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Everything posted by JP51

  1. One of my all time faves
  2. 100%! ok little nothing side story that i just have to tell... So, when I was a kid always went to Pizza Hut for our birthdays... and In walks Mike Foligno with Nick as a toddler and Marcus in a car seat... and my grandmother loved Mike because when the sabres said Merry Christmas on the broadcasts he said Bueno Natalie which is obviously Italian for Merry Christmas ... so we are like let this man eat his Pizza with his kids leave him alone and my Grandmother goes over to him and grabs Marcus out of the car seat and starts in with the what a cute bambino and he is laughing and smiling and Foligno was talking to us... Fast forward 20 years Marcus' first game I am there and he scores... and I am like holy crap thats the baby I held in the Pizza hut LOL... Oh and then he did the Foligno jump for his Dad.
  3. Totally agree... I was going to go into some others like Torrey Mitchell and dare i say Evander Kane (complete mess that he was)... Des Lauriers as you mentioned... heck back to Zadorov and Brenden Lemieux we could go on... but anyone who wanted to have some grit and toughness was not valued and traded away for nothing or ice capade backups. Like you said, skill is critical... but someone needs to break the snow path... you have to trust you arent gonna get run every momement, and other teams need to know its gonna be hard to play against you... not necessarily fighting.. just physical I want it more than you and I will physically impose my will to get what i want players... Adams and prior regimes just dont get that.. and geez if I here make the playoffs one more time I am gonna scream... it seems like it is the only goal of this entire pathetic regime to aspire to mediocraty... what happened to Stanley Cup.. if by some chance this cumulation of Golfers that can skate make the playoffs they are going to be eradicated and never want to play Playoff Hockey again...
  4. Quite honestly, trading away Foligno epitomizes everything wrong with this team... not that he was a savior, but he was a hockey player that was willing to do the nasty stuff in the corner, use his body and make it tough to play against... you are spot on here.
  5. I was just teasing... different play on words...
  6. Interesting... wonder if this means Dahlin is out for a while...
  7. They would have traded him or not resigned him, pi$$ed him off or whatever it is they do with players of value... like Eichel, Reinhardt, OReilly, Montour etc... Sorry, I just dont believe this management understands how to build a winner... Like I have posted before other teams GM office conversation: GM: Bob... we need to get a top 3-6 guy thats a difference maker cheap, this week if possible AGM: Ok Boss, should I run to the store and grab one??? LOL GM: No you idiot get Adams on the phone! AGM: Well $hit why didnt I think of that! GM: Just call...
  8. Mine too no idea if it is really him... but if it is that literally is the most acknowledgement that we have gotten from this team that they know they are an embarrassment but I am not holding out hope.
  9. Lol I have been on a rant bender today lol 😆 and I do agree with you 100% he isn't the future he is a top 9 filler
  10. And that's why they pay you the big bucks lol 😆
  11. or ankles LOL 😆
  12. I like that you mentioned Idemo... although I havent seen him.. I actually like what he brought... I think he was rose colored and not realistic... but I loved he had hope.. cause some how him having hope made me hope that I was wrong.... I loved the naive enthusiasm... unlike my jaded self all mad and crotchety... but hey, My first hockey game was the Schoenfeld thru the boards with Cashman game... so many decades of futility for me....
  13. Fair assessment.. one caveat... the last person on want executing on this is Adams...
  14. I think initially they trended like that until the general toxicity turned them into complete apathetic eunuchs
  15. Quite honestly I wonder with how bad this all is if he isnt simply afraid he wont get anyone to take this job externally or at least without a massive overpay.
  16. He needs to earn his ice time... he can start by carrying sticks for the team
  17. Questioning results equates to a hostile work environment there...
  18. Agreed I just dont want Adams in charge of it.
  19. am I to assume you remember the song LOL
  20. Hoping it can work this way... not at all confident that it plays out... but the bottom line is Adams is still the GM and we still are in he//
  21. I think what also bothers me is that just being middle of the pack is something that we long and strive for... thats so sad.
  22. So, maybe... that would explain the media part... but giving them a day off skating... no practice etc... that seems weird... but maybe that is what's happening... I am not holding out much hope for a big breaking story... its probably this... and or they just don't want to talk to the media... that isn't surprising..
  23. I think that is part of the problem... ultimately, what you say is correct, if you had a GM with vision etc... cap space is an ally, I think the problem is as we saw this off season, it has gotten so bad that no one really wants to be here... now if a new GM can salvage this and rebuild the team and the brand I would much prefer your solution.
  24. Oh I think you have to cut deep... I will say this... get a new GM that understands the game and let them decide how to rebuild... I do not in anyway shape or form want Adams doing any more to this roster... maybe a new GM with a plan sees value in the current roster... maybe they blow it up... probably a bit of both... as for laughing stock, I get it... but really, how much more can we be laughed at then we already are... i think the biggest fail would be to continue on as we have with the same core and leadership from the top down... but dont get me wrong, I get what you are saying... its gonna be hard to admit that Adams has set this team back 5 years and we have to start over.... again...
  25. Oh there are no good answers... dont know if you remember the Spin Doctors "lil Miss" where he said "and you do your brain surgery with a monkey wrench" Absent of Pegula selling the team the best hope I personally feel we have is a complete purge and hope to get lucky with a GM. I dont know what else you can do... but this basic core... this drafting... this philosophy is just not working and it has produced the same results year after year.. and one more thing LOL... are we as a fan base not sick of... "they have a great group of prospects!" yet where are they... they cant even crack the line up with this bunch... and in fact... they arent even the gritty type of sandpaper players we need... and those that do crack the line up like Cozens, Quinn, Peterka, are literally regressing before our eyes with this regime.. they are learning to play soft... and lack luster... like literally the team has gone metaphorically septic...
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