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Everything posted by JP51

  1. LOL... "other than that Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play"....
  2. In watching the 4 Nations play... it occurred to me this is what hockey is supposed to be... mind you there is no way you can play an 82 game schedule and playoffs that intense... and there is no way you can approximate that talent on every team... but by and large... the physicality, intensity, sheer will to battle and sell out for every loose puck and face off... was just amazing... and really illustrates just how weak and soft the Sabres are... I just cannot imagine them in their current form actually playing in the playoffs when the level of intensity is similar... I think they would end up with shell shock and never recover... I would put in an LOL... but I think I am kinda serious here...
  3. I also think for Quinn I am going off the name train... and breaking out "Its a miracle" by Barry Manilow... just sayin... LOL and maybe for Muel I am dropping some Tom Petty... Even the losers...
  4. Laughing REM - For Sam Lafferty... would get played as much as it does on radio today LOL....
  5. We are family.... wait for it... For Cozens.... LOL see what I did there 🤣
  6. I actually almost added... if his value hasnt been diminished to the untradeable point already.... I honestly dont know... but I can tell you this I dont think it is going to a higher place than it is right now thats for sure....
  7. and quite honestly because I dont think his value will ever be higher than it is now... allow this process of playing poorly getting hurt, coming back playing worse getting hurt to continue for another year and you will need to cut him an buy him out.
  8. McCloud I can see clearly now the rain has gone...
  9. It really is... and honestly, I just have no clue where this dude is at or what he is thinking... like literally my entire brand that was once a proud organization that was loved has burned down and is emitting toxic fumes into the ecosphere...
  10. Those ads with the pathetic looking dogs from the ASPCA... I understand they do great work but I just cant watch them... they get to me... so I sponsor Animal Rescue places and not them...
  11. This is a good point, I should have had a ... I simply dont even care anymore option... I actually thought about it... but then I was like... well its a Sabres message board... so if you are here you obviously care a little... anyways.. you are right they say the best thing is to be loved, second best is to be hated, but when they become ambivalent and cease to care... thats the worst.
  12. I want to be optimistic... but I honestly feel nothing but hopelessness when you are in your second decade of being a laughing stock... the Owner doesnt recognize the main issues, and the Front Office is not only clueless in obtaining and retaining critical players... but lacks the ability to develop the ones we have, and just for fun locks us into huge contracts for players or at least some that actually ARE the problem... and then are porky when we question what is going on... yet... here I am ...
  13. Very interested in peoples thoughts here... I am between toxic relationship and I despise this...
  14. So true... all of it... my issue is literally and I mean literally not only does nothing they do make sense... they consistently do the exact opposite of what a functional organization would do...
  15. my worry is that we allow the inept people in this inept organization to do ANYTHING...
  16. Exactly lol... not out for the year means he comes back... plays 1 period... gets hurt... then is out for the year...
  17. Great question... my only answer is ... ask me when I am in that position... cause now... I dont even know how I would react if we won 1...
  18. Classic LOL 😆 #theydontpaymeforthatsh@tbit#@es
  19. I agree... its more about the shots that are not blocked than the ones that are... although those shots often turn into turnovers the other way... but getting into the shooting lane to take away the shot.. is pretty critical... forcing the pass or taking the risk the shot is blocked.. I am not sure the old Jim Schoenfeld sliding to block a shot trick is needed, but definitely clogging the shooting lanes is a big deal... akin to a DL getting their hands up to block a pass and taking away the passing lanes...
  20. Yeah I dont disagree.. I also dont think when you are at his stage of a career, you grow a set miraculously... I think it is who he is and clearly a leading indicator of all that is wrong with this team... dont tell me Adams wants to get tougher and harder to play against when he throws letters on 2 of our biggest players physically and smallest players grit wise... thats who he picked to lead... they lead... we are here... time to go for some of them...
  21. I agree... Winnipeg winter is in a way different catagory than Buffalo winter... less snow way more frigid life threatening pipes freezing temps.... I can see not wanting to deal with that winter if the team isnt a contender... I dont see them as a contender nor near a hockey hub... think travel from Buffalo to Boston, NY Long Island, Montreal, Philly, Toronto, even Ottawa and DC.... these are 1 hour flights... or 90 minutes drives... Travel from Winnipeg has got to be a bit more difficult... not saying that gives us palm trees... but travel is easier...
  22. Easily 2 years ago... but most likely never have been hired...
  23. and God I hope so... they had their A's taken away... Then direct them to the press box.
  24. Power and Muel... you have to have it to be stripped of it.. more of "a lack of manhood and little boy exposure on display"... 6'5 230lbs gutless cowards.
  25. or signing.. he is utterly incompetent... I love looking at his trades in a microcosm... Mitts/Bo ok great... may look good on paper but did you actually improve your team... did you exchange assets because you acknowledged a need and acquire a player that addressed a need like a tough crunching RHD or a 2C? I have an idea, lets go get another puck moving soft LHD.. we dont have enough of those... so yes, on paper I get it... but in the end.. the team is worse than last year... Sorry I get the point but not buying it... the assembly and drafting and over all complexion and identity of this team is soft, uninspired, shallow, 1 dimensional, weak, fragile minded, cesspool of figure skaters... he has not shown the inclination to aggressively address this... at this point I want him addressing nothing... or we are gonna go give a huge contract to someone like Powers or Cozens or Muel.. oh wait... just praying his team doesnt ruin Benson or Kulich..
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