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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. People who didn't grow up in this area don't know what they were missing with the HNIC games growing up as a kid...freaking loved watching them with my Dad even when the Sabres weren't playing.
  2. Power and Mule were awesome last night together. Why would you break that up?
  3. I was worried for a second he might have had a stroke like Murphy did or something when I saw Howard Simon with Biron last night... Good to hear he is almost back
  4. Quinn along with Mittelstadt was oftentimes our best forward down the stretch last year. Come all without... Come all within... You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn!
  5. They didn't win that on goaltending. Ullmark made far more tough saves than Levi did on the night. The Bruins were being outshot 22-6 at one point in the 2nd period
  6. They ended up having a pretty good chance and actually kicked the crap out of the Bruins on their home ice. Shockingly.
  7. Who is this team and what have they done with the Sabres??
  8. I am sick and tired of this team disrespecting the fans, especially the ones who pay a lot of money to go watch them in person or own season tickets, the jersey they wear, the city, and honestly themselves and their profession as hockey players. DG and KA talk about how they are a young team and they need to learn from situations like these. OK fine...how many times do you have to keep making the same freaking mistakes to learn from it? You've been playing hockey you're entire life. How hard is it to show up at the start of a game ready to play? That's something you learn in Pee-Wee. How can you constantly go down 2,3,4-0 by the end of the first period night after night? Do they realize it's OK to score first? Or tie the game and not go down huge after the other team scores first? How the hell can the team be so unprepared, so unready to play night after night, game after game and they just apparently don't even care because they continue to do it the next game. And then to talk about how the fans are so important and how they have such a connection with the city and want to earn them back in the building? Are you freaking kidding me? They DISRESPECT THEM EVERY NIGHT IN THEIR HOME RINK!!! How can we be so important if they think it's OK to go out and play like @ss in front of them every night? Make these people flush their hard earned money down the toilet night after night to watch this utter crap? Act like they are out for a leisurely skate while the other team piles up goals? They think these people want to watch this hot garbage game after game? Where is the F***ING PRIDE in representing us? In the jersey? In the city? In your goddamned selves? How does any of those players think this type of performance night after night is acceptable? Are they actively trying to get Granato canned? Because that's what they are playing like. I'm just so sick of it! I don't care if they are young and learning. It doesn't take ANY SKILL to go out and play hard. Show some effort. Stop getting your @sses handed to you on a nightly basis and being outworked and out hustled to every loose puck and every area of the ice. People loved Ted Nolan because while he might not have been the best X's and O's coach, we had the "hardest working team in hockey" and made a damn Cup Final with Hasek and really nobody. This team thinks they connect with us? Don't they know the ONE thing we want to see if them working hard like the people of this city do every day? Go out and put forth a blue collar effort? And they sh!t us on every night, game after game and can't even do that? That they think they can make up for 40 minutes of not trying with 20 of playing hard? Why is it they only feel the need to play like that after the coach eviscerates them in the locker room at the end of the 2nd? They couldn't play like that from the start of the game? I mean come on! There is NO WAY a team with this much talent on it should be playing like this. Honestly F this team right now. They don't represent anything this city stands for and they better get their heads out of their ***** because they are in real danger of having fans turn on them in a pretty bad way if it doesn't improve and improve fast. There is no excuse for what we have seen all too often this season. A disinterested team that simply doesn't care and doesn't respect the fans, the city, the jersey, the game or themselves. And there is a word for these type of people where I grew up and we called them punks. /RANT
  9. So tired of this team only playing once they are down 3 or 4-0. Do they realize it's OK to actually score the first goal of the game and they won't be penalized for it? That it's actually a good thing? Do they realize that once they give up 1 goal to start the game they can actually come back to tie it and don't have to give up 2 or 3 more in a row? What the hell is this teams plan coming into games at this point? Just skate around and do nothing until you are down 4-0 and then try and come back? Why can't the players be accountable to themselves and each other to be ready to play in the first period when the game starts? When does Granato step in and actually stop being Mr. Nice Guy and start blasting them? This season is turning into a giant sh!t show and it's unacceptable for a team with this much young talent on it.
  10. Guess I get to have the rest of my night back again in the first period 2 nights in a row. Pathetic. Granato needs to go, his message isn't getting thru.
  11. When are these players going to start taking accountability for their sh!tty play? They are out there skating around like they DGAF.
  12. F**k this team. They don't deserve me watching at this point. I'm done with this game.
  13. Another terrible defensive play that allows a wide open shot on a nothing rush. Sabres are best team in the NHL at turning harmless chances into high danger ones at the drop of a hat.
  14. That doesn't even count the at least 3 posts/crossbars they hit.
  15. Blues got really lucky if we are being honest tonight. Sabre goaltending and defensive play wasnt great but the Sabres dominated them for much of the game and missed breakways, wide open tap ins and other odd man rushes that should have equalled at least a tie game...outshout them 45-20 and also hit at least 3 posts/crossbars. Sabres might not have deserved to win but neither did Saint Louis based on how badly they got outplayed most of the game.
  16. They had been for a while and it caused their own offense to dry up and they went from the 2nd or 3rd highest scoring team last year to the 26th highest scoring team this year... Then they seemingly went more run and gun and now it's gotten way too loose goosey this game. Wouldn't be so bad if they actually scored on any of their 10 really great chances off of them tho, we would be in like a 6-5 or 6-6 game.
  17. 6 goals on 17 shots is inexcusable. Sabres have 36.
  18. With a halfway decent goalie performance tonight we are likely tied at worst.
  19. We get 10 chances and no goals, they get 3 and 2 goals. Can't win like that.
  20. Sabres could easily be winning this game with all the chances and shots they have had...Blues have a ridiculous 5 goals on 13 shots, Sabres have 3 on 30... And half have been Grade A chances.
  21. How the hell do you miss that Casey!!?!?!! Saint Louis is scoring some silly goals and Mittelstadt misses a wide open tap in of a slow moving puck.
  22. WTF...c'mon guys, why work that hard if you are going to allow them to do this again?
  23. If they keep this up they are going to win like 8-4
  24. I'm going to will it into existence it's perfect hahaha
  25. More like interviewing people while the game is going on and had one Blues goal and a Sabres goal and they are oblivious to it and still going on with the interviews and no mention of the goals just scored.
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