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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Immediately...!!!!!! oh wait adams is making the trade... uhm i don't know if I want to sign up for that...
  2. Well in this instance Samuelson but I dont disagree... Starting with Adams
  3. Good for the league bad for us... they have more money to afford players, player prices go up, we still dont spend get worse players.
  4. Time to move on from him
  5. That power play percentage stat really bring s$%t home... like its bad we know its bad... but geez 8%... thats really a travesty
  6. There is always the Bills replay on NFL network LOL... you might get indigestion but it ends well 🙂
  7. @Idemo Buffalo still is holding the torch... that is awesome... I wish I could find hope but he has enough both... sending props...
  8. 100% He turned his vision of Hockey Heaven in to He//
  9. I agree, and I think they want Dahlin to be the face and to lead... I hope someday this comes true, as it stands currently, I am not seeing it... but it is early yet. Stripping the C too soon is counter productive I would agree, but at some point, is it a lever to pull... who knows maybe it sparks him... With respect to Pegula, I agree... and in some respect I cant figure him out... we are stuck with this...
  10. Ok now that one I can buy, I dont agree with it necessarily that it was earned, but not gonna lie, I thought he or Tuch should have been named captain. And again, I said if we get into December and this continues... not sure where we are getting 12 games from... half a season in and the team is still failing... with respect to understanding leadership LOL, lets just leave it there... again, leadership is earned... it isnt a title, it is the willingness of others to follow you.... and then ultimately successful leadership is measured by results and discretionary effort... currently I am seeing neither out of this team... With respect to loud, I never said I wanted a loud captain? quite honestly I believe, reluctant leaders are typically the best... they are the ones who are followed because they have those innate qualities to follow.... they dont have to say a word... they just lead... those are the most effective to me. I was in a discussion off topic about Stephon Diggs... This is not a natural leader who wants to be one... so he gets loud and abrasive... yet people wont follow him... but you take a guy lets say like Chris Drury... quiet unassuming and folks ran thru a wall for him... I do like the discussion. And no, I dont know if it is the right thing to do... but we get thru December and half the season and are still losing with this consistency,, I wonder if that is not a lever to pull.
  11. and yet here you are LOL... am I to assume your are not in favor of an open competition for the C? LOL
  12. Fair point, although what I did say was if this continues thru December.... but it would be certain to have a bad effect on Dahlin even if it was December... maybe it wouldnt. I know this, he isnt playing up to par. Thus the question... I am expecting a wide range of thoughts... none of them wrong per se. Thanks for yours Thats kinda what I am thinking... they awarded it, maybe its better to have it earned. Lots of opinions here on this for sure...
  13. Well, I am not in favor of trading Dahlin but lol you are right, he probably goes on to win a cup if we do... with regards to Captain and assistants, yes we have them, yes all teams do... but titles do not make leaders... others willingness to follow their example do. If you are satisfied with what you are seeing this year and the past 13 (cause this year looks alot like the past 13) then power to you... but seeing the same effort, output, lack of aggression, and ultimately results as we have year after year after year leads one (or at least myself) to 1 conclusion, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... its probably a duck. As you clearly value consistency I am fairly certain that they are the most consistent performing team over the past 14 years. Consistently losing, under performing and unwatchable.... I do admire your optimism, in the end I hope you are correct and that somehow this team magically transforms itself into a hockey team from a team that looks like it is best constructed to play in the Ryder Cup not the Stanley cup...
  14. I vote for the last two... but I dont see Pegula leaving so one can only hope he will luck in to competence like he did with Beane
  15. Agreed the micro second they made another nepotic internal hire I said please fire him now. BTW 3 of those players he got rid of are in the top 15 in scoring... just leaving that here.
  16. Probably unpopular, probably doesnt fix fundamental composition problems... but it may send a message. If this type of play continues... say till December we are clearly out of a playoff spot. I am not against Lindy taking the C away leaving no Captain under the auspice of whom ever leads the team and steps forward gets the C. Happy to hear thoughts.. maybe too soon for this... but I am just thinking what does a coach do to send a message that the play is unacceptable and that performance will determine ice time and real leadership that exemplifies the "way we want to play" will be earned and not anointed.
  17. KA cant fix this... he built this team to be equipped for the Ryder Cup not the Stanley Cup.
  18. This is not an untrue statement. I believe this ... Pegula is likely the problem the hope is he lucks into competence like he did with Beane
  19. Can I get an amen
  20. Agree with everything you said... but do you want Adams actually to be the one to negotiate the trade and pick the player he is sending and getting in return
  21. Well actually now we are the worst team in the conference anyone surprised 😆
  22. Don't bother lol a Sabre game happened ... pretty much recap the last 13 years... and you get the gist
  23. It's the way they were built Adams and the Sabre organization either love and focus on losing or are so bad at their jobs no one in the history of employment has ever been worse at their given profession
  24. This team in its entirety is an abject embarrassment to anyone who is actually employed and needs to do a job. lazy, soft, lackadaisical, slugs
  25. Maybe he should call a permanent time out lol the never skate too busy dreaming about setting up their tee times for early April
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