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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Right! LOL
  2. Breaking NEWS!!!! Samuelsson is injured and will miss some time... how about we assume he is on the injured list and you put out an availability list for him instead...
  3. One of those cases that happen all too often for this team.
  4. I would take out Buffalo Sports and just leave it history... he is an epic failure... why he is still here is amazing in and of its self. as for Samuelsson... what an absolute waste of a roster space for that money.. I agree....
  5. To me it is 1 and 3.... but I chose 3 because I think that is the most important.. now we are going after your stars... game on.
  6. Wonder if TP is gonna have to buy commercial time to have his games aired.
  7. I agree I think the cap increase hurts the Sabres... supply goes down cause teams can sign more players to higher contracts. We I believe self impose a cap that may or may not go up if the leagues does... may help us sign our players long term or some.. but with our recent record I am not sure if that is good thing.
  8. Bandits is about all I got. To young for 64/65 dont care about anyone else like Bills and Sabres...
  9. Seriously, kinda scary thats literally the best we got...you can throw in Krebs and Benson... but seriously what are they gonna do... so basically thats it... I mean maybe Dahlin has a little bit of a forced edge to him... but do you really want him in the box? That would encourage teams LOL... Malynstein if he is actually playing... might be a guy.. Gilbert ok... but they really dont want those guys on the ice for major minutes...
  10. I get that it could be coaching... or part of it.. it may be.. but I tend to agree with you... like, I watched Lindy Ruff play... Lindy understands the need to respond... I remember him taking an epic whoopin from Cam Neely in a response.. he didnt need to be told.... I think he understands the fragility of the team and is protecting it.. he had the luxury of not having to respond to our lack of response and a loss... which was possible... if the Devils got a 4th and won in OT, I suspect his response would be different... he had the luxury of pointing to the scoreboard... from my perspective hollow consolation... Bottom line, if you have to force a grown man to watch one of their best players and team mate get cheap shotted and do SOMETHING.... then you have a problem with roster construction not coaching necessarily... this is an immediate defense response that you have or you don't... you do not think about getting your @ss kicked you react to the attack and question your judgement later... (Lindy doesnt control that.. .he didnt tell the team prior... now boys.. if TT gets whacked with a cheap shot... back off)... it happened and we didnt have the instinct to react... total roster construction.... Now, the necessary continuation of aggression through out the game that really deters these hits... that I would look more to the coach to say, I want their best player taken out of the play cleanly and hard every time... that also did not happen... so I see it as a combination... but I see it not as Ruff doesnt know more like he understands we are simply not capable... and fears that the escalation of aggression does not work in our favor over all. Back to team construction... back to the guys people are looking to get from us like Greenway, Cozens, Zucker etc... are the only ones that may have that in them... and it is valued... we seem to find a player or two like that, identify it, and immediately get rid of them... See Marcus Foligno... et all...
  11. Finland is really digging here... lol
  12. The longer Adams stays around, the more concerned I am going to be that there will be no changes... and if there are no changes... optimism is not a word I would use... more like despair... IF they do make changes and those changes are to move Adams and shuffle internally... again despair... If they gut and bring in personnel that insist on Hockey control with a vision and are competent and Terry moves to this model... then yes I have some optimism... however, in this scenario I am thinking there is a possibility that a new Regime would want to at minimum significantly re tool if not tear down and rebuild... so my optimism would not be for next year... In the end, with regards to optimism for next year, I feel like we are f$%k3ed....
  13. Ok so like the last person I ever would think about as a Rob Ray look alike... and I am not gonna lie you kinda pulled that off... a little.. LOL
  14. BTW thank you for that... I will admit to not being versed in the AHL/NHL call up and eligibility rules as well and the ones that apply to Junior as well... so I always learn a bit from these exchanges.
  15. agreed this is just a consistent symptom and illustration of everything wrong with this team... this attitude of weak softness translates in to the corners, in front of the next, back check, taking a hit to make the proper play... and all of the difficult things that go into playing hockey that will show results in the playoffs.. to me its like... well of course they didnt... have you seen them play in the corner and in front of the net... try to hold on to a lead when the other team is breathing fire? Its obvious they arent willing to do those things that winning teams do.. at least consistently...
