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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Fair point and at least NBA is drafting adults in college mostly...
  2. I'm in! Now there is a glass half full attitude!!!!
  3. Outside of the NY Jets development of QBs... I can think of no competition in the history of sport that even compares with our abject cesspool of incompetence in development amongst other areas.
  4. JT Miller is coming to Buffalo! When the team he is playing for plays the Sabres lol 😆
  5. They will drain the fight and care out of him soon like cozens and peterka and Quinn and Samuelson and so many others Benson may take a bit longer the force is strong in him but eventually they will make him bo give a s#it as well
  6. Oh I think that is exactly what he means... him or Pegula... I think they want to do this on the cheap and go periennal youth and cheap... I really dont think he has a plan to win... I think he hopes he lucks into it... I think the financial plan is far higher on the priority list than winning ever will be.
  7. If only... Punch was a classic... and yes Tim Horton totally moulded Schoeny and was widely regarded at 44 as the strongest guy on the team. No one messed with him. Love the box score!
  8. LOL hey you know what... its a game, I love she is interested in it... some of my best memories with my Dad is us going to the rink at 6am for practice... he took me to my first game when I was 5... that happened to be the game Schoenfeld took Cashman thru the boards and started fighting... we were in the Oranges right over the zamboni door looking down... I remember after the game saying to my Dad... Dad that was fun can we do it again tomorrow...!!! He just laughed... I was hooked at that point... 🙂
  9. I have a better chance at dunking a basket ball than this happening... Honestly, I dont even think he makes it till the end of the year I see him being shipped out for some 3rd line figure skater with potential or a bottom 6 LHD .... or maybe just a 2nd or 3rd pick
  10. Thats exactly what I mean... poor guy looks like Denis from Slapshot when he is having a PTSD episode in the locker room at times... LOL
  11. I heard they were passing out Mango's too!
  12. Wondering what UPL looks like with a real Defense in front of him...
  13. Omg 😆 and I am due for the big C in a few months too! Prep sucks 😆
  14. I do not disagree i would go as far as saying hope can only grow if Terry commits to winning AND hires a competent GM and POHO
  15. Very fair analysis and has got to be truth in here. I do find peculiar that Terry says the answer is in this room essentially we are not doing anything... could be bs windows dressing and an attempt to settle things down with Adams working behind the scenes to find a worthy trade and not wanting to get fleeced. I think it is more likely that what he is being offered is picks and prospects because top 6 players with NMCs won't come here thus his palm tree comment.
  16. thats as fair an answer as it gets... I mean who knows.. but that is as plausible as anything. I know this... I would put down (criticize) no answer when it comes to TP... cause I literally have no clue what the man is thinking... like none. Thus I am interested in folks thoughts... thanks for yours
  17. OMG you just went Smyl and Bromley... surprised you didnt bring out Lever Snepts and Vervevegart
  18. or wait for the league to act...
  19. thats sounds optimistic if the current management stays... but I guess you never know...
  20. John McCay 76 Bucs... I will trade all your a$$es to Green Bay we lose with ya we can lose without ya.... LOL
  21. Honestly the best Bourbon on the Market now outside of maybe OF Birthday Bourbon... won a lottery and chose this over PVW20... love the stuff... I have had it up to 139.4 proof... which I heard they cut because over 140 is an incendiary device and you cant fly it lol...
  22. I loved that place... did it survive COVID? I had my first OF Birthday Bourbon there.
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