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Jävə Keith

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Everything posted by Jävə Keith

  1. Love the effort and numbers of players crashing the net working for that GREASY goal! I was just thinking during the last game about that amazing Zombie Crack you graciously shared with me! Memorably Delicious!
  2. Same. I abhor comercialization of jerseys. Is nothing sacred? You've got boards, ice, digital ads on the glass. Reduces the uniform when there is a commercial on them. I don't care that other lesser leagues do it. I think it makes those leagues look cheap and classless. Keep the jersey & Sabres crest pure. For the love of the game and the history of our beloved team. Rant over.
  3. Matt Ellis is the Matt Ellis of Assistant Coaches!
  4. My man! Now build on that Cozens goal and hard-working shift boys.
  5. Lockerroom accountability time. Also hoping Donnie Meatballs can communicate effectively the needed adjustments and do a 180 from that FUGLY 1st Period. Let's GO Swordsmen!
  6. Making Splashes Boo Seattle. Yay Buffalo. Let's get splashin' the Kraken!!!
  7. I keep nodding off here in the 2nd. #BabyNeckingSabresAfterDark
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