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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I pretty much agree with this. That being said, they really couldn't let Skinner walk because of the optics of the ROR situation (feels to me a lot like not letting Vanek go to Edmonton for 4 firsts because we'd lost Drury and Briere). It's just another in a long line of bizarre decisions by this franchise. It's about a 95% guarantee that we're going to regret the last 3-4 years of this deal. Hopefully the first 4-5 make it worthwhile.
  2. Jalen Ramsey would have as much success in hockey as CM Punk had in the UFC. I would pay a small amount of money to see Lucic run him.
  3. The question that comes to mind every time I see that friggin' abortion is: "What were the logos that didn't win?" I wish a great artist with a sense of humor would take that on as a challenge.
  4. I don't think it is. The Red Wings never had any problem getting players to Detroit when they were the class of the league and the city of Detroit is an absolute hole. With the Pegula's dough, a first class organization (which we pretty much already have), and a team that consistently wins, "Because Buffalo" becomes a pretty tiny problem.
  5. BMG/Columbia Music (13 tapes for $.01!) Book Club Transmission humps Riding in the back of station wagons/pickup trucks Sunday Night Disney Evil Knievel (the dude and the toys)
  6. They're going to find out soon enough that it's not the early '90s anymore.
  7. Why wouldn't it be? Nashville's travel schedule is BRUTAL. It's great city and would be a tremendous place for a young dude but being a Western Conference team from TENNESSEE would suck out loud.
  8. Why? We have a billionaire owner and world class facilities. If the Bufallo Sabres want to sign a player, unless the player really wants to be somewhere else, he's staying. This is a different owner, GM, and time.
  9. $68 million wouldn't get you a NFL stadium parking lot. The difference with small indoor arenas is they are so multipurpose and don't cost a ton of money just to open up. Imagine the electrical budget for an indoor NFL stadium to turn the lights on to have an RV or sportsman show versus a 10-20k arena to do the same thing. NFL stadiums just aren't good for anything realistic because they cost so flipping much to operate. Sure you can have the occasional rock concert or bowl game in addition but what about the other 350 days a year where taxpayers are just throwing precious dollars into an endless black hole? Our societal priorities are just whacked the eff out. There's no way you're getting an NFL stadium for even close to that amount now. Lucas Oil is 8 years old and cost over $700MM. I'd venture to guess the cheapest is going to be right at a Billion Dollars.
  10. I don't. The country's infrastructure is crumbling around us and the NFL wants multi-billion dollar entertainment complexes built for them that will be used 10 days a year. I have no issue with the taxpayer funding infrastructure improvements around these buildings (appropriate roads, drainage, etc) but giving these incredibly rich people free tax payer money while our schools and roads are falling further behind is ludicrous.
  11. Backes has already turned down $5.5M for 3, wanting more and a longer deal. He's a very good player - unselfish as hell with maximum effort every night but at 32 there's no way he's worth what some franchise is going to give him. While his grit and toughness would certainly help this organization, it just doesn't seem smart to be paying a 35/36 year old guy that kinda dough when there will be guys needing their first big deal right about the same time he's hitting the wall.
  12. That 3-way passing play the ended with a GWG by Schwartz was spectacular. Doesn't get much better than that.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6gXL7EShs&nohtml5=False
  14. While MB was certainly important to the Devils' success, those Cup winning teams were absolutely loaded with talent.
  15. I'm pretty sure it started on an April night, not so long ago...
  16. He's not playing for a contract this season so we'll see if his production continues or if the frustrating floater we grew to know shows up more often...
  17. I doubt Kekelainen doesn't match any reasonable offer. That dude has his stuff together.
  18. He did a very good interview with the press. Impressive for a kid his age.
  19. Born in Chicago. That threw me a little.
  20. Remember when the Red Sox won the World Series and all they talked about was how close the team was because everyone shaved together every morning? Friggin' suits.
  21. Carolina is 3-2-1 in their last six. Columbus is 9-1.
  22. That'll teach anyone to score 2 goals in a game and screw up the tank.
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