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Posts posted by Demoted

  1. Anyone young out there looking for a future, think about learning how to fix the machines that are going to take the jobs from many people. When these fast food restaurants start to implement machines they will need a regional technician to fix, update, and program said machines. My buddy is a CEO for a large company who is already looking at hiring for this purpose saying in the next 5-10 years many places will need minimal staffing with a 1-2 local technicians to service said areas.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Sabre The Cup said:

    Pretty obvious everything is for sale. From the Bills to the Nighthawks to the tiny little hockey team with a 13 year playoff drought somewhere in between. 

    As for speaking up for private equity, Pegula is even more incompetent than I realized. Or heartless. Maybe both. 

    Well Kim was the biggest part of the Bills and she no longer can do that. That seems to be a big reason for his lost interest. So you can say heartless but maybe it's b.c his heart is broken is why it's happening.

  3. 11 hours ago, SDS said:

    I think you would need to compare this to the other teams in the league. I seriously doubt that this is uncommon.

    It is uncommon b.c the Sabres are the only team that hasn't made the playoffs in 13 years. Sabres share the longest current sports playoff drought in American Sports with the Jets.

  4. 17 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    As pessimistic as I might come off, I never think this way. Even running everything back (they won't; things always change; 19 yo Benson is not 18 yo Benson). They could be a very good team. We are not used to it of late, but pro sports is full of could be's. Really we're just pining for the playoffs, and this team has been reasonably close. They can't miss again. They really can't.

    "Pro sports is full of could be's" and the a Sabres are an exception of "never will be"

    They got this guy right where they want him. Hard to tell if you are trolling or not b.c you probably said the exact same thing last season.

  5. Biggest Sabres issue... Terry Pegula.

    7 hours ago, inkman said:

    How so many people exonerate the players is beyond comprehension.  I’ve lost faith in Granato and Adams but to think a different guy with different words is going to make them a Stanley Cup contender is baffling.  Do fans want coaches to bench Tage and Dahlin?  Put Rousek and Ryan Johnson in their place?  Or does the mean coach have to make them skate harder in practice?  Is that going to light a fire under players who can’t be bothered to be ready to play in the National Hockey League? The team is rotten to its core. They all need to go.  No one person is going to make them a serious team. 

    I bet a different coach would have them in the playoffs which is the first step into the Stanly cup... Granato cannot even get that far.

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