  16. More importantly, look at what a real nhl team does when Dahlin stick their player. And that was nothing like what they did to Thompson... people can say what they want.. the relentless pursuit of the individual all game long from a team perspective is the deterrent... fighting them at the time is just fine and appropriate... but it cant stop there... it needs to be escalated through out the game in a clean but highly aggressive way... wont stop it... cheap shots gonna cheap shot... but it will deter folks when you start getting your stars targeted...
  17. I am sure it was Gilbert and Benson... after that... we go no body that cares.
  18. I was waiting for Peter Scamurra lol... Brownschidle was actually a great d man that could score... I think GIonta and Orpik are my picks..
  19. Fight, Don't fight... whatever, in the end... mott of the 31 other teams would have responded... we as is our culture of kumbaya figure skaters do not... I go back to what Campbell said about the Umberger hit when people we congratulating him in the community after that game.. his response was yeah, well you dont have a target on your back... and he ends up fighting Umberger etc the next season. Bottom line, you can jump in and defend immediately addressing as most teams would and that is fine, preferred and appropriate... in the end... its thru the subsequent play and physicality that the other person or team will be made to understand that we will target your stars with hopefully clean but big hits etc... that makes them think twice like it did Campbell... with the Buffalo Ice Capades there is no fear of that... so players like Benson and Peterka etc... are fair game.. as for the I didnt see it crowd... I am not so sure, looks to me like they were looking right at it... especially Power... but that is par for the course.. 6'5 230 and plays smaller than Benson... Sorry, agree, disagree... but I hate this team for that attitude and its one of the reasons most fans are disgusted... to not respond is cowardly and shows exactly what this team is about... and how "close" they are... you see your friend get jacked up your gonna do something.... for all of those hoping that some day we make the playoffs... lol... these fake hockey players will leave the rink running for their Mommies after the first period.
  20. I think Adams saying we will not be sellers is a bit of a play on words... because in the next breath he will be saying that we weren't selling, we are just getting assets for players that we were not going to retain... Now, He may try and make a big trade to improve the team with those assets... but getting someone to ditch NMC is going to prove difficult and will likely result in an over pay in and of its self... so I feel like we will see the same thing we do every year trade away pieces that other teams need for the playoffs... for hope... (save the Mitts trade...) Zucker may stay he said he wants too... but I can see teams looking for players like him and making an offer and Zucker wanting to stay IF we pay him big and off he goes.... same thing with Greenway, although I have not heard specifically he wants to stay... those are the two players of value to me that are the most likely to go as they will be valued for playoff type hockey which we again will not be playing and are simply not built for... (fair note on Greenway, that dude always seems hurt... not even sure he is built dexterity wise for the playoffs.. beginning to remind me a Muel) So i feel like again rinse wash repeat performance coming in... team is pilfered for the few players it has that are built for the playoffs.. and sold hope or prospects... In the end I really don't want Adams making trades... the rationale has obviously been well documented... However, if he is still the GM and Terry hasn't said no trades... then GM gonna GM... like he always GM'd and we become the leagues farm team starting in a few weeks... JMO
  21. Agreed. Love what I am seeing out of Kulich's game... but this is a bit early and he is an unknown entity... that being said.. if he continues to play like this how do you send him down...
  22. agree here... as much as I hate what he has done with the direction of this team... something like that changes a man and perspective is looked at thru a different lense... I always believed his intentions were good... unfortunately painfully ineffective. But the human element cannot be neglected here... when I see him he seems alone. That being said it was good to see Kim out at the game.
  23. Based on where they sit... definately the Jets... they need a QB and a coach (I think Aaron Glenn may be that guy) ... we need a team...
  24. True answer is it depends... if Adams isnt a lame duck GM with restrictions on only trading UFA/RFA we will not resign or will not resign with us and he is given full reign I expect the he will drop his pants, grab his ankles and get fleeced by trading players that can play two way and moderately gritty or players that have not fully developed for players that are soft 1 dimensional and criticize their teammates for "wanting to win too badly"... OR he will become afraid and do nothing. My hope is that he is lame duck and can only trade players who will not resign with us.
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