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Everything posted by HILLsabre

  1. I wasn't paying close attention... couldn't tell they were even on the power play!!
  2. Hard to believe we don't have anybody in Rochester better than Mule!
  3. Tuch is a second liner on any play off team. You've drank the sabre Kool aid if you believe he belongs on a top line. Don't let the standards slide because this is the best we have now. I like him...just not on the top line of a team going for the cup!
  4. I think Tuch and Zucker make decent 2nd liners, but If Tage is centering top line we need some absolute finish guys on the wings. But My point was we have a lot of young potential line 1/2 guys DOWN the road, but they can't play that 3/4 line skill set now or maybe ever! Kulich, Rousek, Quinn, Kozak, Rosen....Benson and Paterka are far from their potential as well. I agree we know what we have with Cozens. It's time to make some moves! No we can't solve it all tomorrow at the deadline, but get the ball rolling, have a future plan, what are we waiting for?
  5. Thanks for all your input folks! Some of you have hit on the fact that we just don't have legit top line players...a bunch of 3 and 4th liners, but at least three fellas short on the top two lines. So why not suck it up , take some of these 3rd liners that are, (yes still young,) and a few prospects and futures acquired from trade deadline, and fill a hole or two? Go after the line 1 stars in the off season. I think the front office is SO snake bit they're afraid to make some serious moves with all these prospects piling up. They've got the "yeah buts " and the "what ifs." Make a move because this is not working. How could KA think that releasing Skinner (top 6 player) and sign a bunch of 3/4th line players be considered progress? Another example is Eichel trade. In return we got nothing legitimate for top 6. Instead the hole was filled with youngsters and Tuch who is at best a 2nd liner. 3/4th liners have continually been plopped into top 6 positions under KA and failed to produce because they don't have the skill set or just too young. Time to go all in. Pull the trigger. You know what they say when it's too hot in the kitchen.
  6. You mean just like Montreal, Ottawa, Detroit, NJ, and yes Toronto all gone through rebuilds during our 14 year fiasco!!!?
  7. Not so sure about ridiculous. Do you realize that the VAST majority of professional hockey players have never played in a season where the Buffalo Sabres were playoff participants? So just how does this impact trying to sign veteran players that could make a difference here? The Sabres are not even in their thinking or consideration. Maybe Not ridiculous, but sad for sure.
  8. Dahlin takes far too many stupid penalties at the wrong time ...not that this team can afford to take any stupid penalties at any time!!!
  9. What do these guys do all day? Play slap A$$??? Where are their heads??
  10. Had Lindy taken a time out yet? I just tuned in. If not, what is he waiting for? Time to chew some a$$!!!
  11. Yeah, I've stated this over and over that the Sabres are working backwards. They continually are a #1 forward line short and continue to play 2nd and 3rd liners as top liners. THEN, they move those "top liners" on to have success else where because they have plenty of support. THEN the Sabres again repeat the process over again replacing the departed with sub #1 line young prospect players from within or acquiring vets cast off thinking they can regain their former performance from the past. It's a depressing formula for those players caught in the cycle.
  12. Why is there no interest in setting up in the offensive zone tonight? They showed it against Anaheim. It's run and gun hockey!
  13. I really thought Lindy would have had a bigger impact on tightening up this teams defense. Defensively this team is a train wreck!
  14. Well, the annual "fleece the Sabres day" is fast approaching...been waiting for this since Christmas! Anyone looking into their crystal ball?
  15. Of course they're playing lights out, play offs out of reach, it's trade deadline approaching! Best darn March/April team around!🫣 And management will say "look we're so close, we don't need to make changes."
  16. You gotta go with Jump n jack flash by the Stones for Jack Quinn!
  17. Boy, at least this fiasco of a game didn't happen last game on Rob Ray Hall of Fame night.
  18. Disagree...not as much talent as everyone wants to believe. Proof is in the pudding!
  19. I think they should be thankful anyone would WANT to where the C. Would you want to represent this group and what they've accomplished and come to represent? Perhaps Dahlin should think if anyone else could do a better job and make a better impact on these mental midgets!98
  20. This needs to become much more prevalent at home games. Worked for the New Orleans Saints for quite awhile...melon heads for the LA Rams as well. I like it!!!
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