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Everything posted by Demoted

  1. I would need proof of this before I started going crazy. As of right now the only thing I can say about KA is he's just a bad GM.
  2. So you are saying Daglin might get to hoist the cup?
  3. I don't think the GM knows how to do things properly.
  4. How long until he is NHL ready? 5 years?
  5. Do it, not like people don't hate every announcer for one reason or another.
  6. He is happy and you are miserable. I say he won this round and every round you complain about him in.
  7. I heard from here that no one watches Florida hockey.
  8. I know 2 people that are just not happy at all and they are on this forum.
  9. He is happier than you are, that's for sure. And EVERYONE is happier than @PASabreFan
  10. Sabres have the best farm team in the league.
  11. Conflict? It's a preseason game, there is no conflict.
  12. Yea I don't know why it did that. Might have been text to speech problem. I know you don't want to hear that b.c your post seems like I angered you.
  13. You are not talking like it's your opinion. I don't have an opinion. I just have facts. They have gained almost 14% yearly since COVID. They had the fourth highest attendance rating this season 96.8% And since COVID they have the largest attendance gain of any team. Stop thinking like the Sabres are any superior fan base, just an embarrassment. Meanwhile Sabres cannot even give tickets away.
  14. So crazy to see people's personal narratives they just let loose on the internet.
  15. Isn't that what Farm teams are supposed to do? You build a player up and send them off to play well for a better team.
  16. NHL trades are about as hot as an ice cube.
  17. Sabres Farm Team for other NHL teams.
  18. Even Oiler fans want it to be over.
  19. You can say that with certain fans as well.
  20. So b.c he is selling his house is the OPs reason to not resign him? Sabres being bad has destroyed the brains of Sabres fans.
  21. Buffalo is the team that sends those players to other teams not the other way around. Sabres are a farm team for other NHL teams.
  22. Winning 3-0 and saying they snuck one out. Yea Panthers in 4, even at their worst they win easily. Edmonton forgot you need to score goals to win and decided to just play well on the ice between the goals.
  23. The people that spew hate on social media are just doing it bmc they hate themselves in real life. It is nothing more than that.
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