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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Who knew he was referencing a raffle for a hot/cold coffee, drink cup.
  2. I know this to be a ridiculous statement... but I think I would really love to see an all out game between the Sabres and the Merks... just to see what would happen...
  3. I am all for standing up for change... I have 2 problems... 1. I am not sure that doing it during the anthem if that is what you are thinking is the right place to demand this type of change. I think the anthem is bigger than a hockey game or an individuals desire for a new team mate, coach, or GM. 2. I think that they need to look at themselves as players and who they are before they start calling for heads. They have an opportunity to effect outcomes. I think kneeling and calling for a change of regime essentially absolves them in their minds and ultimately states we have no personal responsibility for what is taking place here and THOSE are not players we want on this team. I think whats more their actual pathetic efforts speak more on a day to day basis and over the past 14 years than any kneel down... if ownership cant see that kneeling isnt going to be effective even if I did agree with it.
  4. I feel like there is gonna be a beat down from the leafs and the bruins... maybe the Blackhawks? But heck if they lose all of their games and lose to the hawks they are literally mired in complete last place in the league with scant hope of getting out of it...
  5. I agree here, there is plenty of blame to go around... I think when you literally look from top to bottom... right to the players and asst coaching... they are all failures... Adams, Pegula, Ellis, Cozens... who ever you want to lump in... no one has improved the situation... the word is culture... it is the culture of the organization that started a long long time ago... I literally think those inside the building are actually numb to it at this point... walking around like zombies resigned to their fate... and Pegula fiddling while it all burns cause he likes and trusts the people that he hired and they always tell him yes... and then he immerses himself in the Bills.... I almost think Toxic is too tame a word at this point...
  6. Which is why when I hear people calling for trades I begin to nervously twitch LOL... I just cannot stomach the utter ineptitude of the current regime doing anything with our assets... I know we cant worry about what players become... but who has the current regime traded for that has improved our team in some meaningful way...
  7. Well LOL... I can go with you dont agree that it wasnt Pegula that suggested this and it was Ruff cause that is very possible... I just thought it wasnt Lindy like to cancel a practice on a 10 game losing streak... again certainly a possibility... However, for it to be in almost 14 years to be the dumbest thing ever said on this forum... thats quite a take... then to throw a personal insult at me because I thought it was a possibility? Guess that is your choice... are you really an administrator of this board may I ask? Now for that literally I could not blame him... we can throw that into the jar of possibilities LOL
  8. Who knows... I just cant believe Lindy would say no practice today... so maybe it was him... but I just struggle with that approach, it would be awfully ballsy for him to cancel practice for an underperforming team when the owner is flying out to talk to them... but maybe... we will never know.
  9. Lets look at this a little closer for more info... Was it Lindy that cancelled the practice? I some how doubt that.. Which means it was Pegula that cancelled the practice after likely Ruff was Voluntold to agree with it... talk about Meddling in the micro day to day.. I think we can see plainly that Pegula is actively engaged in the day to day dysfunction... I did see Ruff in his press conference looking a combination of defeated, disgusted and helpless... I wonder how much , obviously not all, was TP stepping into his world and dictating the practice schedule...
  10. Well then we are in complete agreement (although I am not sure Ruff is the real issue here) ... I only hope that he 1. See the obvious need and ceedes control... 2, Someone legitimate and outside of this internal circle jerk of ineptness will come here... outside of selling the team what you suggest is to me the only real hope.
  11. I can see Drury hating Buffalo and never coming back... I can see Peca not coming back.... I am not sure when you say why are you promoting failure.... if you mean, why am I suggesting this (which I absolutely am not) or why would Terry do this... If it is why would Terry do this it is because I think he is inept and I have no faith he will do the smart thing... I think he will perpetuate the same dysfuncion and nespotic internal incestuous abject incompetence he has for his tenure. Nothing more than a complete overhaul of the front office to me is acceptable... but in the end how often are you going to do this before you simply cant attract any skill to come here... which ultimately means our best option is for him to sell the team.
