an elite talent, show up every day to serve his teammates and follow/submit to the leaders around him. Not many men are mature enough & capable of pulling that off well. Definitely not a young man who has had everyone worship at his feet most of his life. The best thing for the Sabres is to capitalize the best return they can for the asset of elite talent that is Jack Eichel. Bring in a mature proven leader of men who knows his role is as a short term "C" to mentor & develop the next eventual Captain to be on our team (perhaps Cozens or someone not yet a Sabre). But that young captain-to-be must 1st be shown & developed as a leader, then 2nd show/prove/EARN his letter "C." Jack never earned it. That's not his fault. He was set up to fail by being improperly "knighted" with the "C." As the ultimate leader, as General Manager, Adams has clearly come to same conclusion and has been making the hard decisions that are best for the long term & sustainable success for our beloved hocky franchise. Patience is sadly what is in order for us as fans, while we let him execute the strategic plan that was launched the moment Krueger was fired. Get the best Return on Asset (ROA) for Jack and build the future organization the right way, with the right selfless/hard-working culture, and the right leadership (A HC that develops players, and then developing the leadership skills in the future proven/earnex Captain.
  11. We want him gone. Doesn't matter what he wants. He is detrimental to the team, as a Captain he has proven to be a poor leader, self-centered, and our hope for a turnaround and long-term success is removing him from our organization. His elite talent does not justify keeping him. His negative leadership drives us further down the hole.
  12. Born & raised in Buffalo. After college, my career took me all over from London, UK to LA before getting married & settling down in Annapolis, MD for 30 years. I am elated to share the news that this month I just moved back (along with my entire family of 6) to raise my kids in the 716 and be in my happy place on the shores of Chautauqua Lake. Go Sabres!
  13. Hooray that we got to hear "Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" goal song. #EakinChoseGoalSongForUsOldTimers
  14. Time to light up a victory cigar! Cheers to such a great effort and start to the season. So much Buffalove! Already cant wait for Saturday's game.
  15. Hardest Working Team in Hockey 2.0
  16. No PP/PK clock is killing me! How could the TV graphics people miss this??? Its beyond maddening.
  17. Yep. It's called Free Market Economics and is what makes this great country work.
  18. If you watched the press conference you would better understand. The captaincy removal was not a statement voluntarily made. He was asked directly by Paul Hamilton during the Q&A if Jack would still be Captain this year. I thought GMKA did a good job of being open as he could with all that's going on without disparaging anyone (especially Eichel). He answered the Q's he was asked. It is a tough situation and he is being above reproach in how he speaks about it in public.
  19. I also wonder if GMKA has a goalie return planned as part of an Eichel trade. I'm holding off on my goalie situation condemnation thoughts until after Jack Jack is resolved. (And don't forget his potential score of future goalie depth with the add of Levi in the Samson trade return) Worst case scenario, we have our existing poor goalie lineup that keeps our record in solid drafting position for next year's stellar draft class, while at the same time the new young core gets their development this year under Meatballs. Next year will be much more important to have a solid stable of goalies. And who knows, maybe 6K surprises us (and the league) by the end of this year. One can dream. Go Sabres!
  20. voted 2 As others have said, goaltending is capable of disaster but probably will be slightly less than serviceable. The young guns will find their way & identity in later portion of season after many opportunities of grinding & battling through adversity. Hoping they can surprise not only us, but the rest of the league in that regard. Also important to add the asterisk of what the team looks like post-Eichel trade (assets returning may even include a goalie). Let's get this party started!!!
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