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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Please for the love of God do not give Adams the power to trade anyone he is an incompetent disaster
  2. They don't lack talent they lack hockey players
  3. Of course they do another in a long string of juvenile bush league moves by an organization that I won't call Bush league because I don't want to disparage the phase bush league by comparing this cesspool to it.... all the cesspools out there please accept my apologies in advance
  4. The concept of the sabres making the playoffs has got to be a joke... the question is do we get this first over all pick in the draft .... aaaaaagain
  5. Yes he knows how to build a cup champion... as in jock strap
  6. This is totally about the dysfunction of the organization and the stench of an almost 2 full decades of ineptitude and neglect ... and again if some one doesn't wanna come here to win cause of the weather I don't want them. But we need to show we are a contender first. Our GM would be extatic with a 1st round playoff loss... celebrating yeah! We are finally mediocre...
  7. This is true I think players are fairly reasonable but if you are so dysfunctional for so long I wouldn't go there and I used to live there
  8. agreed, and if you are a contender and players dont want to come because of the weather or whatever I dont want them... I want the ones who spend their waking moments trying to win everything they do and want to be surrounded by the same things... I mean look, Bowman stayed here regardless of team on the 14th fairway of transit valley cc, Neale, Sittler, Dionne, all moved here... Ray, Peters, Biron, et al... if you cant get people to come here look at yourself KA not the weather...
  9. I literally had this going thru my head when he was speaking. Go to Pittsburgh and hire a college basket ball AD
  10. Agreed on all fronts actually started a thread about if we got to the New Year and we failing should we take the C away... didnt go over too well LOL I think they locked it... but in the end I dont see anything at least to this point that says he is the leader... I think he is the best player or at least most talented... but I dont see him as their leader... if there is anyone on this team that is a leader (BIG IF) ts Tuch... but by an large no one on this team deserves a C... Benson is too young but maybe him down the road...
  11. Exactly.... win be relevant... eliminate the toxicity and the players we want will not have a problem... those that want to golf year round may not, but I dont want them I want players to want to come here because they want to win not because they get a pretty umbrella in their drink and can golf in Feb.
  12. and they all lost... and before that Rigas was on a significant budget... not even sure how much free agency there was back then... Canadian farm boys coming from Milepost 62 or Whitehorse wont care about the cold if they are competing for a cup. So, I understand we are not a vacation destination but as a sports town winning I think is most important... become a contender and I think a lot (NOT ALL) but a lot of that goes away... but at this point its totally moot cause IF means nothing.. we are a complete sh9t show and no one is coming here for the weather.
  13. It isnt currently, but you look no farther that the Bills to know that location isnt the show stopper in FA and Trade no clause... its incompetence... Free Agents will clearly and have clearly given the Bills and Chiefs breaks to come here to win... they dont do that for the Jets build a winner and they wont have an issue.
  14. Oh you arent wrong... I think its the entire body of work.. I am simply focusing on the draft as we have heard for years how deep our prospect pool is... yet who has made the difference in improving the team out of these prospects... LOL the only thing worse than Pegula running the team I can think of is Bettman interfering... but then I am getting close to a flip flop on that LOL
  15. I almost wonder if we simply just used the mock drafts if we wouldnt be better off.
  16. So basically... We like our team, we need to be better, I am not changing anything we will continue to do what we have always done and shame on you morons for even suggesting that we should change... I know better than you... followed by some trivial nerd numbers that have nothing to do with the only number that matters wins or losses... and pretty much KMA... I didnt think it was possible I could believe that he was more clueless than I thought he was... but everytime I think the depth of his incompetence couldnt sink lower he speaks he surprises me. OMFG he needs to go... he is the Mike McDaniel of hockey minus the smarts.
  17. I think your overall point was legit... too many draft misses ... too many of the same player... too little balance to compete in a game that requires more than skill and is very much a will , mental and physical toughness required game.
  18. At this point Kevyn Adams has nothing to say that I am interested in other than I am resigning.
  19. Yes.... started with.... " I understand the frustration.. no one is more frustrated then myself and the team... but we are on the right path and I believe in this group, our performance has been unacceptable, and was Sabres we hold oursleves to a much higher standard... we will get this right...." then into what you said... then him and the media will sing Kumbaya and we will go lose to an expansion team....
  20. Everything you say here is true... although I am not sure I am in line with the draft... I think you need to find stars outside of the Top 1 or 2 picks in the draft... looking back thru our history we have not and other teams do. I think in the end... the entire regime needs to be changed and a competent GM that understands how build a real hockey team is put in... The Sabres have been chasing their tails and following late on the "Chic" NHL trends just as they are morphing to something else... Building a team with an effective balance of Skill, Goaltending, size, grit, and yes some nasty is always what works... you can augment that to trends as you go... but if you dont have that balance... include size and grit and nasty on your top lines then you are relagated to the ice capades to score... and 4th liners who go hit the other teams 4th liners.. Further, the defense needs way more nasty and that is in the top 4... (I am not talking about getting goons...) watching the game yesterday (where we didnt play poorly at all mostly) in the Dzone down low the Jets puck control was excellent, no one was afraid to get in the corner... and no one got hit... when you combine that with the fact that we cant win a faceoff and have to chase constantly, that is a bad combo.... Bottom line, the current regime can't or wont redo the culture... they are stuck with it... they built it... and it will require losing a significant portion of the top 6 core that just cant get it done... as well as the top 4 D core that is way too soft... nor would I want them spearheading that change based on their insurmountable incompetence. Then... there is Pegula... and thats where I slip into utter despair.
  21. I agree especially with the point that the team isnt built to win... the culture is toxic... I will say this and no slam at you... its sad that our focus is playoffs... I get it.. but geez... aspiring to mediocrity is so sad... there needs to be an entire overhaul.... that may mean a lot of the core goes...
  22. This I would agree with, Certainly when healthy Tage can be afforded star status.. but the point that the poster is making that is reasonating with me is... our drafting has been horrific... literally if you go back 15 years and look we have literally drafted less than a handful of players that I would consider game changers. And those that we did draft, Say Eichel, Reinhardt, Dahlin... have been either the 1 or 2 picks... and of course we have traded 2 of them away... for all of the hype over our prospects... where are they... I keep waiting for the next one to step in and infuse the team.... but it just isnt happening... maybe it will but i am not seeing it.... Benson is as close as you get, but he is not changing games... he may... but not today... the players and the types of players we are drafting to build our team are just not good enough... the competence in this area is hideous.
  23. LOL this is devolving quickly... we are clearly all in a bad way 😆 but I am enjoying the laughs... gotta have humor!
  24. Only if we get screwed in the lottery and get pushed back this team is gonna be in the mix for the number 1 over all... wait till it gets tough in Feb and March
  25. I agree you can completely see the Sabres have Sabred those two they have regressed and become apathetic... no worries they will become stars when we trade them away and get with a functional organization... I think Benson is the next one we ruin i am sure we will beat the fight right out of him soon
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