  12. To your last point which I agree with... Either, the team is talented and they are uptight "gripping thier sticks too tight" (which is a euphemism for we are trying really hard and just need to relax) OR Lazy, disengaged, and soft and not fit to play the sport of hockey..... So.... which one.... Terry comes in and says... I am with you boys.. relax we can solve this... lets take the day off you guys got this... no crazy moves are gonna happen.... Now if the gripping the stick to tight scenario was the problem you have a more relaxed team just going out and playing free and having fun... I think we got our answer... team was like wooooo hoooo no changes we can continue to country club it for a bit longer.... OR they literally became more demoralized because there is no change on the way and they are begging for it..... either of the last two is a horrific situation. Pegula must be proud !
  13. Agreed here... the way this team is built and has been built for years is completely incompatible with playing the sport of Hockey.. and no... we dont need to go pull Jon Scott out of retirement... there needs to be a cavalcade of players that are willing to go into the difficult areas and play a difficult sport... there needs to be a cavalcade of players that are willing to make difficult areas for the other team to go into... and in the end... we havent seen the attritive nasty grind that is hockey in the latter portion of the year when teams really elevate their nasty sacrifice your body type of play.... as for the playoffs... I just laugh, I cannot imagine a team this soft entering a playoff arena and not ending up with several players a game either in the hospital or with PTSD... they wouldnt win a game... they wouldnt even remotely understand what it takes to win a game in the playoffs... maybe Zucker or Malenstyn but after that... who? Greenway if he is not injured again...?
  14. This is entirely possible... I would definately say dont draft a college kid... cause they aint coming here...
  15. and he identifies, hires and retains those who are in charge of building the team and creating the over all vision and plan... so while I totally understand and validate your point that this isnt Pegula on the ice and creating the hockey vision he Presides over it... watches it... and has to accept it. My thing is how can anyone look at this team their make up, their results, and their regression or lack of progress year after year and not come to the conclusion that hiring incompetent yes men that you were fans of is not working... How he got to be a billionaire is honestly puzzling... unless he runs his other operations more like the Bills...
  16. I think he is trying to teach them to play hockey... he has done far better with worse talent... I think your statement of they are completely incapable is 100% on... there is nothing Ruff can do with this dystopian, lazy, heartless, gutless, bunch of embarrassing insults to the sport of hockey... they are not hockey players and they dont want to play hockey. they are perimeter playing figure skaters who want nothing more than to feel the breeze in their hair when they skate and score pretty goals from the outside the faceoff circles... no one could do anything with this mix of players... back to Adams and his abject and utter willful incompetence.
  17. Definitely Drury fits this bill, quite honestly, I can only hope that this is part of the plan. Laviolette is an interesting name, but he didnt play for the Sabres and he isnt from Pittsburgh so that isnt likely, Peca is more in line with what TP would do... but quite honestly, my expectation from him is he either does nothing... or just rinse wash repeat his hiring and staffing formula for this team... like... Move Adams to Special advisor to the owner... Bump Ruff to GM and promote Appert.
  18. You are correct and in all honesty as a manager of a large team of people I know what you say to be true. So if I am honest I bag skate them cause it would make me feel better cause I am pissed. So there... there is the truth lol as bad as it sounds for me I would relish making them puke...
  19. Archie he might be the next coming of Scotty Bowman I just don't know... i do know this... he is part of the organization that I deem especially after this game literally worse than the NY Jets as the most inept in all of the history of pro sports... so maybe he is awesome but I just want to rid this team of the stench that this inept soul sucking cesspool has become
  20. I don't disagree in concept. But rewarding lack of effort and unprecedented failure is not where i would be i would bag skate em
  21. That's a really good question i mean literally I would be ok with using Athlon sports magazine mock drafts to pick over adams. But quite honestly I am hoping for more i fear Karamonos would just perpetuate the same pathetic culture we have seen for 14 years only we will have to wait another 3 years for him to get fired and begin the rebuild 17 years out of the playoffs but in a vacuum I would take a dying sheep over Adams
  22. So Pegula Flys in to talk to the team... gives a vote of confidence to the abject buffoons running the FO. Tells them they have his confidence and the answer is in the room... their response is an absolute beat down from the "former" worst team in the conference.... i think we have our answer ... they have given up on this entire organization and are begging for a change or to be moved out of this hell hole.... where is Idemo?
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